How the hell can retailers get away with forcing NEETs like me to work for free? I'm not scanning shit

How the hell can retailers get away with forcing NEETs like me to work for free? I'm not scanning shit.

Attached: stealing-from-walmart-self-checkout-600x381.jpg (600x381, 58K)

Other urls found in this thread: MP3_MK.pdf

b-but they're passing the savings on to you!

Whats more op is that they purposely hire old ladies and mentally ill people to slow down the cashiers to make people scan their own items.

Attached: HACHI FOLD PATH.jpg (3832x3960, 1.3M)

Did you know that Andrew Yang wants to give you retailers and truck drivers $1,000 a month no strings attached?
This is called the Freedom or Citizen's Dividend, an idea that has been with us since the founding of the country. Thomas Paine and many others have supported the idea.

Attached: MATH.png (304x402, 218K)

It's a good way to get rid of all your change though.

No one is forcing you to use them

Im not going to fiddle with change either.

My ass they are.

Ive been choosing other retailers over walfart that dont force self checkout. But when i have to go to walmart its either endure long line because only one cashier is open or i have to work for free.

>not putting all your change in a 5 gallon water jug and making the boomer woman who works behind the glass drag it to the coin machine once it's full.

just steal shit. i do it all the time if places have these self checkouts. if they're gonna make me do the work ill make sure to steal half of the shit I have in the cart.