Every crypto use case is something that we already can do without the overhead of using crypto
Every crypto use case is something that we already can do without the overhead of using crypto
But not without trusting other people.
we are just printing money out of the thin air like the central banks
Right. So every crypto project is made by people (who do mistakes) but nobody can be held accountable when mistakes happen. What a great system
*blocks your path*
Link will cut overhead into a fraction of what it is now. :)
Oh cool so now we have only half the overhead of using cryptos
Meaning it will put huge segments of the paper-pusher class out of work. Maybe including yours, wagie. :) :) :)
Lets see you cross borders with a million dollars of value
Lets see you buy food in venezuela
Lete see you flee venezuela with any value
It's true but at a huge cost in very expensive institutions and bureaucracies that many places in the world can't afford. Blockchain will unlock a fuckload of capital in developing countries and will make investing in them extremely profitable, that's why I predict a huge capital flight to crypto and from there to developing countries.
It's the future.
just like "ai"
>we need bitcoin just in case we turn into a third whole shithole
>He hasn't been watching MasterCard and PayPal freeze funds and delete accounts of first world people because other first world people with differing political views screeched loudly enough
>He thinks liberals will be happy to censor and deplatform, but won't come for his funds if he views Brenton-Chan's Magnum Opus or tweets "it's all about the birth rates"
>He doesn't own Bitcoin in a cold wallet, with a memorised seed phrase
Perhaps you'd be more at home on a website with user names and a system of rating other users' posts
>durr muh right wing political victims
the average person isn't alex jones and doesn't give a fuck about that
>going straight to Alex Jones
>don’t contest anything stated
>it's ok because I'm not them
Jesus Christ, are you really this normie?
>the average person doesn't care
The average person doesn't own one Bitcoin, and never will, but one day everyone will want to
literally nobody in the world cares about you Jow Forumstard incels. Most people cheer every time one of your neo-nazi e-celeb fag gets banned
>he hasn’t heard of eth 2.0
Congrats on this, seriously.
>overhead of crypto
Yeah, you are right. Its much more cost effective to pay thousands of people to execute work that could be done flawlessly with smart contracts.
No u
lel, you have no idea where crypto is going to take us. Have you ever payed payroll for a small business with employees in 100 different countries? With crypto you can!
what u HODLing?
>flawlessly with smart contracts.
Are you stuck on repeat?
have sex
with your mother
BTC, LTC, XMR. Might pick-up some LINK as a suicide bag.
crypto solves a shit ton of problems, especially the stuff that can be developed&run on plattforms like ETH. Also the overhead of Crypto will get smaller over time, all processes involving crypto will get streamlined, become cheaper and more standardized and common place. This is already forseeable.
It's the early 1900s and everyone here on this board is riding his Ford Model T and thinks thats the end of the line.
OP has no clue what's about to come and how this blockchain-crypto-motherfucker will impact everything in the following decades.
just keep doing it with your dad
lol calm down. never seen anyone so triggered by some harmless banter
>no u mad!
classic coping incel
The jigs up!!
what other technology allows for international value transport without requiring any physical posession that can be seized?
Dude... you're a fucking fag. I think crypto is retarded, but you're just all in worked up toddler mode about people liking different things.
projecting much incel?
funds are safu
You're a liberal arts student, an actual fag, a woman, or a black person? Those are the only people who obsess about another user's sexual status.
imagine seething so much lmao
have sex incel
You have a problem with that statement?
You just hanging out here all day talking about dudes having sex? I just made $990. How you holding up, sad user?
oh cool, an incel and also a larper. good combo
what about using tokens to dl movies, songs etc. BTT token does this flawlessly.
See ya never, loser. :)
>imagine being so insecure you have to take screenshots to convince random people on a taiwanese fish forum you make money
no wonder you are an incel
bittorrent does this better
Just helping you look stupid, but you're doing all of the hard work.
you are just embarrassing yourself incel larper
I bet you're a brown gay person, or a fat chick. Tell us about yourself.
Below $5/Link it is a steal.
I bet you are an angry incel posting on Jow Forums everyday and blaming jews for being poor and virgin. tell us more about your insecurities user
I haven't been on Jow Forums in a while. Too stressful.
Post hands. Let's see how fat and/or brown you are.
man, you incels really have insecurities. learn to cope man
bittorrent and btt are the same god damn thing. Watch a god damn justin sun livestream for once in your fucking life
Post hand. You're definitely dirt poor, and until you prove otherwise a gay brown guy or a fat girl.
why are you so obsessed with color? maybe because your personal life is a complete failure and you need to feel proud of the achievements of others so you can feel a bit less of a failure? learn to cope incel
OP is right. You never see a blockhain general or even a thread about blockchain tech on Jow Forums. If there is, it gets dismantled and refuted. Ask yourself, why this is
Maybe that's all true.
Post your brown and/ or fat hand. I'll also settle for any proof that you hold a job or own a business, if you're too ashamed to post your disgusting hand.
>Every crypto use case is something that we already can do without the overhead of using crypto
ok tell me how to stick it to the banks without criptoes
paypal? fuck off
Jewish female confirmed.
not everyone is that insecure like you trying to convince random people on the internet he has money lmao
stay seething incel
yes. great fucking system!
it is revolutionary. fuck boomers and their trustful permissioned ways!
This should have been the answer but the fucking chinks always have to ruin the projects so we're back to square one
You're 15 posts deep trying to prove something to someone. I own a business on a business board; you're an unemployed fat girl or a poor brown person who's opinions are irrelevant. Show us which you are... not that it ups your credibility either way.
AAAAAHHH. The nose reveals itself.
10 posts trying to larp as a richfag lmao. just how insecure are you incel?
I've posted proof of business ownership.
On a business board, my perspective is relevant, and you're just a sad poor fat girl or a jealous as fuck brown person. You're nobody here. Imagine that? Being a nobody on Jow Forums... that's about as low as it gets.
yes incel we believe you. you big shot important businessman. have a cookie incel. now go back at your rooms corners to continue crying
Shut up guys
I believe him over you frog posting scum
yes incels sympathize with other incels
Nigger lol
lmao incel
This must be bait. As things are in the market of conventional services, you pay a massive premium for trust (when you bank, ask for a computation, etc etc). Crypto allows trust-free reconceptions of digital services, which is itself a massive reduction in overhead. It allows, essentially, individuals to function in ways that were traditionally reserved for the extremely wealthy. It automates trust.
End to end trustless tamperproof self executing digital agreements connected to financial data, bank payments and iot
I can't believe there are still people on this board who don't get it