How are you Canadian anons dealing with the recession at the moment?

How are you Canadian anons dealing with the recession at the moment?

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canada isnt real user

We're turning conservative and voting Trudeau out.

There is not recession in Canada. We borrow money to make jobs to keep positive GDP. When our money becomes worthless we redefine the basket of good that our inflation is pegged to so that we can say we barely have any. For example, we change the "protein" from a steak to a can of cat food and say that protein costs have only gone up 1% because the cat food is $2.02 when the steak was $2.00 last year.

We deal with the recession by avoiding talk of it.

>there is not recession

Ling Ling detected

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what recession? as long as it doesn't affect my internet coins

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We’re as Canadian as you are honkey

>chinese and retarded

Yeah, 100% canucks

I just gamble on shitcoins and wait for the housing bubble to burst

“Canadian” riiiight. Just because you live in a Chinese colony on Canadian soil doesn’t make you Canadian.

>should be called hat

The absolute state of canucks

I love being chi- I mean Canadian

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trading bitcoin

I'm doing well as a Canadian. Have had steady 100k+ job for 10 years now. Lots of people are poor though. Home owners who re-mortgage their homes will soon rope themselves. Canada will fall apart.

I fucking hate this country

went all in with bitcoin

the more canada's economy collapses the more bitcoin will be worth in CAD.

>please shoot me now

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everybody else hates you too, so at least we have that in common

You're just gonna zoom by without saying howdy?

People keep telling me to buy a house. I'm stockpiling crypto and cash until our bubble pops and chinese start mass panic sell.

You know its a bubble when so many people are working in real estate with no experience. Its the hot new thing.

Anyone here wanna hire a non retarded recent uni grad in Info Systems interested in data science? I’m located in Toronto.

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Sure, you'll need 5 years experience and the base salary is 30k a year, we have a pingpong table.

Howdy partner, sure hope you like eating onions, Canadian health experts say meat is bad for you.

Why don’t you go back to whatever white trash country your ancestors came from?

Fuck off Chink.

What is Canada never heard of it.

>canada isnt real user
You know this place has IDs right?

Anywho legit Canadian here, The rescission has not affected me! I have only ever been to Canada for 2 weeks of my life though...

We’re in recession? Doesn’t feel like it.

Pumping $300-400 per month into crypto (BTC and ETH). Wish I could do better, but its not easy with a devalued CAD, inflation level raises and skyrocketing cost of living

Based schizo user

i agree with you. 300 years ago the eskimos and natives wouldn't have considered the colonizers to be Canadian either. Once we wipe you out, then we'll be the real Canadians

no job. 50k in debt. no degree. unironically resigned myself to a life of shit jobs and wagecucking unless i kms


Anyone think the CAD will rise a bit in the near/medium term future, or should I just sswitch my money to USD?

Canada is such a pile of shit. You work hard to get a degree but then the politicians imported somebody else who costs less to fill the jobs you trained for. These people have no debt. Imagine structuring a country such that the people who are already there are at a massive disadvantage to those coming in. It's basically an inverse pyramid scheme that is going to crash horribly when enough people who cannot get ahead just sit around sucking welfare. Fuck Canada.

>not enough money to take part in asian scams like toronto/vancouver real estate
>enough money to take part in asian scams like crypto

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Came here to post this.

This and silver. Explained this to my gf. I dont want to hold CAD its losing value fast and we need to store wealth in silver/bitcones/income producing assets.


He doesn't the diversity hiring quota. Too much white privilege. We can get a african who studied at a shit tier school to do half the work for twice the pay.

Diversity is our strength.

Alberta is totally fucked right now.

justin castro needs to gtfo

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my dad is sitting on 200k canuck bucks. What's the best way he can invest that money to get dividends and not lose to inflation?

When will it become noticeable? I'm in BC and we haven't felt much yet. Slightly lower property sale counts.

>t. chink who avoids eye contact

still waiting chong chong

If you weren't laid off you are okay, though you take the responsibilities of the people that were laid off. If you don't have a job, good luck finding one with that huge glut of professionals looking, and all the grads entering the workforce every year. I know people with insane credentials only getting 6mo contract positions in this climate.

actually read his post, you incredible cretin

Shockingly accurate, fellow leaf.

I member when games used to cost 50 canuckbucks. Now there are still ports of 10 yo games that cost 50 canuckbucks but something like smush costs 120 mooseknuckles

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>mommy took too much acid
>mommy got brain damage
>sunny boy is now managed by his (((handlers))) during his formative years and onward

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That is cause Canada is basically a worthless country now. Manufacturing is dead, now it is all about resource extraction and real estate, the former everyone loves to hate because 'muh environment' or 'muh reconciliation with natives' means we have to go through such rigorous regulation that any international investment just goes somewhere else. Oil and Gas gets fucked? Lip service from the feds until they are forced to make a stupid 5b+ purchase of a half finished project. SNC threatening to pull out because they got caught doing crime? Lets try to bend the rules for 'muh jobs'. Real Estate propped up by foreign buyers and money laundering operations.

All Canada can do now is export its virtues through its poorly funded military (have fun defending the arctic ever) and be Americas bitch boy that eats tarrifs on steel, planes and whatever because we cant do anything about it. Now China is doing the same thing with canola and pork. glhf.

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>managed by his (((handlers)))...
>what did (((they))) mean by this?

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I know this feel.

You first. We own this country now.

Every chink I see on the street is in the most pathetic physical state. You own what we let you own chinky

Have you paid your rent this month?

>now it is all about resource extraction
good thing canada has one of the largest raw reserves in the world then

From vancouver, can confirm China owns us. Our city hall flies the chinese flag on October 1st 1949 ffs

No rent, you chinkies made me rich when you came over here and bought up all of the boomer bags. Its funny that a bunch of 60 year old white men dumped on your asses.

>having a gf in 2019

Cant extract it due to snowniggers and s o y land protectors stopping progress.

I hope your kids enjoy working for us. Oh wait, you’re on Jow Forums

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I don't think you are high iq enough to get it. It might be that your eyes are too slanted to read the screen properly. My entire family got massively rich off of your daddy sending you over here. My kid won't need to work, chan. Bow down to your superior slant eye

Yeah two years unemployed right now. All my old co-workers have been forced to leave the field. Saturated labor market, Calgary and Edmonton are 2nd and 3rd in unemployment among Canadian cities.

Made more money a year at 19 than I do now at 25. From 4 consecutive 80k or more per year job to a 50k a year job is shitty

>Buy 21 BTC.
>Be part of the Million Club.
>The new financial elites.

Cancelled my car insurance this afternoon.
>5% safe driver discount
>6.5% increase
>Going to have to pay something like $200 to ride the bus because I don't get a U-pass in the course I'm taking now even though I had to pay for it the 2 years I was driving to school


okay its nicer than canada less chinese :)

Gold and silver.

Those tariffs were legitimate on steel (not softwood, though). Firms reroute Chinese steel through Canada to the US to avoid the tariffs.

Venezuela has the world largest oil reserves. Look at the state they are in. I think they are a glimpse into Canada’s future m.

If you switch now to USD then you’ll lose money when CAD goes up.

Um... Ok, this is epic.

it's going to sink and it won't recover. could hit all time lows over the medium term. i don't accept payments from my online clients in canacuck bucks, i only take USD or crypto.

c o p e

Only if the price of oil starts mooning

slightly lower?

I graduated from NAIT in 2015 when the shit was hitting the fan and didn't even find a job in my field until 2017, and I made like 45k starting and back in 2007-2014 people from my program were making like 65k starting, I'm glad to have any job though. My brother graduated from U of A engineering in 2016 and had to go back to get a masters degree because there was nobody hiring, he found a job now though thankfully.

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We were always a commodity-based economy.

Canada's economy pretty much consists in an oligarchic service sector (banking, telecom, etc.), real estate (immigration fuelled), and basic commodities.

It's all so tiresome leaf bros. Why don't we have a cohesive culture anymore? Why are we bending a knee to Chinese invaders? What happened to being a "true north strong and free" nation?

The reality is that we're gonna wagecuck until we die, watching the country declining slowly but never quite collapsing. Literal hell.

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This thread reeks of leafposting
Give back The Yukon - or war

Because muh feminism and muh immigrants is more important than eerything else

Albertan trades guy here.... yep I'm still fucking here guys and it's the pits.

In the last three years I've been getting short hours(32s and 24s for a few months and then back for 40s) been laid off twice for a total of 4 months in that time frame as well.

I'm originally from ontario where my trade is booming but I really dont want to move back there to deal with traffic, housing prices etc and then who's to say it wont tank over there in the next 5 years anyways.

I love this province, the nature, the people, and especially my work. We have one of the best trained work forces in the country along with the natural resources that should be able to sustain a decent lifestyle.

Keep your heads up despite the absolute shit storm all of us our in anons.

What trade?

I've honestly been considering just learning Spanish and moving to somewhere like Ecuador or Chile, I don't know what to do anymore because I feel like there is no future for me anymore in this country (and not just economically speaking). It would be nice to be somewhere where the weather nice, things are cheaper, people can actually be proud of their country despite not being perfect, and not trying to virtue signal on the world stage every day. Somewhere where I could actually ever hope to own a piece of property.

It really is tiresome. I guess I'll wait around to see what happens in the elections this year, but as always I don't have much hope for this country even if the conservatives could actually win...

My dream is that Alberta separates from the rest of Canada and becomes based

Im a sprinkler fitter (fire protection). It's an awesome trade and I'm thankful that I've been able to stay in my field. It's also not the glory days of 4 or 5 years ago though.

BC, Alberta and Saskatchewan become a new country. Vancouver becomes an independent Chinese proxy city-state.

Hahaha, yeah, becomes

That would be the dream, but Ontario and Quebec would never let that happen because then who would they siphon wealth from to fund their LGBT parades and immigrant welcome packages.

If I actually had to pay rent/mortgage in this country I would have already left, the only thing that keeps me here is that by being here I can live with my parents and pay no rent at all.

No core identity, post-national state. Not a country.

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These places are only good if you already made it. Otherwise it's chronically low wages and corrupt institutions that nobody gives a shit about. They don't try to posture on the world stage because their shit back home is not fixed and everyone just became apathetic. Nobody is actually optimistic about their future there, just content with mediocrity. There isn't really any up and coming country anymore, except maybe those in the ASEAN group.


Saving money from my decent job by living at home, and holding a portfolio of 13 BTC

Based. But do the chinks get Victoria or is it ours?

Yeah, I like most of BC except Greater Vancouver. Fuck Richmond, Vancouver, Surrey and Burnaby. Just lol if you think China 2.0 is a good place to live in.

Basically pic related but China can have the entire greater vancouver region.

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we get everything while the rest of you poorfags get pushed out. =)

>China can just have it
Are all Canadians complete pussies unwilling to fight for anything or is it just the white ones?

Please Zhang. You already have everything you could have asked for. You can have Vancouver