Will you start dating asian girls when you finally make it with crypto?

Will you start dating asian girls when you finally make it with crypto?

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Native American for us future crypto kings

It's a crapshoot. I don't want a hapa son but hapa daughters are fine.

why tho?
i think they look fine as well

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I have a japanese girlfriend, just feels like a better investment than a typical pump and dump

you can select embryos nowadays, you know

Currently seeing three Asians

where are you, the food court?


I already did it 7 years ago, I married one before I made it.

dont wait user, do it now

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No, when I make it with crypto I'm fucking off somewhere secluded and living the rest of my days like a wizard

Elliot Rodger

Yes and she will be like 5'2 with G cup tits


Absolutely not.

Will not be propagating the genes of the Mongoloid menace.

As if there aren't enough of them already.

Pure Hunter Gatherer genes Polish gf for me.

i'll track my worst korean gf on AERGO's blockchain

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>Asian girls
No thanks, I prefer their boys

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wasnt he half jewish?

digits confirm

Is that bae suzy

Fucking chekt
His dad was a Brit though he cod have been a Jew Bong. I've already got Jew in my blood (half Jew half Mick), so yeah, I probably shouldn't be racemixing

No. I've dealt with enough trash parents that sit on their ass and think they're entitled to a substantial part of my wealth because I'm fucking their daughter and I hear Asian families are even worse with that. Remember this, recognize when it's happening, and eject yourself out of any situation where you even get a whiff of it occurring: the wealthier you get, the bigger the dreams get of everyone else around you.

Old money WASP types would never accept someone from my upbringing. Who the fuck are we supposed to date after getting rich?

was for you


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wrong image

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Asian girls are fallback plans for when you don't make it

why wouldnt you tell them? they will think you are a typical nerd weeaboo (that you are) but store wealth on blockchains and cash out whats needed


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I might pump-and-dump a few, but that's it.

Care to post one who does?

> zero ass
> zero breasts
> brown nipples
Im sorry, no amount of femininity and devotion can overcome these for me.


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didnt wait

But look at her flawlessly pale smooth skin. It's like fucking a porcelain doll.

have fun with your roasties

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No, I'll probably spend all my time drowning in slutty e-thots.

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Im not denying asian girls have much nicer personalities, but i just couldn't be with a girl whose body physically revolts me.

>mfw the hapa I've had a crush all my life has had a shitload of guys with bad experiences
>now living in another country
>know for a fact she loves to fuck
I can't cope

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what does the product of a hapa and a white look like?


Poles were raped by Mongols you retard

pure asian, never. ugly af without their makeup, even more than western roasties.

asian hapa girl? definitely. they're cute.

pure chinks are awful.

manlet whiteys kek

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you incels are so fucking deluded about your precious waifus its not even funny

asians are hands down the most casual whores I've ever encountered. Japs, chinks, gooks, malaysians, burmese girls. They are always initiating kiss/sex during our dates, and regularly cheat on their boyfriends without any semblance of consciousness. Don't get me wrong, their submissiveness is top tier, but stop romanticizing.

Which race is the best investment biz? I only purch

cringe and bluepilled

I would unironically lick cum dripping out of her cunt dumped from another man. I just want to be with her.

thats because you don't properly do them

Kek konfirms this kostly kombination!

I only date asians. Cucking asian men is one of the most satisfying feelings in the whole entire world, knowing that those manlets won't do anything because they're beta males.


One are smoking hawt. (Mostly the ones that aren't land whales.)

no they are fugly

Get a load of this brainlet.

But Ukrainians are absolutely 100% Mongoloids.

>I only date asians.


Imagine their good smell

>Cucking asian men is one of the most satisfying feelings in the whole entire world, knowing that those manlets won't do anything because they're beta males.
disgusting faggot, stop talking shit about the males if you date the women. Probably over 90% of asian men could beat the shit out of you if they wanted to

t. white man that is dating asian girl

go back to plebbit with this subtle brag shit you absolute faggot

>knowing that those manlets won't do anything because they're beta males
That's because their busy taking your high paying stem jobs first, then real estate property, then your women. Even more satisfying.

And after they have worked hard to accomplish all of that, their wife will still cheat on them with a poor white chad if given the opportunity. Microdick matters.

Why yes I date asian women, how did you know

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Doesn't actually happen in real life unless the relationship is actually unhealthy just like with any shitty relationships, you're either fantasizing too much because of watching too much porn or that Asian is a non chinese, korean, japanese.

I'm an Asian man and I date Black girls

I've fucked almost an entire family of Asians before. This was in the Philippines.

1) the 18 year old daughter, this all started with her. she was dtf a foreigner. 1 hour after meeting her I was barebacking her in my bed.
2) her 22 yo sister that I met while "dating" the 18 year old, she went behind her sisters back to get my creampie. Sister eventually found out. Drama....but we still fucked regularly.
3)the gay brother who was a ladyboy, sucked my dick and swallowed. Fucked him in the ass since he begged for it. Looked a lot like his sisters. 39kg and 5' 2". Prostate orgasm from being pounded. Pretty cute.
4)the 45 yo mom. I had known all of them for about two years at this point and she was well aware of what I was doing to her daughters. I seduced her and came inside of her.
5) the 35 yo aunt. I got her pregnant since she lived like 10minutes away and came over every day after he work to fuck and get a creampie. She was surprised she got pregnant (again). I wasn't. My kid from her is 4 years old now.
6) aunt 2. Met me through aunt 1. I fucked her while aunt 1 was in the other room. She knew. Begged me to cum inside of her. Had baby rabies since her sister was pregnant at the time and it was making her jealous.

Their other brother worked at sea on a ship so I couldn't get my hands on him. Dad was dead and probably rolling in his grave.


Very based



this is a good larp

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5/7 larp. Nice job.

Based larp poster.

Kek props user

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I’ll have Asian pussy worshipping my white dick all day and night, I don’t even need to get rich cause Asian girls are already addicted to white cock!

For me it’s a traditional Russian waifu

you're gonna have an asian son lol

hot asian women are the ultimate prize. white women can't compete

This is my problem. I mostly date asian women as I find them to be the smartest and most attractive but I don't want a hapa son... but I also don't really want kids at all so maybe I'll just get a vasectomy and problem solved.

If you don’t have it now then you never will

you are a good person

This guy gets it

>Dad was dead and probably rolling in his grave.

Should have fucked him too.

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You're kinda cucking yourself because your offspring will have no offspring.

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No, white girls are so much better. Pic related.

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