Craig was right all along

BTC is centralised. The whole point with bitcoin was to have a protocol that's set in stone and no one can change. Not even Satoshi or God. If you can roll back the whole blockchain because you suck at security, it is NOT a decentralised protocol. Craig is always ten steps ahed as he shows in this artice about decentralisation

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Fuck I might actually buy BSV

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I wish I was just now buying SV. My bags are pretty heavy, mom's spaghetti.

maybe suicide stack in order

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Isn't BSV even more centralized since their mining operations are even more concentrated?
After all it's the miners who decide whether to roll back or not.

I just bought 3 BSV for the hell of it.

holy fuck why

I just did the fucking needful

Attached: what u say boi.png (568x579, 517K)

sirs... sirs what is happen to me sirs

I... I feel strange sirs, I need.... to poo

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There is a high correlation between exchanges that mislabel BCH and exchanges that get "hacked".
Cryptopia: Bcash, Bitfinex: BAB, Binance: BCHABC. Karma is a BitCH, who's next?!

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>Isn't BSV even more centralized
It is. They want to centralize it even more by bumping up the blocksize further, so only (((big corporations))) can run nodes with data centers because of some blogpost satoshi wrote 10 years ago. Imagine that.

CZ's claims are baseless.

If you believe what CZ says is a fact (about chain re-org), you should also take his tweet about how it's not possible as a fact.

They both can't be facts so you need to use your own brain (I know right? Thinking for yourself is hard, it's way easier to listen to shills)

But it's broken down by this poster:

If you read the posts, you'll see why a rollback simply won't happen

>Satoshi was wrong

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BCH more useful

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>technology doesn't advance in 10 years and we have to circlejerk over the posts of a dead person

1. cz deleted a tweet saying its hard to tell apart scammers from people who pretend to be scammed: it's him right there

2. supposedly delisted BSV because of a 5000$ bounty, calling it toxic, two weeks laters opens a 10000$ bounty against CSW, what an hypocrite

3. he said it was standard routine maineinance, pls pls no fud, it's actually and ''''''''''hacking'''''''''' and he himself is fudding it now. he thinks we are stupid, he thought he could make it without getting caught. just like the criminal he is

4. BNB is shit, the exchange is FULL of hidden orders. try this: imagine there is a sell order for 149 link. go all in with that with limit, you will get 2000 links at least. in ''my trades'' you see green buy, in ''market trades'' you see a sell. what a fucking scammer.

5. he's chinese

6. he thinks his shitty exchange does inspire trust in bitcoin and that its shortcomings influence BTC negatively. like who the fuck cares?

7. >wanted to reorg. (cws is right)

8. doesn't help you with lost funds, wrong address, wrong memo, but thankses coinbase and other exchanges cause they'll block his txids

9. the greatest BNB referral coder has a balance of 1280 bitcoin and it's probably him, the second being that waifu of his.

10. toxic, venomous, poisonous fraud. binance more like bisexual finance.

11. he wanted to fuck up your bitcoin with a reorg for his lunch money

>technology doesn't advance in 10 years
Which technology in particular are you talking about that scales better than what Satoshi laid out and doesn't alter the protocol?

Brownpilled af.

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>thinking Craig was the only one to say btc was centralized
Do you not realize he’s a walking echo chamber

Aj Poo

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Never heard of him before, looks like a douchebag.

>Craig was right all along
things that never happened
>BTC is centralised.
says you and your feels, too bad facts don't support it

Nah, he's actually a pretty cool guy.

he is an abusive alcoholic asshole that tries to kill the one good thing in this shitstain of an economy for selfish reasons.

Attached: tale-of-two-satoshis.png (1353x382, 493K)

>keeping Bitcoin true to the original protocol
>trying to kill it

I mean you could read the whitepaper and Satoshi's posts and compare that to SV vs Segwitcoin, but I know you won't and you never have.

he is not keeping bitcoin true to the original protocol he is doing the opposite of that.

In what way?

metanet is a perversion of not just everything bitcoin but everything the internet is all about for example.

How does the metanet alter the protocol?

alter? it fucks it in the ass not to mention it's utterly retarded.
>metanet is the revolutionary idea of strapping your car to your back and paying for the privilege to walk it to work and back every day.

It's pretty clear that I was not trying to impersonate multiple people you fuck face.

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>alter? it fucks it in the ass
H O W?

Yes yes, please buy a coin controlled by shady boomer Calvin Ayre and his minions, a homosexual chink and a paid Aussie Satoshi stooge

in every which way nigga. thankfully nothing ever will come of it except the autistic blogs of the unwriter which are both fascinating and painful to read.

>in every which way
>yet can't give a single example

Do you even know what metanet is? Bitcoin (pre core) had a bunch of useful op codes and allowed for all kinds of different transactions. Bitcoin never restricted the data stored in the blockchain to just cash transactions. It always had the ability to build applications and contracts ontop of it. None of which alter the protocol. All SV is doing is restoring op codes, removing shit core added, and scaling. Everyone else like unwriter are just building apps ontop. This doesn't effect the protocol, incentives, security, etc at all.

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Nigga, nChain can easily do any rollback they want

what the fuck did I just read