Binance Hack is an inside job

They need to block withdraws for a week and slow down the teher collapse while they sell at high prices while they still can.

Attached: images (4).jpg (275x183, 9K)

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Yep also see this

''Binance has two cold wallets, that add up to 188,311 BTC, or a full 46% less than nearly 350,000 they should have, if we are to believe that they only lost 2% of their Bitcoins.''

Probably this

LMAO anyone who believes it's a (((((hack))))) is completely brain dead
it's an exit scam
cz is just buying time

think about it fellas, binance is the largest tether exchange, btc is just about 6k where the market was nice and steady for all of 2018, they're going to keep btc around this 6k region and dump it to cover all loses

Well conspiracy nuts, im already tethered up on binance so what else am i to do

Attached: 51762ec6-573d-4dde-8822-0ec812fccd4.jpg (664x1016, 72K)

prepare for the realization that you exchanged your real money for magical internet gold coins that are about to disappear

Attached: 1557104117452.jpg (650x433, 50K)

At least that spares me the embarrassment of telling my family I lost all my money day trading

You guys remember that BTC went down to 3k after binance went on maintenance for only 8 fucking hours? Now with a hack and one WEEK???? also adds the tether fud and BINGO! 2k BTCs

Im gonna move my funds from cold storage and convert to DAI. u jelly Binanceletts?