How the hell can retailers get away with forcing NEETs like me to work for free? I'm not scanning shit

How the hell can retailers get away with forcing NEETs like me to work for free? I'm not scanning shit.

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Other urls found in this thread: MP3_MK.pdf

b-but they're passing the savings on to you!

Whats more op is that they purposely hire old ladies and mentally ill people to slow down the cashiers to make people scan their own items.

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Did you know that Andrew Yang wants to give you retailers and truck drivers $1,000 a month no strings attached?
This is called the Freedom or Citizen's Dividend, an idea that has been with us since the founding of the country. Thomas Paine and many others have supported the idea.

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It's a good way to get rid of all your change though.

No one is forcing you to use them

Im not going to fiddle with change either.

My ass they are.

Ive been choosing other retailers over walfart that dont force self checkout. But when i have to go to walmart its either endure long line because only one cashier is open or i have to work for free.

>not putting all your change in a 5 gallon water jug and making the boomer woman who works behind the glass drag it to the coin machine once it's full.

just steal shit. i do it all the time if places have these self checkouts. if they're gonna make me do the work ill make sure to steal half of the shit I have in the cart.

give a chink the presidential sit.
2022 headline:
usa got sold to china for btc

There are places that only have self-checkouts open at certain times.

In my country we can pick up a beeper and plastic bags at the entrance and beep as we put stuff in the bags. Then at the exit we put the beeper in a holder, pay and walk out with the bags. At the start you can get random inspections but trust is built up the more times in a row the staff find that you did in fact beep everything.

Doesn't Walmart have this in US?

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no americans would steal the beepers, shove the beepers up their ass, flush the beepers in the toilet, throw beepers at strangers, have beeper wars, photograph their gf's masturbating with beepers, slip on beepers and sue, or just steal constantly.

business works differently in a place where people have not honor.


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I prefer self checkout. I'm faster than the cashier. Minimum wage ($7.25) x the 5 minutes it takes me to get the job done is = .60c. idk how much they pass on the savings to the customers by doing this (or if they even do), but lets assume its .002% that means if I spend $60 I save 12c... FUCK. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY CUT WALMART?!

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I fucking love this point, it just shows how really out to fuck you in the ass corporations really are.
> If we increase minimum wage, prices will explode! Labor is SO expensive for us!
> Eliminate 50% of workforce, prices don't move

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I would love to have a flash mob buy shit with stacks of pennies. Just imagine the chaos

But also this, who the fuck wants to even have to be in a forced social interaction with what usually is essentially a crackhead or whore in a Wal-Mart uniform?

No rush and you don't have to talk to a pleb.



> usa got sold to china for btc

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>preferring interaction with pathetic old women and teenagers to scanning some groceries
normie get out reee

I dont talk to them. Dont even look them in the eye. I just dont want to wageslave for no wage.

actually a brilliant idea, at the end you can say you did not realize it. could have been a malfunction of the scanner etc

low quality bait populism
how about you start taking $1,000 less from my earnings you fucking communist

they usually have one or more cameras aimed right at the self-checkout so it's pretty clear if you are lying when claiming you didn't realize some groceries hadn't been scanned

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Guess whos gonna report it

same, hopefully the retarded underage polfag redditors will stop spamming it here once we start reporting it

> Collecting tax dollars
> Giving tax dollars back
> Give some of original tax dollars to people who don't pay any tax
Fuck no

>dont wanna work? heres $1,000
>wanna work? heres $1,000 but we take it back out of your earnings again
what could go wrong

Good goy, don’t forget to take out a loan at 7% interest while you are at it.

>tax dollars
>not just outright printing the yang bucks and calling it another round of QE

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>$200 after taxes

Ok... Now this is epic

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>letting them take a certain % of your coins instead of buying tendies at self-checkout with your coins

I have seen that at Fry's (Kroger) but not Walmart.

I prefer self-checkout because I know I won't manhandle the packaging of my action figures but a wagie cashier would.

I'm pretty sure businesses take the losses of people not scanning a few things in their bag and still turn a profit because they don't have to pay the increasingly rising minimum wage

by that logic lugging a cart around a grocery store and scanning expiration dates would be labor

so what you really want is amazon fresh?

It's called MMT (or MP3 if you're an autist like Dalio): MP3_MK.pdf


Also this. They're separating demanding, expensive wagies from the other costs of your food.

If you want to hire a wageslave, you have to pay the wageslave, NEETs.

We're taxing the mega corps using a 10% tax on every transaction they make. This will make it a lot harder for them to dodge the tax (AMZN paid $0 in 2018).
Individual taxes will stay the same.

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NEETs and commies are realizing that you actually have to work for things or pay someone to do it

>Individual taxes will stay the same.

And that's why this shithead will never win. People only care if at the end of the month then bank account digits look better or not at an individual level. I don't give a dogshit about the ethical aspect of my employer's taxes

But they don't pay me to scan items.
If they don't contribute to the national workforce by hiring staff, what's the literal point, the government can just start a store with food and have people use it.

The literal point is that they don't get staffed like Flint, the VA, or the DMV. Grocery stores can go bankrupt, so they'll do the best they can at price negotiation with suppliers, offering plentiful, varied, and reasonably priced merchandise, then bringing it near to where your grubby little hands can get at it.

I swear, instead of Advanced Holocaust Remembrance or reviving Home Ec, schools need a Communist Remembrance class. Soviet premiers balked at US grocery stores.

lol, actually, this is fault of stingy customers who don't want to pay 1.50 for coke and instead 1.00.
Hahah. Fucking stingy cunts ruining everything.

Everyone's got a price point. By comparison you're stingy for not having your assistant do your shopping for you. Or just DoorDashing/BluePlating everything.

If I had the means I would pay for an assistant to do my shopping.
He gets paid and I get ease. Everybody wins.

the only thing that's being passed on is more profit for Mr. Goldbergstein and his jewish amigos

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Grocery stores are in the same situation. It's a notoriously low margin, cutthroat business so many really don't have the means to pay for more checkout workers.

When those first came around I used to steal so many fucking paintballs just by bagging and walking out

the ones in darker areas of town have motion sensor cameras on the self checkouts now. you dont even have to scan anything for them to turn on.

>darker areas of town
Why don’t they just install better lighting?

It is all just the side effects of how completely and utterly fucked the global economy is going. We increasingly no longer need human labor due to automation and soon to be AI. It may not be everyone but it is enough to drop labor participation. Wages are dependent on value and as such there is no reason to pay people a living wage off of the entry level positions that are the main way to employee the unwashed masses. But the foundation of our economic model in the modern world requires consumption in a mass level from a strong upper lower and middle class. This equates roughly to that mass of unwashed humans. We have offset the effects with various attempts at socialism but it doesn't fix the underlying issue. As even YANGGANG has pointed out, UBI isn't a solution but at least a bandaid. There is no way out of this shit without a sudden change in population or a new resource frontier. As bizarre as it may seem, the commie shit may be unsavory but it may end up having to be the gap bridge till a new resource boom can find a purpose for the mass of >100 IQ humanity.

We're supposed to be doing intelligence gene modding and embryo selection at this point.

> implying china isn't

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>tfw your team prioritized the wrong tech allowing the opposing team to leapfrog you and mine your tech tree
We can just reload a saved game from the 80s, right? R..right?

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Do you even know what a loss carryforward is retard?

Amazon didn't dodge or evade any taxes, individuals with capital losses in previous years can do the exact same thing.

How easy is it to steal from self-checkouts?

They have cameras all over them but i think its still easy enough

How so? In the UK the fucking thing screams at you UNEXPECTED ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA

It’s your choice to wait in line behind shaniqua and her 14 babby and they have to scan her wic checks one by one.

>oops little j’a’markuhs just shit his diaper and it smells. Oh well stand there and read some Oprah magazines you literal cuck.

>not stealing food by scanning from yourself
>never going to make it
It's literally a win win situation, the grocery store still prefere to lose some money unironically allowing people to steal stuff that hire a wagecucker.

That's why you don't put it in the bagging area with the scales dumbass. Just steal things that don't look suspicious unbagged, like a gallon of milk