
Anyone in SLT might as well neck themselves after May 21st. Be prepared to get BTFO

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Own (CHX) is a pump and dump scam coin.

The fraudster devs pumped the price of their token by lying about mainnet being Q1, lying about having tokenized billions of dollars worth of assets, and lying about having STO's lined up until 2020. The devs have been dumping their tokens on exchanges for months.

They will keep delaying mainnet until they have dumped all their tokens and then walk away from the project. Mainnet was supposed to be Q1, then Q2, now it's "end of the year". They can't dump all their tokens at the same time because there isn't enough liquidity to do that. They can only dump about 10,000 tokens per day, so they need to keep stringing you a long to make you hold.

Chx admins are doxxing and banning people on telegram for raising concerns


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dont buy this scam
Smartlands just released the wallet we need for the stos. many anchors coming soon and a big rumor is up.

First STO very soon

Attached: slt.jpg (276x182, 5K)

Do you mean the unicorn vision? No thx

Also the glaring insecurity of you actually being here posting makes me 10x more bullish on CHX. This will be at 1$ before the end of June and SLT will continue to bleed until they produce actual results, not lower the investment cap due to lack of investors along with the recent delays at the very last minute. Inexcusable and unprofessional.

Attached: smartlands.jpg (250x245, 13K)

well im 100% certain Smartlands does have the legal framework done. i never hear anything related from CHX. They want your money and you are too delusional to see it.

lose all your money i dont care.

I asked this in a few threads now and got no answer. Are CHX compliant with regulations. If so what liscenses do they have and in what countries?

> lose all your money idc
Ignorance. Also, Sascha has stated MULTIPLE times in the AMAs that they have full EU and Asian market compliance and now in the US from the partnership with Perkins Coie and other broker/dealers. I highly suggest you get even a modest bag of CHX, you may find that it takes up more than your stack of SLT sooner than you expect

I wouldn't. I enjoy the tribalism. And people that stupid don't deserve chx.

Biggest scam in the land of crypto. Avoid!

This is just the first of the 9 stos that Chx is announcing. Lowest sto raising 500k, half of Smartlands 1st and ONLY sto. Highest is 8 figures (10 million+), gl holding that dogshit of a coin slt to the ground.

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I'll be honest I held 30k from November 2018 to April 2019. Sold at break even after the nonstop day after day dumping, i couldn't handle it.

Wow, you're going to look back at biz in 5 years and see how people 'fuck you' money with a fraction of the stack you had. You must be new

Can you answer this?

do you know how they will get the required tokens? Are they going to buy them on exchanges?

He already did retard. Maybe you should read.

We need to see the amount of $ that they are raising first. That starts on the 21st. Yes it will be marketbought using API's

Rofl, bought in Nov means 6-10¢. Sells at the bottom (while still in profit) even though you knew the stos were going to be announced. And staking in June. Good fucking riddance.

so you're telling me a few hundred thousand chx will get marketbought in two weeks?

No, in june after the tokenswap.

>This is just the first of the 9 stos that Chx is announcing. Lowest sto raising 500k, half of Smartlands 1st and ONLY sto. Highest is 8 figures (10 million+), gl holding that dogshit of a coin slt to the ground.
This a terrible announcement. Project Crowd's website is some free template with 10 cent stock photos. 200 followers on Twitter. Why would you need to be on a decentralized blockchain to find a freelancer for your project? Do they need the funds to build the blockchain to find a freelancer that can make them a logo that didn't come from a 1998 shareware clipart CD? Am I supposed to FOMO into the project after this announcement? What a joke.

On the 21st we will know how much is going to be marketbought since the fund raising numbers will be public.

so after the lockup for validators
this would decrease the amount traded by a very big amount and at the same time increase the demand too
if this is going to happen the price will explode

It's an STO not a ICO, you will get equity in the company. Also it doesn't matter what you think of the project. They are raising money on the Own platform which will lead to price increase.

look it's the picture guy again
your definition of a good corporate design is to have top quality and high resolution photos on the homepage
do you have some actual fud or is this shit all you manage to collect?

>Am I supposed to FOMO into the project after this announcement? What a joke.
nobody gives a shit about your 1eth buy order, you don't matter at all

50 million chx would be locked up minimum if all 100 nodes are running (500k minimum chx for each node, 100 nodes total). Circulating supply is 78 million right now.

yeah, that shit worked for VeChain too.
>muh whales are going to lock up all the VET in big thunder nodes!

and one more thing to add for all the fudders talking about small STOs: It's actually good that they start with some smaller fundings first since the chance of success will be much higher when the amount to raise isn't too big
If the first STOs are well received they will get bigger clients for sure

These are actual businesses not scam icos. But gl with your dogshit slt.

Own is a better version of tendermint blockchain, therefore it needs a coin. Smartlands is not a blockchain, therefore the token is worthless.

^ forgot about this point.

>Also it doesn't matter what you think of the project. They are raising money on the Own platform which will lead to price increase.
So CHX is a now security token? This doesn't sound like a statement SEC approve of, tsk tsk.

>your definition of a good corporate design is to have top quality and high resolution photos on the homepage
>do you have some actual fud or is this shit all you manage to collect?
Project Crowd is a freelancer community. It is not a website for waste disposal, an accounting firm, or a lumber yard.
>"By developing a blockchain based, decentralized platform, PROJECT CROWD connects companies and the freelancer community in an efficient and new way."
Why a blockchain? How is it more efficient? Who runs Project Crowd? None of that is answered on their website. And the idea is nothing new, so let's see how they're going to raise the money they need to get started. Because I sure as hell wouldn't invest any money into Project Crowd.

If you aren't bagholding even a small bag of CHX, you're basically retarded and hate free money.

one more reason why i think CHX is scam-
they didnt prove they are able to pull one STO and already announced 9? sure bro

Smartlands will have its first STO soon and more will follow.

Hold 30k. I can’t wait to retire in 2-3 years. Thanks biz



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Wut, I literally just showed u the first sto. Sorry I can't help retarded people.

FYI if these 9 companies cannot raise the funds they need through OWN's platform, no major business will want anything to do STOs with them. So it would be in your bagholder's interest the remaining 8 businesses that will launch on the platform at the end of this month are good enough that millennials would want to participate.

>Smartlands will have its first STO soon and more will follow.

Smartlands has been around twice as long as Own, has no blockchain and still has no STO. Enjoy beholding trash, while I hold my golden CHXes to $15 this year.

The businesses are supposed to do marketing. Also if you knew what Own's background and partnerships were. You would know that they aren't going to delay their stos due to lack of funding like Shitlands.

Its not market bought all at once, it probably gets divided into 6 months, which is better because it provides a constant flow of upward buy pressure and prevents PnD swing trading

they got all the legal framework done
they got a brand new wallet
they are abot to release the first STO

Smartlands 100% not scam
CHX probably scam

Delayed sto due to lack of funding* evident by lowering the investor access threshold from $1000 to $500.

Smartlands isn't a scam. They're just nowhere close to Own as far as competency, business networks, experience, etc.

>The businesses are supposed to do marketing.
Not in the beginning when the portal opens, otherwise they wouldn't do an AMA interview with one of the businesses this week and roll out announcements in the following weeks. Let's be honest and not bullshit: Project Crowd is a shit no-name business no one has ever heard of. Might as well have launched a Kickstarter. Not to mention the CEO said they want to distance themselves from crypto and work with traditional businesses, yet this very project is about using blockchain for no reason other than to seem revolutionary by using the keyword "decentralized blockchain".

There's many crypto companies that should sell equity rather than utility tokens, like Smartlands!

Doesn't matter. The only thing that fucking matters is how much $ is being raised. And Own is going to raise 50x the amount that Smartlands is. You're opinion is worthless, the numbers will speak for themselves.

lol this is 100% bs

you are delusional
every cent they raise will end up in their pockets bc its a fucking SCAM

IF you are interested in a serious STO Platform you better swap your holdings to Smartlands and dont get scammed.
lul what a fuckign idiot you are
i really hope you lose all your money

>Own is going to raise 50x the amount that Smartlands is

There's no way that shit freelancer sto will cap out the raise. Maybe they'll get a few hundred thousand or so. Terrible sto to start off with. Imagine if that's their best one they have...

The STOs are just icing on the cake, they're doing MASSIVE private offerings such as large enterprise debt. How stupid can you people be? The fast food chain will be hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as the huge US bank.

It's honestly sad how delusional these Shitlands bagholders are. Let them wallow in their own filth while Chx moons.

Own is gonna have 9 stos, not just one. Unlike the shitstains and Smartlands HQ, Sascha and the team (who have a shit ton of connections from their old jobs at Computershares) are gonna make sure they can actually fund these businesses. Gl with ur Unicorn Vision tho.

>You're opinion is worthless, the numbers will speak for themselves.
Which means the numbers aren't speaking for themselves now and you're investing in the hopes that Sascha papa will make everything alright. Here's a newsflash for you: OWN is a small project working with even smaller no-name businesses. They will be at best the Mary’s Pizza Shack of the STO industry. A company could make an announcement of offering the same services tomorrow and your investment would become worthless. There's nothing proprietary or patentable in their tech and clearly any business with more capital and advertising power could crush OWN at any time. Confirmed by the CEO himself when he said they tried to patent, but couldn't, and instead what makes OWN different is that they have 30 years of combined experience. Unfortunately same thing is stated on Hamersley Partners website:

Over $5.1 Billion Raised
Over 50 Years of Experience
Deep Institutional Relationships

Now let's see those SEC papers again and let's see how OWN is any different.

You sound terrified and insecure. There's still time to buy


how many STOs announced until 21th?

At least 2. 9 in the pipeline (Following legal process) So could also be 3-4.

There are 9

>At least 2. 9 in the pipeline (Following legal process) So could also be 3-4
In other words, one more STO announcement. Hope it's Dunkin Donuts!

sascha said something like "we are going to slowly announce the upcoming stos until the 21th"
I doubt that they only have two to announce

do you have info about the sizes?

Do you really think that something like that would happen this early? Maybe in the next few months. Expect STO's ranging from $500k to max 20-30 Mil over the coming months. Big guys want to see a platform tested first.

give them your money and get scammed. i tried to warn you. i dont care if you do not listen and lose your money


It's a legal process... If it isn't finished it isn't finished. I do know they've recently talked to a few more companies. So that list will be growing.

Show it then fudbeard.

this is a smartlands thread now

Can someone link me to the smartlands Issuance platform, investor platform, share registrar and mobile investor/business apps? Seemed to have missed those.

Meanwhile... Smartlands built a damn wallet. which is already in the CHX FAST/ and Investor app/portal

Its a scam...

places buy order on IDEX at 3200 sats

>Big guys want to see a platform tested first.
Exactly, which is why Project Crowd was a mistake. Dunkin' Donuts will never happen, I was only joking.

>places buy order on IDEX at 3200 sats
I'm actually a whale. I've put up a buy order for 200000000000 CHX on IDEX. Go look if you don't believe me. But I became a whale by paying for shitcoins only as much as they're worth and not a penny more.

And all I need is one person to dump 200 ETH worth before the token swap to get my order filled. Easy peasy.

Yep, it's pretty pathetic that Smartlands even tries to compare themselves to Own.

Price is going up, bull pennant and 500k + bought by my friends past 2 days

No. You need multiple companies in a space this big. if you think otherwise you might as well go and buy Bitconnect.

Project crowd a mistake? It's a great start... or should i say first 'page on the chain'.

>Yep, it's pretty pathetic that Smartlands even tries to compare themselves to Own.
Project crowd is pathetic. Laughable at best. I would have just not released it until all the others. Doing an ama with that project for the first sto is laughable. Shit project and business model that doesn't even need Blockchain.

ITS A SECURITY TOKEN FOR EQUITY DUMBASS. Why would you care about blockchain?

SLT bagholder spotted ay?


>Why would you care about blockchain?
He is talking about Project Crowd, I think. They don't need to be on the blockchain at all. It's a pathetic project no one cares about. In fact, probably the only reason they were even interested in doing an AMA with OWN.

I'm talking about the business model itself dumbass. Freelancers on the Blockchain... kek no one wants to invest in that shit.

It's not a project. It's a business raising equity. Who cares about their blockchain. You buy goshdarn shares in their company. not some shitty utility token.

Kek, i bet they'll raise full amount. You sure know how to get rekt.

>It's not a project.

Project Crowd.

Kek’d and rekt

Attached: DisAGemForOwn.shameless.jpg (403x376, 32K)

Project Crowd's logo is appropriate. Circling down the drain.

Attached: drain.jpg (500x333, 251K)

And here is the perfect stereotype of every CHX holder. Go all in into your first shitty sto and watch all your money magically disappear. I'm rooting for ya kek

did we get the entire smartlands discord in this thread? lmao

Can someone show some facts y something like slt or rvn is better then own?

>Can someone show some facts y something like slt or rvn is better then own?
Why? Because they're not OWN.

kek, fudboi

RVN is just a blockchain
SMARTLANDS is just a service that issues securities

OWN is a blockchain and a service that issues securities on their own blockchain.

Check this out:

Project Crowd launched around the same time OWN rebranded and released their DSR dashboard analytics. They haven't done shit with the website since. Is this Sascha's brother's business? The page is full with the same kind of spelling errors as OWN's website was.

>. Is this Sascha's brother's business?
this. chx = scam

OWN's first STO announcement is Project Crowd.
Project Crowd launched the same time OWN released the DSR dashboard.
Project Crowd is a side-project of Blockchain Fox GmbH.
Blockchain Fox uses and is promoted by Crowd Machine.
Crowd Machine is a platform that lets you build your own cryptocurrency and blockchain without knowing how to code.


Remember the FUD about how there is no code? There isn't any code because it's all drag and drop.
Remember how Chainium devs left in the middle of the project because it didn't work out and they had to delay for months?
Own's only business is in selling the platform and doing the legal work. There is no code. There is no tech. There are a few personalized modifications to Crowd Machine's code.

Lol, you're dumb as shit

The time for fud is over now abdul, I've already doubled my stack on the dip. Up to 80k chx now. Holding until retirement for me

>tfw holding for chx to hit $1.00

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