If you hire movers, have a lot of stuff and dont tip

Then you are a huge piece of shit, and I hope you suffer greatly before you die.

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The whole concept of tipping is retarded. If you want to be paid more money, ask for more money upfront. Expecting someone to give you more afterwards is just dumb and shouldn't be a thing.

Or maybe you should've done a better job, been more polite, went the extra mile instead of just doing what's in the job description. Tips for just doing your job are retarded.

Hell yeah dude i'm way more motivated to give you free money now that you've wished death on me

Great customer service skills

You're all pieces of shit.

Thanks for the twitter rant, retard. Now go and neck yourself.

>tipping movers

Move my dragon dildos wagie

>moving tippers

get a job where you dont depend on people giving you a tip

Rage harder, you ill-mannered peasant. You get paid according to the voluntary agreement into which you entered.
If you don't like it, then do something else. There are literally thousands of other low-skilled, highly motivated people who could replace you.

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If you regret the amount you agreed to receive for your service then quit, faggot.

I'm starting to see why you're not getting tips.

Sure thing, let me just tip my doctor and my mailman and my waiter and my flight attendant and this cop and... and ... and..

I just moved a white couple and thought they would tip. Boy was I wrong

I thought this was advice at first.

>If you hire movers [then you should] have a lot of stuff and don't tip.
Seemed like standard Jow Forums advice.

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Maybe you should ask shekelberg for a raise instead faggot

Fuck that! The fee for the pod was like 13k or something ridiculous, i was this close to strangling them as it was

Got called weird and rude at work for saying I don't tip. Also got told to get back to work by a supervisor at a previous job after mentioning I don't tip while the others were allowed to slack off. Tfw live in what I suspect is the only country in the world tgat does tipping.

people are already paying thousands potentially for movers and you want a fucking tip too?

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kek. the issue is between you and your employer user. not you and the people you are moving. the people you are moving are paying a lot of money already....that you're not seeing it has nothing to do with their side of the arrangement. this isn't a tippable job you fucking cunt, you just need to ask for a raise like everyone else.

I moved last year and paid movers to do it. Most stress free move I ever made and will do it again if need be. Gave a generous tip too because I'm not a closed fisted prick, which I'd imagine would be popular here, with all the rampant anti-Jewish bigotry n shekels jokes/memes. Of course Biz is full of hot air and poverty.

Guarantee you didn't break any of my shit. Yeah, fuck you, that's what I thought, you cunt.

> I'm not a closed fisted prick, which I'd imagine would be popular here, with all the rampant anti-Jewish bigotry n shekels jokes/memes

explain the correlation, please. as it is it just seems like you equate distrusting jewish values with being a bad person in general, which obviously makes no sense at all. let's hear your side of this.

I did it on purpose faggot, you know why? Because you're a piece of shit!!

ragie wagie lmfaoooooo

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What's with this tipping meme degeneracy? It's your fucking job so take my stuff and get it to my place. If they don't pay you enough then why are you working there?

Fren, my issue with people working in tipping industries is that they have been conditioned to direct their anger at customers who, inevitably, will not tip or undertip. Why not direct your anger productively towards an unjust system where business owners shift all their operating costs and risk onto you by a) not paying a good wage and b) insisting you make the bulk of your wage off of the good will of (unavoidably fickle) customers? Yes, I empathize with you in that under the current system, a customer not tipping is robbing you of hard earned wages. But why not demand fair (or good) pay? Why not organize with other workers and strike or walk out? Yes its a lot of work and short term suffering, but the tipping economy is just a fucked up way for businesses to make workers live more precariously and not have to pay them.

Why the fuck would I tip someone being paid a wage to perform a job task? Kill yourself fucking peasant.

Every few days you pricks take turns posting pics of watches that denote affluence on your fat, musculature free wrists. Take time to deride "wage cucks" and overall just generally be everything people of color say you ham colored cave dwellers are. And then can't even tip people who take one of the most stressful things people do, and make it a painless process. Can't pay a tip to a worthy worker, never post that shekel meme again then, you Perdue colored savage.

>how dare you hire me to do a job!
The post. If you didn't want to move other people's shit for a living you shouldn't have taken a job where you move other people's shit. And now you want a tip for doing your job? Here's a tip: get a better job. Bitch ass nigger.

>t. Seething 2 digit IQ mover

Tipping isn't a thing in the rest of the world you retarded Americunt. Blame your stupid fucking labor laws for allowing employers to cuck you

Did you not get tipped OP? I know you faggots here are poor as fuck but I didn't think there were literal MOVERS here, jeez.
Imagine picking stuff up and moving them as your job, how fucking dumb do you have to be?

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Lol but a tip generally comes at the end. Op confirmed prick.

Did you make eye contact and give them a firm handshake son?
.t - a boomer

lovely when fp is also bp

Just like the 2 weeks notice meme but they can drop you at the drop of a hat with no reprecussions.

1)take the payment for the movement
2)refuse to unload
3)say, you were paid to move not unload

Thats what I was thinking. Why the fuck would i hire movers in the first place if I don't have a lot of shit to move? Thats the part I don't understand about the complaint. I understand wanting a tip (why not get paid extra) but wanting an easy job from not moving much...

Somebody please make a wagecuck mover pic

I only tip them if they're white

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so you name price

I agree on price

You do Your job

I pay you negotiated price

I am peace of shit because I didnt payed you extra FOR DOING YOUR FUCKING JOB

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Only of you have absurd furniture and lied about it over the phone quote, yes.

This is at least understandable

>he works for 2 men and a truck
fucking loser get a real job you drug addict

Faggot i work for an independent, make 20 an hour, live with my parents. Fuck you.

>if you go to a doctor, have a lot of problems and don't tip...
>if you go to an account, have a lot of problems and don't tip...
>if you invite a plumber in, have a lot of problems and don't tip...
>if you contract an engineer, have a lot of problems and don't tip...


Is it not enough we already pay your fucking salary you grasping little toad?

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>21st century

>live with my parents
It shows

If you don't tip your bus driver or that guy you see taking out your garbage or the clerk in the grocery store, you are a piece of shit.

In fact you better be tipping every human you see that is doing his or her job.

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There's a restaurant called Serious Pie in Seattle, and they automatically add a 20% extra tip to your bill no matter what. If I order something that's $20, then I'll just leave $22 (10% tax) cash on the table and leave

>Agree to pay X for service Y
>Pay X as agreed upon within a enterprise
>Whine about the agreed price was payed


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lulz, you make 12/hr TOPS. an independent moving company will only be successful by competing heavily on price. more than likely you actually make 10/hr hence why youre so pissed about tips as they make up a large portion of your check

learn to code, faggot
>but i cant because my brain is all fucked up from the drugs
then get a new job nigger

I tip based on how much something costs. If it's a low price I tip more. If it's high, don't expect much.

OP is literally a ragie wagie. Get back to work goy!

I make 16 as a foreman for the moving company I work for. I'm not OP that claims he makes 20. They start at 12 here. I make commission on top. Maybe 1.2k a week

I cut customers breaks on cost if I think they will tip. Sometimes they don't uphold their end

isnt the american way to just hire mexicans and tip them in beer

Why is so hard for you to realize that the economy has never functioned that way. Minimum wage doesn't cover most anything and the employer pushes the living expenses on to the customer.

>commissions double your wage
yeah, no.

the worst thing about wagies is their incessant lying about their shit wage. its a coping mechanism. cognitive dissonance. an excuse for their sub-par intelligence and lack of motivation

It's how employers float the cost of labor to the customer.

Fuck that, movers cost $90 an hour where I live. That’s enough

I started at at 6am I might finish at midnight. I do that a lot

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We are $129. This customer now is doing full packing. She will probably pay over two grand to move a two bedroom apartment a couple miles

Ten wardrobe and ten dish pack so far. That's already $350

In the old days you had friends and family to help you move across town. Now you gotta hire help because you either don't know anyone or if you do have local friends/family they're gonna be too busy wage-cucking to help you.

I agree with your sentiment, but then on the flip side of that, business owners who don't take the tip credit are at a disadvantage since they can't offer competitive prices since their competitors save on labor. Consumers are also too poor or cheap to pay increased costs. Even if you remove tip credit laws the whole ecosystem is fucked already.

I just want to stop working!!! Im still fucking moving the same house since 10 am!!!!

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I tipped $100 to two movers who cleared out my apartment yesterday in about 5-6 hours - was this sufficient?

Murica is funny

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Yes, you are among the few who restore faith to humanity among the hopeless. Even 5$ is enough, its more the thought.

Get a real job.

Holy shit you are a fucking retard. 100 dollars really?

>paying for people to handle your things
no thanks, I rather rent a fucking truck and move my own things

I wish you could say that to me in person. I'd probably accidentally murder you from not being able to stop beating your stupid ass.

This is actually standard. If you can't afford this, don't hire movers.

You, are not a piece of shit.

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I love working for a freight company. Just moved 1000 miles away, moved all my shit, didn't cost me a nickel.

Ya I checked online ahead of time to make sure it wasn’t too little/ too much. I paid like $4100 for them to move my one bedroom apartment, what is $100 tip? Nothing, and they honestly did a good job esp with my computer server

Hell, if I get offered a bottled water I'm happy.

...but I also make a PT income over the course of a year from tips & free furniture I sell doing this.

Tip if they do a good job within the quoted time. We are not robots and a majority of people have unrealistic expectations. Try doing this all week & let me know how you feel after just a month.

15 year mover with no debt that owns a home, AMA.

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>nigger mentality
lulz you'll always be poor

What is the tip credit?

I don't think that the competition sentiment addresses the bigger picture. Legally recognizing tips as part of your paid wages should be abolished.

Tangent--- I'm sure plenty of people in the service industry would argue with that because it actually makes for great income in the right setting, for the right person. But I do know that is NOT across the board. You're lucky to be one of the people who makes a killing on tips but many people in many areas or businesses are not, especially people in restaurant back of house or those bussing tables. Depends on the tip distribution practices at the place, of course. But most often they're getting a lot less or none.

Back on topic, I wonder if it would be all that more expensive to the customer--- ideally the tip is simply absorbed by the increased costs at the business as the owner has to raise revenue to make up for fair wages. The only difference is that the "tip" is guaranteed now to the laborer. You can't have a customer stiff the worker, and if the worker does do a stellar job or the customer is a generous type that would normally have tipped a lot in a tipping economy, then there will probably be a good tip on top of the fair wage.

If I hire movers, its to move things, and I pay the price quoted and agreed upon up-front for the service that the moving company provides. If I'm going to tip a mover, it'll be because he did something extra, like provide interior design expertise to help me unpack my shit into the most aesthetically pleasing layout for the new space.

It's 11 here at night. Been working since six am. The truck ran out of diesel now lol

hehe you've got me blushing now.

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you're a literal Jow Forumslet who would most likely hurt his wrist by attempting to make a fist

You'll get your contract rates or you'll get your contract cancelled

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US mover here

Today i made more money than any of you cucks will ever make day trading cryptocurrency. Want to know something amazing though? I can hold it in my fucking hand, thats right i can count my dollars right in front of my face. I'm not playing around with pretend coins that don't have any impact on this world.

I started work at 5:00 AM today. I was able to move 3 boxes each giving me ~$3 per. I moved 3 pianos each giving me ~6$ each for 30 minutes of work. I find boxes that exist in every single customers house that i enter into. Even if its an old fucking boomer in their 70s who ruined our economy i dont care I love to move boxes.

You really need this box replaced!! It's looking really old and the bottom could fall out at any moment!!

Even though its completely fine i'll just bill them for a $9 box that was in perfect working condition.

The only way to get ahead in life is to fucking push your way around. So that's right today i made $12.59 US dollars. Meanwhile you fucking cucks are investing in digital garbage like "Bitbeans, Cuckbeans, Linkies, and GOGOS" Spamming your fucking cuck memes and losing money with your pink wojaks..

Why don't you use your brain for a minute and realise that the latest SEC securities news is going to crash all of your crypto world around you in the next few months. Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme that only profits for the original founders. You will never make as much money as me in the trades because you're too busy failing realizing the only way to get ahead in life is through hard work and ripping people off.

Enjoy staying poor idiots

that's illegal you dumb fuck
you will lose every cent you ever owned if you ever attempt this

>not having the tax included in the price

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>You really need this box replaced!! It's looking really old and the bottom could fall out at any moment!!
This is why I come to Jow Forums

>float the cost of labor to the customer.

This is already done by all businesses by charging a normal price without tipping.

The real purpose of tipping is to avoid payroll taxes.

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ragie wagie stomp your feets

>>If you hire movers, have a lot of stuff and don't tip.
Thanks for the advice, OP :^)
