The new internet, built on BSV
The new internet, built on BSV
>suggested price for submitting new content
You don't need to be a content creator if you can't afford the initial investment. Many people do because they find that they quickly regain their investment and more
>I need to waste $1 every time I want to take a selfie and upload it on instagram
good luck gaining traction with the masses
lol@this scam
It will not cost 1 dollar for a picture on scale. Besides you will probably still see free services like todayn (facebook etc) where you pay not with money, but with ads and giving away the rigths to your picture. The great thing about metanet is that you will have a choice
Si, signores. A mucha da buya da BSV coino. Please, signores, mi espoza e mi childrinis needa da fooda.
Mille grazie, signores.
Pumping the thread for other bsv chads to see
>cult ran by 50 year old australian literal faggot with little to no understanding of coding
>thinking anyone will ever use "cwaig wights" internet
>make users pay to use normie shit thats free now
That sounds very competitive for the Internet, I expect mass adoption of Metanet in a year tops. Twitter and Instagram are done!
Metanet is micropayments and free shit.
It's literally the next internet 10-15 years from now. The amount of retards on this board who can't see this is funny. Sitting on a literal goldmine yet in love with actual shitcoins like link or any other garbage project thatll be here for 3 more years then be deserted.
Most of Jow Forums biz is get rich quick, fuck others and their expense. How no one sees that like attracts like and your shit life choices will gently implode amuses me.
gimme a quick rundown on metanet
is it just p2p internet that rewards you tokens for running a node or something?
Hey that's just like in the real world where the rest of us live
Metanet is ambitious, I don't know how it will gain adoption but if it achieves just 10% of what it sets out to do BSV will skyrocket.
10% of the population are pedophiles so they've got it made.
>pay-to-post social media
Not gonna work. Ever. Social networks on the blockchain are too computationally expensive.
It looks horrible. Very ugly. Like something from the Tim and Eric show unironically. I cant tell if anyine here is actually in bsv or if its all a joke.
You're right, posting on Jow Forums costs almost 5 times more than that. With my Jow Forums gold subscription this post only costed me $3 but for ordinary users, submitting content is considerably more expensive.
You might find reddit a more comfy place. There you can discuss with others without having the discussion interfered with opposing view points. It's a safe space. On Jow Forums you actually have to use your own brain and come up with your own conclusions based on the myriad of different information and view points. Sadly this require a certain amount of IQ points and effort
You think what's shown in OP's image equals Metanet?