Can I quit my job yet?

Can I quit my job yet?

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How much COSS do you have?

only after you profit US$100k in crypto.

And then what?

Live off bank % in a third world country for the rest of your life.

I have $100k rn in crypto but I wont start cashing out til $500k.

God I want to quit so fucking badly and I might actually do it its fucking sickening here, people turn up if they feel like it and no ones held accountable for not doing a fucking job except me. The other KP is a piece of shit who does as little as possible and looks like a faggot. Refuses to put some basic fucking laundry on at the end of his shift,it's literally bung it in and press 4 buttons. Management refuses to do anything about it even though they witness his cantbarsed behavior first hand.

Lol that's less than $5000 p.a. after inflation. I guess if you want to live like an actual third worlder it's fine.

Quitting in 34 days bros.. im going to make it

There are back instruments that allow you to have 10-15% a year. It's more than enough to live comfy in Thailand, eat fruits and couple times a week go to a massage place to get your balls sucked. There is a Russian blogger who lives exactly like this for the last 5 years.

man i think im quitting my job soon...
am 32 and making 170k a year right now, but i think i just need a break and will take a year off or so.

Im 28 making $40k my job literally amounts to nothing. Skilless govt work. Im just rotting away here for a paycheck.

You always can

Interesting, user. I'm looking for fixed income investments myself, but 10%+ seems unsustainable, even in my high interest rate economy. One bad year and you're back to wagecucking.

You got the name of this Russian guy?

What do you do. I'm a couple of years out of graduating in accounting and I have to bust my ass to make the same amount.

I browse biz mostly.

Tonight you can ;^)

Here's his channel. All I could get from his videos is that he sold his apartment in Russia and with that money did stock investments and made a small autonomous news site about economics by buying articles from freelancers. He's not living a rich life but it still seems pretty comfy.

fuck accounting. fuck big4. fuck this shit. they are treating you as cattle slaves.

Just a tiny bit better than low level grunts

Hold your fucking horses, Rockfeller. I am aiming towards 2000 uncle sams year.

yes, if you got a noose tied to your neck

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