"college is a waste of money"

Explain this retarded meme. I graduated valedictorian, easily richest person from hs and despite being very academic don't actually enjoy education. However going to Berkely next year cause it's obviously a million times harder to get anywhere in life without it.

What do all these memetards actually do instead?

Attached: 1280px-UC_Berkeley_Campus_Image.jpg (1278x832, 290K)

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Trades, certs, start businesses, be NEETS, work minimum wage, etc.
Wide range of people that don't go to college and what they do instead. But the fact does remain that a lot of them would be doing the exact same things without college but years later and with 30k in debt.
College is a waste for the average person because they don't go to school for anything useful and school isn't useful even if the degree is. See: CS grads graduating that can't actually program and have no connections.

If you think doing well in high school and having some cash means you can just shit around Berkley and make it, you're in for a rude awakening. You still need a plan if you don't want to be getting told LEARN TO CODE in 4 years after you get your liberal arts degree and are looking for work as a freelance nu-journalist.

>Trades, be NEETS, work minimum wage
These are all awful
Like college but shittier
>Start businesses
Best option if you can actually do it... But the vast, vast majority of people can't

Not all of those listings were supposed to be glamorous. Really none of them were, they're just things that people do after high school. But that same list is things nearly 60% do out of college, too.

Literally just making shit up. I'd guess it's around 80 percent white collar wagie, 15 percent min wage/neet, 5 percent business

Obviously if you're in the top 20% you make $100k and it's easy mode. But if you go to college to make $50-60k it's not worth it because you will have no debt and start making money earlier, and with the promotions mean you'll be in the same spot but with experience. It's all situational

And not everyone has daddy's money to be rich out of college and focus 100% on the time in education and partying

user 56% of Americans that start college drop out and go back to that list of things. That's just the ones that never get a degree in the first place but still have the debt.
More than half of people that start college in the US don't finish.
Even when you do, most majors do not have starting salaries that outpace trades + experience.
You make more graduating high school and becoming an electrician's apprentice (45k first year, going up to 65k fourth year, then you "graduate" and become a journeyman making 70k a year) than you would with over half the degrees offered by colleges (no money at all those four years and starting at 45k a year after graduation, plus no work experience).
College is statistically not worth it for most Americans. Sure, it's a good deal if you go, finish, major in something useful, and minimize or nullify debt. But that's an increasingly rare phenomenon.

>user 56% of Americans that start college drop out and go back to that list of things.
Dropouts obviously aren't the same as graduates

>Even when you do, most majors do not have starting salaries that outpace trades + experience.
You make more graduating high school and becoming an electrician's apprentice (45k first year, going up to 65k fourth year, then you "graduate" and become a journeyman making 70k a year) than you would with over half the degrees offered by colleges (no money at all those four years and starting at 45k a year after graduation, plus no work experience).
Literally just wrong. Median income for the very best paying trades (all ages) is 55k... below (barely) the absolute crappiest college jobs like teacher

>College is statistically not worth it for most Americans
Completely fucking wrong if you finish

Attached: 1545927847424.png (405x478, 29K)

college is a worthwhile investment if you're going into medicine, law, the hard sciences, or engineering.

>trades are awful
This is why Mexicans live it here, worthless cucks like you ensure a never ending stream of honest work that pays enough to raise a senpai, then you turn around and complain about immigrants after bitxhing about how horrible it is to become a skilled tradesman.

We have more opportunity in America than all of our ancestors combined but despite this you choose to be apathetic and demoralized. Building things is what men are wired to do, be that organizations, systems or physical structures. But keep fooling yourself, however you should be aware that being practically useful in a sea of cucked soibois playing video games and shitposting is very fulfilling and gives you a reasonable venue through which to experience a full life(healthy interpersonal relationships, skill ladders and property ownership). I wish I had started earlier but it is never too late to drop your bullshit and get to work.

My friend has certs exclusively and makes over $20 an hour doing nothing and probably spent well under $1000 getting them. I'd say that's pretty good.

>Median income for the very best paying trades (all ages) is 55k

Lineman here. I don't know where these websites come up with this shit. I started out making above 55k, and made 136k last year and I'm not even in "the best" trade.

It's a government census, nothing more reliable than that.

Depends on the area. 20/hr in nyc is different than 20/hr in flyover

It's Berkeley you dumb faggot. Another off topic loser larppost. You know what to do boys.

University is for brainlets that pay to be taken seriously. It does help them succeed though. If your IQ is high then university is a waste of money. These institutions are antiquated in the time of the internet.

Have sex

>Explain this retarded meme.
Failures trying to keep people capable of at least some intelligent thought down. STEM is still hot, sure its not as hot as during the glory days of the 2000s (a newly minted C++ developer was paid $50/h right off the bat), but better than the alternatives. Crabs in a bucket basically

Somebody sticky this

user I literally got the wages for electrician's apprentice from the government's own state employment website, that's the pay rate. I'm right.
Not all trades pay that well so the average is lower, but it remains true that that trade (and others) are absolutely worth they pay + experience over paying 10k a year to have no experience until you graduate, if you graduate.
If you have a 56% chance of not finishing at all, and a 50% chance from finishing of not finishing in something useful, you have a sub-25% chance of your degree being worthwhile. It's not worth it, even if you finish, for most Americans. They get tossed into a management job they could've gotten anyway with work experience. The only reason it seems worth it is because people that never went in the first place also include people that were from families too poor to fund them taking out enormous loans and often too financially misinformed to look into trades, so they were going to remain low-income anyway.

This isn't to discourage anyone from going to college, but the days of "Walk in, get an affordable, bloat-free degree, and get afford a house a year after graduating" are over. You need a plan if you want to go to college, or you don't need to go at all.

Those days were over for 30 years now, what are you smoking lol? The reality of todays working world is that without the degree (and the debt as you correctly pointed out) you can't get your foot in the door, any door.

I know tons of people that do just fine in trades user. I've even met people that self-taught themselves and got developer jobs without any degree. If you think a degree is the only way not to be in poverty for life, you were sold on the same thing millions of kids that ironically do destroy their quality of life over were sold on.
College is not necessary to success. Full stop. It's a tool for success like any other.

get a college degree in STEM or business unless your parents are rich and you want to be a "starving" artist with a trust fund, or go into a trade. it's really that simple.

It's cope from brainlets who couldn't get into good schools because they had shit grades.

No surprise there is significant overlap between the "college is a meme" and the Jow Forums types.

Guess it depends on your major. I actually have a bachelors from UC Berkeley in art , and currently work at Home Depot

Nah but you see some idiot LARPING and telling you on Jow Forums he made 500k underwater welding is clearly representative of the trades as a whole.

Trades are a shit career.

Left college after a year, bought a house with money I made from a side business, started up a small company from my home, hired friends from hs, expanded, bought a second house, have a comfy life. I get a chuckle when people think their degree + debt is the only route. Its also a meme when people say "i cant start a business".

If I had taken the $50,000 in loans I took for college and tracked S&P 500, would have $198k right now.

What business?

If you're going for training for a specific occupation like doctor or engineer that need relevant certifications it's still worth it, and even with some of those there's a mountain of unemployed mooks in front of you. Everything else is a waste or obscene price gouging at best.

At first it was just a site with myspace layouts, then affiliate marketing, and then now just crypto.

>easily richest person from hs

Your parents are... not you, you fucking clown

it comes from businessmen