One thing that bugs me is, I see you with your pepe comfy meme talking about wagies, but how the fuck do you guys survive in life.
you do know mommys basement isnt "comfy"ville
How do NEETS survive?
Other urls found in this thread:
Im still living off my 2017 bull run gains. Also, there are no basements in Florida.
Same. I have my own apartment, car, and a bunch of guns. Pretty comfy life to be honest
we are not telling your our secrets you massive retard
so youre just burning through your savings?!?!
Jelly desu, I saw the ETH shills and ignored them
Once you have 10 million you can spend 100k a year and live fine.
>taking memes seriously
they're probably teenagers still in high school you dumb fuck
yah i've got like $400 left. Idk what im gonna doooo. Probably start selling the expensive shit i bought and hope for a 10x
bought bitcoin in late 2013
played with alts in late 2017
sold everything once dead cat was confirmed in early 2018
took all my profits and went all-in on Holo during ICO
now I'm a neet
Most are probably INTP, and if you are INTP you can survive in a pile of dirt on a bottle of water and a slice of bread as long you have internet access and can just spend 18 hours a day researching and learning dumb shit or daydreaming.
Tru desu
this. we all have INTP and if we dont surround ourselves with normies we feel fine. all my normie friends put me down all the time now and I just want to chill :( If my parents kick me out id live in my car and work as little as I could to survive and trade crypto. 9 to 5 is hell
Disability for faked mental illness, selling my meds on the dark web, trust fund money that dad set up for me when I was a child , some passive income from eBay shit, etc. I have a variety of income sources and don’t have to wage
Mooching off their parents. Anyone who claims to receive checks from the government is LARPing.
I eat beans and rice in my moms basement and entertainment is free (Jow Forums and LoL). Workout by doing push ups and running outside, which is also free
Wish I had loving parents so I didn't have to wage it up
sounds like a very stunted life
Same. Live as a NEET with my parents and eat brown rice and lentils every day.
Sounds good to me!
Its not bad. Its what i would be doing anyway even if i had a job. My parents give allowance but i rarely spend it. Not materialistic at all
130+ IQ INTP’s have the capability to NEET proficiently, i for one have developed my own harmless scams and live a very minimalistic life, i throw all my earnings from scams into dividend stocks, and 10% into crypto and silver respectively. The only thing stopping you from exiting clownworld is your own imagination and ingenuity
This . However INTPs who can actually develope a work ethic and have goals can become God's
Can confirm. Am INTP. I can be researching and learning stuff on the internet all day
Most of them do fuck all and just stay inside playing vidya and watching anime. Which is fine if you are happy with that, but I'd fucking shoot myself. Did it for 3 months and almost went fucking insane.
I feel like in the space of 2 years of being NEET I've aquired more knowledge than I would have from 2 degrees just watching documentaries, reading books and wikipedia, Jow Forums, learning computing, marketing, history, philosophy, lifting.
this is the ultimate redpill.
everytime I stop working and take a break ( i usually work for 2 or 3 years then go on benifits for half a year or longer )
that's when I learn the most and grow the most.
not when I'm slaving.
True but I prefer something more comfy than dirt.
>faked mental illness
which one?
>developed my own harmless scams
Elaborate. I feel like I wouldn't be competition to you.
This. I've been doing the same since the bullrun and I'm content with things as long as I can sustain it long enough.
F-f-fuck y-you
I live in the penthouse of my moms building in DTLA. I "manage" the place. Basically, my assistant manages the place and I chill, its pretty alright. Also, have money from 2017 bull run. Mommy thinks im a savant so she enables a great lifestyle.
have enough money from last bull run to survive for life. its that simple.
I have passive income from dropshiping stores and instagram with lots of followers buying from my amazon affiliate links
im 30 and living with my parents. ive been unemployed for ten years until my father managed to set me a low-tier warehouse job in their neighbour company, got fired within a year because "they havent got so much job for me"
co-workers didnt like me at all, i think its because im autistic.
well i made my first salary check and within a year i managed to earn about 20k$
i spend them all in cryptos within a year and now i have like 5k$
fuck my life. also im onions boy incel and virgin.
I'm a neet and I make money from affiliate marketing, currently about $2k/month
I get NEETBux and rent is really cheap.
this. Im INTP and make 70k working from home.
I am happy with my manjaw wife who is an intelligent, good person with a real backbone, keeps her body in shape and supports all of my decisions, but sometimes I wonder how would it feel to fuck something I actually find pretty.
what do you do
I'm living in a house I built and paid for pre-neetdom. Now I'm living off of neetbux and crypto and it's working better than expected. In my mid thirties right now and involving myself in projects I want to make happen. Comfy as shit.
im in online marketing and was referring to thisim actually surprised not more of you nerds get into online marketing. its literally made for autists but you never see it being discussed on this shithole of a forum.
Put all your info on the subject in the bag fren or your mother gets it
Sounds like autism
I unironically made a post about my online hustles 1-2 years back. like seven years worth of hard-won experience that I could easily package and sell for thousands of dollars. biz told me Im a scammer and to go fuck myself. havent bothered to share any info ever since.
You just have to get an older sugar momma
Harmless scams? Huh?
Well if you don't wanna give it out, how about showing is the right path to take at least? I'm desperate right now, and I even have a job.
Work ethic is for losers desu.
pretty sure not all of biz, but people tend to recognize the negative comments.
same shit when i read the typical "this board is stupid, yesterday everyone was bullish, today everyone is bearish"
no its not always everyone and there are always different opinions
The worst thing about the finance world is that it's all luck but people will swear to you if they get lucky that they were simply smart and knew how to game the system.
Which, as it happens, also is a very common trait among people with severe gambling problems. They come into therapists office and the first thing they say is "I don't have a problem, I KNOW that machine pays out on these days..."
Literally all of the markets around the world are run by algorithms feeding data into other algorithms that feed data and so on.
I have no problem giving it out. I have a problem with casting pearls before swine. I gave out very detailed info with links to resources and biz called me a scammer (even though I wasnt even sellign anything). the short answer is look into copywriting. I unironically work 2 hours a day and clear 70k from home plus a comission on every sale I make. however it took me 7 years and thousands of hours studying, practicing and grinding to get there. there is tons of money to be made on the internet but biz is too stupid to get into online marketing you rarely ever see it discussed here.
Copywriting huh? What Wikipedia calls making billboards and shit? I mean, I could do that, graphic design is my passion after all.
Its the same shit user, just stick with what you know
Oh fuck yea
yeah, more specifically direct response copywriting. can be very lucrative. but its like in eery other field. 80% eat shit and 20% rake in the dough so you gotta be in the top percentage.
Wow great info thanks for nothing you larping faggot
Any websites or resources that we could look into? Always wanted to get into online marketing even just to sell my own product but always fail for one year or more before I give up and move on.
Well if it's that competitive I'd be willing to try it but since I know I won't succeed I'd like to do it on the side first. But I don't know if that's an option.
read this and then go do it. then you need to find clients and get experience. easiest work is to start inhouse with a big direct response company. you can start freelance too but its very hard to do.
this is exactly why I never bother posting anything substantial on biz lol. actually broke my own rule even by posting that link here. now its back to shitposting and memes.
It's all nice and comfy until one day you realize you're 35 and still a virgin with no money, no skills, and no place to live once your parents kick you out.
I got moderately rich with a finance job and then gave up on the normalfag world and became a NEET. So don't forget the NEETs that can actually support themselves by being in the degenerate capitalist rentier class. If any current NEETs can figure out a way to hustle their way to a million USD or two with crypto or whatever, it really is a great way to live. Don't give up on your dreams
I'm 25, have spent 7 years in LTR relationships with frequent sex, can play guitar, and have many places to live including my parent's rich European friends who own two huge modern homes in Greece.
I'm good. but yeah I only have a few thousand dollars to my name.
but I'm handsome and have charisma and connections, that's all that really matters.
I'd rather be where I am now, being able to live a life of luxury for free, than be ugly and have money
random lurking user here. I appreciate it so I'll be taking a look into your link next chance I get. Hope your day goes great, brother.
Are you one of those people who give people fake checks and tell them how they made $x,xxx a month by joining [bullshiteconomicfreedompassiveincome].io
It's amazing how all I have to do is record myself driving a rented Lamborghini and read ecommerce for dummies and convince end of the line my last dollar poorfags that paying me 3k a month will NET you 250k a year
I did for 2018 and most of 2019, made 50k trading just these past 2 months though.
>never see it being discussed on this shithole of a forum.
Nothing is discussed in this shithole forum. Nothing. The exchanges you see here cannot be qualified as discussions.
INTP is basically the autism personality
It's a pretty sweet life if you're handsome and you have a friend tell you about bitcoin in 2013 though
Thank you
If these anons were intelligent, they would invest their earnings into the S&P 500 and live off the 2% dividends, passive income for life.
Most of the people here are 16 years old and have never worked a real job in their entire lives
What's the difference between INTP and INTJ?
ENTP here, but to some extent, this applies to me
Ford literally has a 7% dividend, Jow Forums NEETs who catch a windfall from a bitcorn of some sort should be putting a good chunk of what they've got into it (once a trade deal with China is secured, anyway)
Single stocks are too risky though
Being pretty means you'll get money no matter what anyways.
INTJs at least have a chance at romance.
>tfw knew about bitcoin in 2013 but was only 17 so I had no money in my name that I could have invested into it
The game was rigged from the start.
It really does. I've spent hours upon hours thinking about it.
I went from working full time and being able to save about $10k tops from wages and renting my own place to paying about $9,000 a year in rent + food with my mother.
When she sells the house, I'll let her live with me and make sure she's fed and will keep her safe.
Honestly, it is much better to have a close relationship with your parents. After a certain age they are not your superior. If you can coordinate with them, it is always better to keep wealth in your own family if they're not awful.
Judging vs. Perceiving
Explanations > Preferences > Judging vs. Perceiving
Judging | Perceiving | So what?
Judging and Perceiving are preferences used in the Jungian Type Inventory. The naming is unfortunately a bit archaic as judging is more than evaluation and perceiving is not about looking at thing.
They are about how we approach life: in a structured way or an open, flexible way.
Judgers approach life in a structured way, creating plans and organizing their world to achieve their goals and desired results in a predictable way.
They get their sense of control by taking charge of their environment and making choices early.
They are self-disciplined and decisive, and seek closure in decisions. When they ask for things they are specific and expect others to do as they say. They enjoy being experts.
At work, they decide quickly and clearly and work to get the job done.
Perceivers may see them as rigid and opinionated.
Perceivers perceive structure as being more limiting than enabling. They prefer to keep their choices open so they can cope with many problems that the know life will put in their way.
They get their sense of control by keeping their options open and making choices only when they are necessary.
They are generally curious and like to expand their knowledge, which they will freely acknowledge as being incomplete. They are tolerant of other people's differences and will adapt to fit into whatever the situation requires.
At work, they tend to avoid or put off decisions and like most the exploration of problems and situations.
Judgers may see them as aimless drifters.
did it for 6 years, to this day I have huge depression and thought about ending it.
meds help though
Probably ADHD since those drugs sell fast on dark web
Can confirm, actually i have been experimenting with myself through fasting to see how much i do really need in food before feeling bad, and realized fasting actually feels good
I'm a gigolo.
Mind telling us how? Some kind of review site?
BASED murmuure poster
I'm living off savings at the moment, scary shit.
Get out of my head