18 fucking link threads. this shit has been going on for over a fucking year now...

18 fucking link threads. this shit has been going on for over a fucking year now. cant you faggots start making a megathread or something? i wish i could gass all of you with my stinky burrito farts

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Don't worry, come singularity all the linkies will be busy fucking their 10/10 asian wifes on their yachts and you'll be able to post about shitcoins in peace.

is stinky and will stay stinky now fuck off boomer

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use the filter dumb faggot

stfu nolinker

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I hope someone else solves the oracle problem first so you faggots get btfo.

hmmm... how much stinky linkies for one stinky burrito?

unlike chain link, a burrito actually has a usecase

Make that 19 LINK threads. Nominees so desperate all they can do is complain about the greatness of linkies

i nominate my dick in your mouth.

Get out, this is a Link site.

>Ree there's link threads on the link board
No shit

>to many link threads
proceeds to create another link thread
good job OP

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are you mad link is pumping and your shit tier bags are shitting?

link is still down from $1.30 ath a year ago nigger

20 iq take


link will stay at 50c as all the alts pump in the next few weeks. gl u fucking autists

Sounds like you're the stinkiest of us all, sir

its already 58c though

Nolinker cope threads like this will continue here for eternity. Deal.

>1.30 ATH bagholder

>over a fucking year now
its been like this since August 2017 newfag

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>Chainlink is once again top gainer on CMC
classic nolinker cope. Its getting sad at this point.

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No, they won't, because Link is a coordinated shill group. It's no organic man.

IDK how many times I will have to tell people. You can filter out Link from catalog

>i wish i could gass all of you with my stinky burrito farts
are you a lady, UwU

I wanna spam /pol

white wives you mean

some of us have standards

it better happen soon

you asked for link? You'll get link.

Jow Forums has always about getting rich and fucking Asian women, newfag
Fuck off with white trash girls

You mean latinas right? The Sergeys of women

yikes. racemixer

35 threads right now

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Mods are too busy not being paid to care.

Jow Forums is full of Link and BSV spam thread and nothing is done. Not too mention the pump and dump flavor of the months which also get spammed.

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based link chan

Link-Chan is cute!

Attached: ChanLink.jpg (1920x1920, 568K)

18 fucking link threads. this shit has been going on for over a fucking year now. cant you faggots start making a megathread or something? i wish i could gass all of you with my stinky burrito farts

die in a fucking fire