>short or die
Death it is, then
Short or die
Not to mention Bitcoin Dominance is at 55.8%. High dominance has always been the precusor to a dump
If we drop to 4200 then god help us all...we’ll fall all the way back to 2800...and that’s a conservative projection.
Pretty sure this week will be the top of this move... I'm just scared that we're gonna wick to 6.4k or something stupid like that before going down. Tread carefully fellow Bobo.
theres no stops on the train to 7700
cya when you long the top next month
monthly bullish af zoom out, just like the daily indicators been maxed for month, the whales are fucking short timeframe traders in the ass
I'm a huge bull but you are retarded if you think bitcoin is just going pump past $6k with no retracement. I am not selling, because I never sell. But I have a good amount of fiat saved up to buy the bottom again. Going to buy a good amount from $5k down to $3k the lower it goes the more I buy. I hope it goes to $3k again so I can stack up.
i did a small x100 short at 5715 there liq is at 5767, hopefully we dump back to 5k bobos
i will make 4.5k if we do :)) pls dump
b...b...bros... is this it?:')
its dumping!
Go you good thing!