it's possible without affecting others.
Fuck this. It would set a bad precedent.
c'mon, think Jow Forums.
The absolute state of Corecucks.
depends... shows that you have to accept the chain or swap to a different one.
will it negatively affect you? no.
do you have a problem with it? if yes, swap the chain, remember that to do it he needs the consensus of the majority.
*immutable chain*
why are these guys from core such unimaginable cucks? who the fuck put these jizz felching powerbottoms in charge of the github?
This goes against every single thing bitcoin stands for. Here is the real fix:
Fuck binance, fuck chinks, and fuck this jew.
It's only possible which is why he said you need to reveal the private key, ROLLINGBACK all of bitcoin will be TO expensive even for CZ and they only have a week to do so, but they'd again need to give up the private key to their wallet and they'd need to put out the money to bribe the miners.
Basically it'll cost a lot of money in a limited time.
This has been suggested MANY times, you niggers are acting like it's new. No one has ever done it because of the amount of money, and the time you can lose. Plus the amount of effort of getting those miners on.
Based and adoptionpilled
Fuck you, CZ needs to change his password more often and maybe a 7000 BTC loss will remind him of that next time.
Also This is all JUST a theory, no one truly knows IF it will work which is another reason no one has tested it. It's just ideally that it would, even Jeremy admits it might not work.
The fact that its suggested at all is the issue. The fact that its suggested by a fucking Corenigger is the even bigger issue.
Can someone fucking tell me if my link are safe? I dont care about bitcoin
meant for
wew that's a big fud
for me
Who the fuck do you think's behind this hack?
THEY WUZ WARNED. They messed with the wrong Mr.Link this time
go fuck yourself coreniggers, you earned this.
link is a shitcoin
Bitcoin will lose all validity if this happens
The jews ruin everything. I ask Santa each year to bring back Hitler
Proof of Work is a fucking mess.
> (((Santa)))
You guys are all so fucking stupid.
so a jew is proposing some bullshit to invalidate the network to the state of ETH
It will not happen
How's this guy affiliated with core nobody agrees with this stupid kike who can't think a minute into the future
He's just a greedy like the rest of them which is why they never built anything worthwhile
you roll it back, we bankrupt you.
binance doesnt refers to being hacked, but having a security breach of their withdrawal security system. it seems like the "hack" happened because of some 3rd party software or a phishing site.
>Aha aha aaaa
>And do you do you do you do you?
kek at the fractal nature of this event
Exactly this. Why do people still doubt that BTC was hijacked by the Jews? It's so obvious that they have control of it and just use it as a ponzi vehicle to pump and dump on the goyim.
Gay fud
This is the time to buy I've never seen so much inaccurate fud happening at once
Proof of work is the only reason Bitcoin works at all brainlet. It's an economic incentive system, not a digital collectors item.
Hope we can roll it back to 1933 so we make sure the holocaust actually happened
How do I updote you on this?
Funds are safu?
Does some shit like this expose legal liability? Could there be a class action suit against them if their move devalues the currency? Could there be a suit against Blockstream for the devaluation of a currency? If there are players that have the ability to make unilateral moves like this couldn't you write off all your coins as a loss in your taxes because you clearly don't own them at all? Do the key players get taxed for the market cap of the currency?
t. glowkike
FUCKING FUCK!!!! I feel pure rage at the stupidity anyone is even entertaining the idea of fucking rolling back Bitcoin trans-fucking-actions WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!
If this happens I'm going to fucking self murder..
Stop this cringe, adults are speaking
god this kike is so fucking stupid
if they go to all that trouble why not just put the bitcoins back where they came from? Instead pay out the hacked funds to his miner buddies lmao
Blacklist the 7k btc and move on. That's the only right thing to do. You can't start 51% attack the network whenever there is a hack. Fucking niggers.
Hahahahaaha centralized shit.
Just use decentralized exchanges like sdex