>the year 2013+6 >storing your wealth on shady overseas exchanges >storing your wealth in the hands of centralized entities like Coinbase and Robinhood >storing your wealth on printer paper >using private keys and seed phrases that have been rendered on a connected device >using private keys and seed phrases that have been typed into a connected device >using private keys and seed phrases that have been copied and pasted
Brainlets destined to lose their coins, report in. Do some research and you'll quickly see why hardware wallets are the ONLY way you should be storing your crypto. Anyone complaining about spending the $60 it takes to secure your wealth shouldn't be investing to begin with.
>Paying for a hardware wallet. Install gentoo & airgap
Xavier Martin
I do crypto consulting and just upgraded a client to all hardware wallets and cryotosteels, took me months to get him off his boomer ass about it tho and order some trezors but I think I got it into his head that he can no longer write his seed phrases on a pc
Isaac Cox
Redpill me on ledger blue somebody
Hudson Perry
Airgapping is the only alternative, but from that point forward you can never again connect it to the internet, and it essentially becomes a large and expensive hardware wallet.
> It's not really worth it, and the S/X is more full featured. I only bought it because I have purchased most every hardware wallet out there.
Nathan Torres
Who ugaratees me that crap isn’t filled with spyware and at any time I connect that shit to the computer it sends all the shitcoins to a sweaty chink ? Can’t just buy a good external hard drive and store my old school wallet there and keep it in a safe?
Oliver Diaz
>touchscreen >can buy a plastic dock off amazon to keep it upright >holds more different coin apps than the nano s >was originally supposed to have blue tooth tech to make it mobile but scrapped >Ledger claimed they would stop manufacturing them, continued to manufacture them Official Ledger Store was selling them on Amazon for like $170 last year.
It's a bigger screen so the french nanobots they send with the device can see your seedphrase easier and report back to Gilles Duceppe
Brody Walker
Trezor is open source so that can never happen, the community knows exactly how it works and there are no flaws
Caleb Ramirez
No issue with coinbase. If it goes under then normies will NEVER re-enter crypto and it will bleed out.
Nicholas Nelson
a piece of paper lasts longer than a usb stick
Nathan Martinez
I use a veracrypt container on a USB drive with copies in safe deposit box and parents house to store keystore file generated offline on a thicc Arc linux thinkpad.
Also, I forgot to mention the con where in order to spend your holdings, you must create a transaction on an online computer, carry it to your airgapped computer using USB media (which could theoretically be compromised), sign the transaction, and return it to the online computer for broadcasting.
In addition, these guys have been doing this for a long time, and there's been plenty of research and brute force thrown at them already.
The same was said about Gox and countless other traditional enterprises.
>he thinks a hardware wallet is a usb stick >he doesn't realize that I could smash the device right this second and still be spending my coins within 10 min
What happens when your computer has malware and you unencrypt your wallet?
This, I'm also intrigued.
Hudson Jenkins
Lmao at thinking a hardware wallet is just the same as an airgapped storage/paper wallet/external drive
If all you do is HODL, then sure.
But the MAIN advantage of a hardware wallet is that you can actually SPEND your coins RISK-FREE. They're completely sandboxed, so you can attach it to the most virus-filled computer in the world, and your coins won't get stolen.
And the viruses can't even spoof the address you are sending coins to, because that appears on the sandboxed hardware wallet.
You carry one of these, and you can spend your coins ANYWHERE you can find a computer anywhere in the world.
Lincoln Moore
>What happens when your computer has malware and you unencrypt your wallet?
Topkek, get a load of this faggot
>he doesn't spin up a virtual machine when unencrypting wallet
Levi Cooper
Anytime there's a hardware wallet thread all the most idiotic people on biz come out of the woodwork against them. Lol at people using paper wallets and trying to actual spend coins from them or even worse maintaining a computer that can never go on the internet and compiling fucking gentoo on it
Gavin Richardson
Jesus dude or you could just buy a trezor for 50 bucks, but instead you want to go full autist in solving a problem in the most complicated way
Evan Thompson
but then I have to trust that whatever hardware wallet i choose will remain in business forever and that they're constantly patching new exploits. There really should be some kind of opensource alternative already.
Easton Johnson
How can I become a crypto consultant without attracting attention from gangs of drill-wielding torture robbers?
Easton Jones
That's not how it works...
Also, Trezor is so open-source (both hardware and software), you can even build one yourself from their specs.
So far, I know of TWO separate instances where people built "DIY Trezors" from scratch using the specs, and compiled the software themselves.
I've been telling myself for months that I was going to get a hard wallet because I was worried this would happen to binance...
...I never did
I'm honestly not even mad though, how can I be for being so fuckign stupid.
James Hernandez
thank you kind user. I'm autistic enough where I would only trust a hardware wallet I built myself from scratch. weekend project coming up.
Jose Perez
this shit might be the only thing that gives me doubts about bitcoin's future. dumbasses keeping their coins on exchanges again and again and again and getting hacked again and again and again and normies will never buy in because "lol bitcoin has been hacked so many times, i'm not falling for that."
This dude already did a pretty good job. This looks very doable.
Michael Williams
Bought a Ledger Nano S, and was incredibly paranoid for a couple weeks that I somehow compromised myself during the set-up process or when I transported my private key to a bank deposit box. Funds are safu though so I guess I'm alright.
A thief would probably steal my coins ASAP if I had fucked up, ye?
can I connect a trezor to a computer thats connected to the internet? there's no malware on it
Carter Wood
you can connect a trezor to any pc anywhere even if the pc itself is compromised and you'll still be safe. worst case is someone keylogs your passphrase. but they won't get your pin or seed. so just make a new passphrase next time and transfer your btc to the new wallet.
Ryan King
Maybe he steals them at bullrun peak for MAXIMUM PAIN
Hudson Foster
Why wouldn't he just steal them now and hodl until bull run? Not stealing them he risks I move funds, no?
Ledger + Billfodl (better version of Cryptosteel). With a strong 25th word passphrase of course.
Only way someone's getting my coins is if I fuck up, exchange gets hacked while I'm doing a trade, or somehow the ledger is compromise, or Quantum computing comes around.
Even if some fucker breaks into my house and steals my Ledger, good luck, wipes after the 3rd wrong pin. Even if they steal my Billfodl and break the padlock, they'll only get the dust amount of coins on the 24 word seed, (that I keep for if someone ever attacks my testicles with a drill and demands my crypto). The rest is on the 25th word that I keep only in my head.
Lincoln Peterson
Do you into crypto, m8?
Your coins aren't stored ON the device. Heck I can wipe and reset my device (or smash it) any time I want and still retrieve my coins.
The 24 word seed is what owns your coins, the hardware is just for convenient access.
You can bang that seed into here (offline) to generate all your private keys: iancoleman.io/bip39/
Brayden Smith
Here is my encrypted private key on my paper wallet, steal my funds:
>he thinks a hardware wallet is a usb stick >he doesn't realize that I could smash the device right this second and still be spending my coins within 10 min
The same is true of the USB. Unless its literally your only cope AND you didn't backup your seed.
Austin Long
I just keep a hot wallet for spending.
Connor Flores
>thinks he needs a hardware wallet to take money off exchanges
Jason White
Put the bulk of them on paper.
Carson Bell
Technically nothing is stored anywhere besides the blockchain. That doesn't mean a hardware wallet couldn't be compromised and your funds get Binance'd.
Carter Phillips
Your usb stick can be hacked the second you put it in your usb port
Daniel Green
see >pull funds out of cold storage >transfer some to hot wallet >transfer remainder into a new address that's never been on the internet
Hardware wallets are fine for spending, but I'd never use one for storage. That said, I've never had any problems with just using a hot wallet.