How do you guys blend in with normies? I just got a good job but i'm afraid i'm too much autistic to keep it

How do you guys blend in with normies? I just got a good job but i'm afraid i'm too much autistic to keep it.
My colleagues joke all day and our boss is present too, after 2 days i've been already called out as the shy guy. Help me bizbros

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There's less normies than you think, seek more of you there

there's no helping I'm afraid

It's taken literally 10 fucking years for people to stop complaining about how quiet I am

1 more year and Bitcoin gets me the fuck out of there

Looking forward to it

memorize some of their topic words, repeat them at random intervals

you're on the job to work asshole, not to fuck around with colleagues. develop some work ethic and professional conduct faggot. if there's too much talking and socializing you're most likely in a weak-ass or womens business that pays shit and doesn't deliver. Quit the job then and search for something masculine where real men shut the fuck up most of the time and silently perform at their best.


Stop giving a fuck and let them do the talking. Normies love talking. Learn to be empathetic. Dont lie. Dont talk shit.

Attached: will smith on an escalator.webm (640x360, 1.67M)

lol you fucking child get the fuck out if you cannot stand the truth

I don't know, they always talk about got and make jokes i can't connect too. i try to laugh but it's obvious that i feel out of place
Fuck, i will never resist for then years, i just want to keep the place and feel more confident around them

Look up a book called "how to be a 3% man" and read it like 5 times. It's mostly a book about how to build relationships with women but that coupled with the guys youtube content will help you improve socially. Though I have always been a little more talkative and out there so maybe you will have a different experience.