Can you trust this man?
Can you trust this man?
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I trust him with my crate of söylent
Why aren't you contributing? Do you not want decentralization?
you sure that isn't a female to male tranny? cuz I am like 90% sure it is
>If the soft cap is not met, all contributions will be refunded. We would interpret that as meaning the community doesn’t anticipate decentralization through independent nodes, and that Chainlink needs more time to mature before this next step can be taken.
Imagine being that condescendant with your community.
Faggots if your soft cap is not reached, it isn't because the ecosystem is not "mature enough", but rather because you are a bunch of literal whos that met each other through biz and the equity you are selling isn't guaranteed by a trustless architecture. We have to trust that you won't exitscam with our eth.
>wearing button up Vee Neck.
No, no you cannot.
This CLC bullshit is hilarious.
One of their team members sent a buy with 100ETH trying to pump up the hype.
This thing is going to flop. Hard.
I've been shitposting on his plebit threads and got banned.
I can't even gloat when it fails.
Thanks just bought 100k Timo
He looks very effeminate.
Fuck this pisses me off
And the rest of the community will interpret it justice
dude looks like he's sucked his fair share of cocks in his time
> having snakes in your belly because a dude swingtraded
Literally who and why should I give a fuck
What's the contribution address ?
nvm found it
Threw some eth, hoping for the top 50 so I'll have their API catalog instantly and work on reputation
idgaf about teemo
>allowing timo to withdraw ur linkies
> identity vetting in a trustless manner using the Chainlink network. However, this solution will not be available in the near future
gawd this guys are full of shit, not available on the near future coz they dont know wtf they are doing and they just want access to ur linkies b careful user
That is literally the only good pic of that basedfilled manlet.
>That is literally the only good pic of that basedfilled manlet
It's old (from his pokemon go fanclub days) and heavily filtered and shopped. Nowadays he looks more like a bloated version of Tyrion Lannister.
> Can you trust this link holder?
Is that elon musk's son?
Post it please, I wanna add up with you to see how many ETH they have collected since they were so useless they couldn't export a literal javascript code from a public repositories to track ETH collected
i dont trust anyone not even myself
The address that sent the 95.5 ETH is a Binance address.
Goes to show the IQ of the people giving to this project.
It shows how fucking dumb Timo and gang are if they're trying to hype their token sale.
The absolute state of CLC. It is too difficult and takes too many resources to put a bar with the raised ETH amount on their website. Imagine giving them your money.
Even just a manually updated fundraising progress tracker. TOO MUCH WORK
>Check transactions
>See this one 1.197911481594334 Ether
>Slightly chuckled
>Then realized it wasn't reverted
There is a major issue they haven't realized. They should have done like Jonny, limiting contributions to 0.04 multiples, otherwise it should be reverted. 1 CLC share is 0.04 ETH. There is people currently contributing numbers that don't match an automatic smart contract token distribution system.
I had my own reasons to not participate on their crowdsale, but still I thought their tech team was capable of executing this project. Even Dave and Tokenized, despite not being tech-guys are pretty smart and willing to help people on this ecosystem.
However, your pic related is absolutely discouraging and a source of actual concern for everyone getting involved on this project.
A guy that effeminate-looking must have a really hot sister.
Nigga, you didn't get the memo? We're fudding this one until done accumulating.
Don’t make fun of Timo, he is transitioning MtF.
The absolute state of CLC.
>It's harder than it sounds.
They're brainlets; Timo should stick to selling socks.
It's amazing how inept this entire project is.
I can't stop smiling at the absolute shit show.
He's done a really good R&D job hasn't he?
I think they deserve to raise the full 7 million now
>There is a major issue they haven't realized. They should have done like Jonny, limiting contributions to 0.04 multiples, otherwise it should be reverted. 1 CLC share is 0.04 ETH. There is people currently contributing numbers that don't match an automatic smart contract token distribution system.
I thought you were kidding but that transaction it's actually real
Whats the point of CLC is Linkpool exists
Accumulating what faggot
It's laughable.
Nobody is buying this shit, don't worry.
Just look at the address.
So I know for a fact that a Twitter group of a half dozen folks have decided to spend all their time talking shit on this project. What I honestly can't do is wrap my head around why.
Bitter because you didn't get in? Genuinely unhinged about swingtrading? Bored?
The FUD has been getting lower and lower quality, but the motivations behind this haven't become any clearer. It seems like angry white noise. I just don't get it.
>I am actually more technically proficient than a bunch of random jerkoffs asking for 4 million
Imagine thinking you have to limit how divizible tokenized equity is
LMAO they can't even make a half decent system with example from linkpool
Meme asides, Timo is actually a great guy. I hope new fags realize hating on Timo is just a joke like making fat Sergey jokes.
no he's unironically link judas
>Bitter because you didn't get in?
Fuck off, Timo.
It's still open and will be for two months.
You're not getting anyone's shekels.
Top kek
Linkpool only set that limit to put a cap on their gas fees for dividend payouts. CLC don't have to do this because they have a different dividend model.
But maybe you're just fudding, continue on if you are brave user
>expecting dividend
There's quite a bit you don't seem to get Timo
Waited a year for the first Linkpool one...