What wallet should I get for link and/or holo? Software? Hardware? Any anons have any good experiences with them
What wallet should I get for link and/or holo? Software? Hardware? Any anons have any good experiences with them
ledger s
Don't listen to this idiot
nano ledger s > trezor > keepkey
Since you are a linkie, you might want the Trezor T so you can customize the homescreen with a picture of Link or Sergey.
why not ledger sanjeesh
dissert your techno machinations
Tattoo your ETH wallet and key between your toes. ROT first just to be sure.
no idea why you would get a ledger.
Just use a usb.. don't download retarded shit and open exe files from untrusted sources.
simple as that.
Keevo wallet. Coming soon.
just use metamask, easy
Yea why would you spend $50+ on one of these? What can it do that a $5 USB can't?
Anyone use Trust Wallet?
>paying extra for wallet
You guys are retarded? Uable to keep your shit safe on your own? It's fucking normie tier, faggots.
Mainnet holofuel will not be hardware wallet compatible.
Using Metamask without a hardware wallet is pajeet tier.
>Not just using bip38 paper wallet
serious question
>Hardware wallets are just expensive USB sticks
They are not.
If you plug an USB stick into an infected PC your private key is in danger of getting caught by a trojan.
Hardware wallets never transmit the actual key to the device you plug it in, so you can use it on even the most pest ridden pc.
On top of that you have additional security from theft, as hardware wallets usually need to be unlocked by a PIN number.
and what happens if it fails?
Will someone help a crypto newbie out? What is the point of a hardware wallet in the first place? To keep the price at a certain point? I don’t understand how this would work.
Paper wallet, dont get jewed out of $50 that could be used elsewhere
When you first initialize the wallet it produces a 24 word see phrase that represents your private key.
You need to write it down and make sure to never take any photos of it or store it as a digital file. That seed phrase can be used on any hardware wallet, if your first one breaks.
So losing the hardware wallet is not a big deal - but losing the 24 word seed phrase is.
The Tresor had the function of locking the Bitcoin price at a certain price. Many people here locked it at about $15k, which sounds nice, but they only get to sell when BTC actually reaches that price again.
I own both trazor and ledger but ended up using ledger more because it seem to be the most compatible with wallets unless theres something I havent discovered.
However I like the UI more on the trezor. Also, the wallet being a webpage kind of sucks though, wish it was stand alone like ledger live app
Ok listen up. Since your a newbie you probably have your crypto on Coinbase or Binance or some other exchange. You might have heard the phrase "not your keys, not your coins", which means that Binance could in theory just take all your Bitcoin and run with it.
This happens regulary, just a few weeks ago the largest canadian exchange stole all their customer's funds. So having your crypto on an exchange is not a good plan for the long run.
Holding coins yourself it a bit trickier than having it on an exchange, because you need to secure your private key. Whoever has that key has access to all the coins in that wallet.
So if you safe it on a text file on your desktop a trojan might be able to find it and take all your funds.
Saving the key on an USB stick is a bit better, but not as save as using a hardware wallet, which will never transmit the key to the device you plug it in.
How do you know these hardware wallets don't have a backdoor or something?
Buy only directly from the company's website not amazon. Ledger has a tamper proof chip, and they even give a guide to check if its been tampered with if you understand electrical engineering lol.
Good point. The company that builds the most popular and widely used ones, Ledger, is building them since 2014. They had plenty of opportunity to fuck over their customers and take their crypto.
But they never did. In fact, they always have bounty programms that pay people who dismantle the devices and look for bugs or ways to break the secure chips.
Many highly technically experienced people checked the devices from all angles but found no backdoors.
has anyone got hacked with metamask?
I do. I like it a lot considering all the DApps on it already
ledger is fine
mobile phone with popular wallets are fine
just don't store shit on your pc
>t. future crypto theft victims
Do some simple research and you'll quickly understand why buying a hardware wallet is useful and much better than trusting yourself.
I keep mine on a piece of paper inserted into my ass
there's no individual recovery for BTC, ETH, only their multi-coin recovery
what's the deal with that?
My experience with Ledger:
I initiated a new recovery phrase on my Ledger a while back I wrote down the 24 words or so i thought. It turns out that i only wrote down 22 of the 24 words. I have no idea how this happened. I am 1000% percet sure that ledger only gave me 22 and not 24 words to write down. I realized i needed to restore my ledger because of the BS issues most people have been experienceing while trying to update the Firmware. I begin to "Restore with a recovery pass phrase" i then realize that i only have 22 of the 24 recovery words. FUCK ME. I swear to god Ledger must of had a bug or some BS went wrong whey i was issued the 24 words that i only wrote down 22. I didn't actually count the words myself when i was doing it. I trusted ledger that it would provide me the 24 words but i only gave me 22 FUCK ME funds are gone cause i cant access them ..
FUCK LEDGER no customer support at all no help at all ofcourse they will never admit to the ledger fucking up...I hope if other people experience this they would post it so people could be aware.....
Seeing all the trap posts here I would not consider your ass as secure.
I have a fake tooth porcelain implant usb. On the other side of my jaw I have a cyanide porcelain implant. Zero or hero.
Holly sht
You should be able to crack the last 2 words if you have 22 already. Wouldn't even take that long.
Only tech illiterates need hardware wallets.