If life is so inepic in 2019, why should I strive to make it?

If life is so inepic in 2019, why should I strive to make it?

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inepic? life is pretty epic if you make it. do whatever the fuck you want, wake up when you want, buy a car, a nice place to live, go on vacation all around the world etc etc

wouldnt it get boring after 10 months

What the fuck happened in that pic?

Dead body has been laying there for a long time.

Whats up with the random spurts of gross shit and gore on Jow Forums?

thats not a dead body, that was where a neet was resting


if you look at the tiddies area you can actually see how they leaked out dead lacrimal fluid and blood from the death... PUKE

A rotting body and dead mind, then

not epic enough for anyone to care about her


I mean realistically I can't answer that question logically
People sometimes view life and drive to be the best and provide the best to someday raise offspring that will be better
but even if this is the ideal way of thinking eventually one generation will be the last of all generations
the universe will one day not be able to support life and nothing will have this drive anymore
so I cant say it's anything more than emotional feedback
not a bad thing just saying I cant really come up with any logical reasoning to making it

inepic is not a word

unbased and red anpilled



T-mobile customer service put her on hold...

Once your physical body is dead and you spiritual consciousness is free you won't give a fuck about anything in this world, including the state of your rotting carcass.

Imagine actually living this fucking nasty

>Neet incels looking around them

>imagine the smell

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>if only you knew how bad things really are

I think OP is just inept

>those fat rolls
Fucking kek

How long for a body to decompose like this and leave a death stain?

Try it and let us know


You can see her and some other person on the photo, a grandkid or some shit. Still, nobody cared up until someone probably complained about the smell when the body lied there decomposing for weeks. An entire lifetime worth of memories and experiences turned into a stain on the carpet. Death is terrifying.

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yeh that pic is just sad. She was probably some 80 year old lady who couldn't take car of herself which is why the room is so messy and shit, then she just lay down and died in her sleep.

Decomposing for months. Not a single grandkid, son, daughter, husband, brother, sister came to check on her.


Attached: 10points.gif (400x275, 861K)

you can tell how the shit left a darker stain as it crept down her pants leg

As sad as this is, I can't help but think I'll die much the same way.