Imagine working 16 hours a day like these wagies on a ship you can never leave

Meanwhile, I get paid over six figures to type on a computer, then go home and have sex with my gf.
Some people were just never meant to make it

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>imagine working


Imagine not eating in the officer's mess.

Imagine joining the Navy
Imagine joining the Navy to be a "food service specialist"

sounds pretty comfy desu

When your time is up you can join any hotel as a banquet chef. The experience serving thousands of people is helpful.
Beats dying for israel in a ditch

they're Culinary Specialists dumb dumb and they don't work 16 hour days

-Sincerely IT2

jokes on you. i make over six figures working on ships and fck new hookers in every port across the world

>Culinary Specialists
>Makes scrambled eggs, hashbrowns, and food barricades out of kale

Someone has to do it.

All of you fags looking down on these literal heroes should go kill yourselves. That girl has more balls than all you neets sitting here projecting your insecurities on an exotic tranny escort service forum.

a regular chef takes a few orders here and there. muh "Culinary Specialists" have to make 1500 breakfasts first thing in the morning on a rocking ship that could be sunk at any moment.
You're also forgetting how the "Culinary Specialists" have to deal with syphilis.

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What's the difference between a culinary specialist and a subway sandwich artist in a bad part of town? Both are about as dangerous, if the latter being more so because there's a higher possibility of being shot or robbed than the ship sinking. Literally anyone on that ship could do what they're doing from a culinary standpoint.

>muh "Culinary Specialists" have to make 1500 breakfasts first thing in the morning on a rocking ship that could be sunk at
Quantity doesn't make much difference. You still only have two hands and 60 minutes in an hour.

also these guys are the ones on the ship you wanna get in with, they control your food portions so if youre cool with them they'll be cool to you

I am more fascinated by the network/comms/electrical conduits and panels a few feet from the food serving area. just asking for the Culinary Specialist to slosh a pot of soup or something all over those panels... I mean they are on a ship in the ocean rocking back and forth after all

speaking of which how does the navy deal with sea sickness

Why is everybody starting a sentence with "imagine". Is this a meme that I don't know about. All's I know it's super duper cringe.

imagine you having sex

imagine being this new

Imagine the smell

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hawthorne nevada had a job posting for a pizza cook on base a little while ago. i applied months ago, but never heard back. i just wanna shove pizza in seamans' faces

that little marine cook chick is cute af. those milkers. some lucky devil dog is tappin that shit every night.

It started sometime mid-to-late last year (don't remember exact month) when somebody posted a pic of some brapper with the caption "imagine the stench."

It caught on instantly, spread to other boards, and is even picking up steam offsite (crypto Twitter especially). Started right here on Jow Forums though, and I was actually there for the original thread. Over the last few months it has gone parabolic and will probably crash soon. It will stick around to some extent, but we're definitely in an "imagine" bubble.

>quantity doesnt make much difference
>in the military

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He means quantity doesn't make the amount of work done much different for any single person, you just need more people or larger scale equipment. One person can only do so much bulk work with their own body. Not that doing such a high amount means nothing, but it's not as big a deal as you think.

Thats quite incorrect, because the simple fact of having more staff is managerial work in itself.
Also "just get more people" is something that doesnt happen all the fucking time

improve your tastes user

She's not bad at all. If she was allowed to have longer hair and wear something other than baggy cargo pants and a tucked in green shirt I'd find her pretty attractive.

Still when it comes to mass production, I'm sure you know it's not like making 1500 burgers is 10x harder than making 150 burgers. You do batch cooking in much higher amounts in bigass specialized machines that do the hardest part for you, there are techniques like spreading a billion scrambled eggs over a single surface to cook at once, you absolutely have to have more people to specialize and control their area, some quality has to be sacrificed for quantity, etc. But working in any kitchen especially being the only foodsource on an entire fucking ship is stressful shit I don't ever want to deal with.

Well actually 1500 is about 10x as hard as 150, because at 150 youre already mass producing.

What did he mean by this?

What kind of women are you into?

god damn that pic is based and high t as fuck

ok faggot
for starters, women who actually look like women

Sounds like a fucking horrible way to waste your life. But then again your job probably isn't that great either(except the pay). A wagie is a wagie.

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>decent tits
>probably a half-decent body under those standard issue clothes
>face could be better but not bad
Jesus Christ you fucking nigger I'm not saying she's a trophy but she's at least average even with the downsides of the uniform and hair regulations (which reminds me it's weird she doesn't have a hairnet, maybe it was off just for the video). Again if she was able to do the things I said she'd easily go up 1 or 2 points. Of course she might also be a massive shipwhore that I wouldn't want to get within 10 feet of at risk of catching gonorrhea.

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>for starters, women who actually look like women

Kek, you're too afraid to even describe what you like.

>decent tits
>half-decent body
>face not bad
It's okay. I understand. You're probably ugly and lack confidence. That's why you settle for women like that. She's probably 11/10 in your league.

Did I hit a soft spot?

How long have you been married with your pig man-looking bitch?

You do know there are IDs here right you stupid fuck? And it would help if you didn't try to samefag with posts literally 60 seconds apart.

>tfw no gf to be there for me and cook me a hot meal after a long day at work

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You've got issues, man. Go see a shrink.

Jesus, I wasn't samefagging. Stop being so defensive you faggot. Replying twice is samefagging now? Retard

ok faggot

You need to be over 18 to post here, kid.

ok retard

Have sex.

Then stop posting, loser.

You should.

says the cumstain who keeps replying

Why are you still talking, shit face?

>nah ah u!
>nah ah infinity plus 1

Why are you?


Why are you a loser?

I'm sure the loser is he who wifes a pig

You're just projecting. I bet your wife/girlfriend is a very ugly bitch.

>n-no it's you
What would you're wife do if she finds out that you're not proud of marrying a pig?

Keep on coping, shitskin.

>y-you're coping user!!!
>i-it's the best feeling marrying the l-loveliest of pigs!!