Did the news that Bran becomes king at the end cause the stock market to crash?
Did the news that Bran becomes king at the end cause the stock market to crash?
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no, it was the news that jon kills dany
No, it was the news that OP was a faggot.
Insiders dumped prior because Varys was killed for treason.
posting in epic bread
im not even mad i got spoiled because of how shit of and ending this is going to be.
how did they think branflake being king is even remotely a good ending
nice trips
It's pottery from him falling out of the tower in the first episode
Really subverts my expectations
>normieposting on biz
Fuck off you triple nigger kike
Le epic edge!!!!! u spoiled da game of thrones on ma favorite website!!!! 4chin and game of thrones is ruined 4 me! trolled again!!!!
I'll tell ya what would nicely subvert expectations is Arya getting her head crushed in by the mountain.
Kinda goes with jon not wanting to be king then being king. Now its brans turn
littlefinger winning would have been the only satisfying ending. still held hope the scene where they killed him was actually a faceless man pretending to be him and that he would show up this season again and win but meh
wait is this real? did this nigga just spoil 8 years of my life. why did you do this?
and it isn't even a good ending
if this is correct. OP, please kys. seriously. congrats you got me triggered. spoilfags just lay down and rot.
All of you please fuck off back to r eddit
see, I don't understand people like you. yeah you now know Bran is going to be the king, but do you know how he gets there in the first place? it's not like he spoiled everything you fucking s o y c u c k
Fuck off you retard.
Bran becoming King is objectively a superior ending to Dany becoming Queen, but it's still incredibly dull and will be a disappointment of an ending. The whole show is completely ruined though and there's no salvaging it.
soap operas are for retards anyway
same. bookfag here and wasted 8 years watching this shitshow. I havent even watched the last episode yet, cant be bothered after that trainwreck fight at winterfell. rather watch the wire reruns than this garbage.
>watching this shit tier show
>Rome died for this piece of shit garbage
He's been sitting on his ass in a wheelchair the whole show, how did you not see that foreshadowing that he was gonna get the throne? Didn't subvert my expectations at all.
le epic trole
shut up, reddit. jon snow kills daenerys because she turns evil and kills everyone in king's landing. also tyrian dies
Secret ending is Bran is the night king. Everything was leaked by the producers expect that.
You and every pleb is in for a real surprise.
Spoiler alert: they leaked some real details and some false ones so every faggot like you that believes it will literally shit in his fruit of the looms because your expected result doesn’t occur.