I have never been wrong. I told you to short at $6k, $20k, $14k and $8k

I have never been wrong. I told you to short at $6k, $20k, $14k and $8k.

NOW I am telling you to short. The time of the bear has begun. nothin personell bulls

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Damp et

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show position

Shorting bears stupidity is the way to go.

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again, nothin personell. it's just business. if i were you, i would open up a short as well

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Fuck off faggot you know nothing.

these threads are just cringey because its almost guaranteed these people aren't shorting

>t. underwater pajeet bear that doesn't use dark mode

you're getting liquidated tonight

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what are you rEnKoBrO lmao
fuck off and kys

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have sex

What is your target price for it to fall to?

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One of you chums is gonna make it the other is getting rekted.


too many shorts. i don't like it.

>using a pleb tier leverage exchange.

Get on my level


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Looks like it's pumping to me.

Yeah what an idiot, shits been pumping all day

Gotcha. You're either full of shit or a complete retard.

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Last week you said you were short since 5.3k, what happened to that?

ok kid, learn your lesson?

Oh no no no no no

I'm going to enjoy watching you slowly bleed out and get liquidated

he shorted during a bull market

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Fuck off Pajeet

$50 away from liquidiation bobo!
How you feeling?

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there can only be one chad sirs

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So, you got liquidated, again. What ya gonna do now?

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> Come back again soon user!

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Bobo survives

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It's nothin' personnel, kid. That's the meme dumbfuck, 2 N's. Not 2 L's. GTFO you lying nobody newfaggot newfucker. The absolute state of newfags.

Jesus fuckinchrist you fucking pajeet niggers are perpetual pieces of shit.

he probably closed or got liq'd anyway due to funding

How ya doing bud

>thinking the most obvious bear flag in herstory is a bull run

Literally never gonna make it. We are going sub 2k by next week. Screen cap this

> I have never been wrong.

ayyy lmao

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Mark price on mex just hit 5890

You're liq'd son.

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this thread needs more keks

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Press S to spit on grave

You missed the bottom at 3k forever. Let that sink in. You had the chance to buy the bottom but got greedy and will forever regret the massive chance you missed. Go fuck yourself, you blew it forever and always like the loser you are

Attached: you missed the bottom at 3k forever.jpg (1697x965, 122K)

how's your shorts doin', son?

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Hey OP, which of these green candles is you?

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whats the link of the site? i forgot the name of it

Nope....btc is gonna sink like this girls fat ass. Might take weeks...but it’s going to 2500-3000 eventually.

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Oh oh no oh no no no NO NO NO

You are stupid

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What a clown world isnt? OP?
*smacks pie in face*

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Not true. Buying here is fucking retarded though, and I hope all of you are larping.



Heh. Nothin' personnel, kid.

thank you based user, may vishnu be with you

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>no 10mil liq

damn, where's the big liquidity? i guess if we cross 6k, we moon to 6.1-6.2k off liquidations alone.

This thread did not age well lmao fucking shorting in a market like this. Dumbfuck get rekt you deserve every bit of it

yeah short squeeze

You bears are so fucking done. Once we break 6k it’s ogre. You will all be liquidated/left behind FOREVER.

look at all the fucking phsycpaths in this thread reminiscing in joy because i got liq'd. Fuck you you soulles cunts. How would you feel if you were neck deep in student loan debt?

I work at mcdonalds AND subway just to make ends meet. This 0.1 btc was unironically all my savings... fucking christ i just needed it to go to $2k and i would be on the path to recovery and could have invested in safer shit like AAPL or other boomer stocks.

FUCK YOU CUNTS. Fucking bull whale manipulator fuck this piece of shit market. I cant wait till the government comes and fucks all these illegal fucks from manipulating this fucking rigged piece of fucking shit. fucking kys and die


Thank for this.

should've listened to me

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Fucking kill yourself

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>larping as a larper
nice try kid

you have the big gay


peak bear cope

>pretending to pretend
Bold strategy

Kek get fucked bobo

We are laughing at you because you are a degenerate gambler that lost everything .

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we're still under $6k, faggot.

$2K omg are you deluded you deserve to get rekt kys

COPE harder

But I thought you're never wrong

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Haha top kek, nice follow up user 10/10

Lol 10/10 larp thread. You had me for a sec


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I've never been wrong when I've posted that OP IS A FAGGOT

how low we're going buddy?


HAHAHAHAH fucking retard
get fucked

Hee hee.

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Regardless if opp is a faggot or not. This shit is insane and it just keeps going. Its never done this before in the history of Bitcoin. 10 weeks of this. TEN FUCKING WEEKS.

What the fucking fuck fuck HAHAHAHA
Why is anyone even THINKING about margin trading right now. the shit is absolutely fucking nuts, defying all TA and all expectations to a point of madness. If we break 6300-6600 then it might as well be one green candle to fucking 300k.

This entire run has been a shorting meat grinder... 10 weeks of shorts just getting hamburgered causing the price to continue to climb. Everyone thinks the tether FUD will cause crypto to dump but its OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE. We have other stable coins to turn to and they are often better. DAI is fucking amazing as its a mostly trustless system.

Tether going to shit will cause BTC to reach 10k or more! Think of how many people exiting tether nearly sold the top of the last bull run. Now all of them are forced to buy back in at the same time while at the same moment everyone is expecting a massive dump. Nobody wants USD you fucking morons, they don't want to pay taxes on this shit. They cant cash out anyway!

You are shorting into a black hole of death right now.

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i'm feeling real uneasy with that liq. price though. my liq price is 6126, might add a bit of margin to bump it up to 6.4kish. God knows where the wick will lead us if 6k breaks.

Stake while you trade

Good times

Shorts are going to get squeezed pushing us above 6.4k Its going to be one green fucking death candle. I am almost willing to bet on this actually. We may even close the week above 6.4k as well.

This is the exact pattern that has been playing out for the last 10 weeks.

> All indicators say DUMP is coming, everyone expects a dump.
> Massive Tether fud makes everyone think a DUMP is coming, everyone expects a dump.
> Shorts climb, shorts get squeezed.


i feel bad going against a quad, but I think I'ill remain a short right now. I might get liq'd on a scamwick but eh, what can I do. I'll go with the higher probablility play which is a retrace to retest lower-5ks. Best of luck!

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why aren't you posting anymore buddy?

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Based and redpilled

is see a meme playing on the daily, but it took tether black swan fud for it to be tested. other than that, it's more likely a test of the mid-5ks is to come rather than a low 5ks

>I have never been wrong
This is JUST too beautiful.

kek every last fucking bear gets liquidated

>kek every last fucking bear gets liquidated

Once the bears are dead they are coming for your longs next.

yes i know but i just want to see the bobos laid out i have been waiting for that for 6 months now.

>shorts on bitfinex get squeezed
Yea about that exchange...

Shorts are pinned at 100% on the weekly stochastic RSI. Its the same behavior Bitcoin has been doing for the last 10 weeks now being displayed on the shorts as well. its a squeeze time bomb of some sort holy fucking fuck.

Longs are at record lows now too and the Stochastic RSI looks like it might cross bullish next week. I think this is the week when everything happens. And its looking like everyone shorting is about to get rekt hard as fuck.