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> Stock market dumping

> Tether is a fraud

> Largest crypto exchange hacked

How many more bullish signals do you need?

Attached: Bitcoin.jpg (1080x1080, 392K)

Yes, buy high sir

Yes, don't buy the bottom goy

All this BTC shilling is clearly manufactured.

Answer me this: Why the fuck would Bitcoin go up when all the news are literally terrible?

Exactly. There is no reason at all.

People are actually trying to get rid of BTC for some reason.

>but it's not going down user ur retarded fuck you

It's not going down yet because the people pumping it have not reached their exit position yet.


You must have missed the 2017 run. There was no positive news to be found.

>Currencies exit scamming left and right
>Asshole Mt Gox dumping his BTC
>India and China outright banning crypto

Just to name a few

This was all during the biggest bullrun to date.

If you can't read the signals, get out

>caring about news

trend is bullish, that's all that matters. Flip bull or get left behind

That was Bitfinex and Binance manipulating the market with tether to washtrade money, this is the outcome fucking retarded

I didn't missed the 2017 bullrun. It already happened, it's over. You cannot pump Bitcoin with Tether anymore.

Trend is manufactured, it's not real. And this time you don't have Tether to pump things for real.

You are fucked.

Sounds like some premium bear cope to me. Have fun watching btc smash 6k while you keep crying about how manipulated the market is

I want to buy that artwork

>this time you don't have Tether to pump things for real.

You will, you will have Tether pumping, why an't them pump with teth? there is no reason

I'm not a bear, I'm objective because I don't hold any bags.

If you were objective you'd be bullish

ya ill buy the dump after tether is exposed for good

Attached: 6iOTdND.png (587x94, 5K)

Wrong for all the reason that I already stated.

This market is going down, that's for sure.

Patiently waiting to buy the BNB dip.

miners, who are HUMANS can send bitcoin to fucking zero. you are trusting HUMANS, not code

>we've broken all major weekly resistance at the 20 and 50 ma
>on incredible strength as evidenced by RSI levels we haven't seen since pre-crash
>we got a +25% breakout weekly candle that literally never retraced and just drifted higher
>we got pushed down at the 50wma and actually closed red and smashed through anyways the following week

I literally cannot comprehend people stupid enough to be bearish here

Attached: no hope left for bobo.jpg (1280x712, 71K)

>You cannot pump Bitcoin with Tether anymore

Check the volume Coinbase was doing during the bullrun. Check how many Bitcoin Grayscale as hodling during the bullrun. Check how many Bitcoin the Swedish ETN was holding duing the bullrun. There was so much money flowing into Chinese exchanges that they had to ban them for circumventing capital controls. The Tether impact is overblown.

This time around, there is going to be more real money coming in when a firm like Fidelity Investments, Ameritrade, etc which each manage trillions in investments are entering with their own trading platforms and retail/institutional investors have had a few years to digest the risk/rewards of Bitcoin.

Attached: btc.png (1652x3056, 1.76M)

why won't they be pumping tether again like they did the last bull?

TA is literally astrology, you are just a religious person with a lot of money to lose.

That's absolutely unreadable, don't waste my time.

Odd, it's done nothing but make me a lot of money. Maybe yours just works backwards or some shit

If you are so good it means you are probably rich, but you still need to try and convince random people on the internet to buy your bags for some reason. I imagine you are either just bored and rich, or desperately bagholding a bunch of shit that's currently tanking.

why won't they be pumping tether again like they did the last bull?

they'll never buy my bags because i'm not selling till 100k