Jow Forums car thread

can crypto just moon already so I can be based and have financial freedom and buy a (pic related) pre owned (but nearly new) /comfy/ red pilled Toyota Camry that will last me 15+ years

also car what will Jow Forums be buying when they make it?

for me its got to be the Camry... all I ever need, comfort, reliability, equipment, under the radar, sleek, not degenerate, economical

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Well said, although subcompacts are better if you live in urban areas like the Corolla.

yeah based decision for both of you, corolla and Camry really are the true Jow Forumsnessmens cars, personally if I really made it I would go Camry but yeah for parking in cities and shit a corolla could be a bit more based....but yes two good choices

For me it's a brand new Miata RF, then maybe a Civic Type R for winter.

I’m getting an accord

Buy an used one, retard

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Excellent choice. Had a friend who bought a Porsche and another that bought a 330i (both were second hand and close to new Corolla in price) Great to have friends with those cars that you can go for rides in and I enjoy working on cars and helping them but that's where it ends. The costs associated with keeping that BMW going are endless. So much little niggles over such a short period of time. Parts are expensive as all fuck.I guess I appreciate simplicity now I suppose.

This is my choice, would love to see the outdoors a little beyond normal roads. Either way I love the looks. Can park it anywhere, good on fuel and costs less than 30k new/

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subcompacts hurt your ego, restrict utility, and barely beat sedans in fuel economy. really not worth.
t. drove a festiva and a focus for most of my life

the only Jow Forums approved car.

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Opinion on the Porsche?

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It's a 06 Boxster. Surprisingly reliable. People say its a girls car but its nice to drive and sounds good. Parts are still expensive e.g. brakes, filters. Nothing has really broken on it though. Some of the interior is starting to wear but it is getting old.

Huge faggot here. Sold my 18 cam le and just bot a 06 cam wit 123000 mi ask me anything

cars are a fucking meme, I would rather put that money into a nicer home that will retain value


Good daily and fun to take on some windy roads

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this is a sick ride bro
take my fuzzy dice as a gift
they're yours

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F-650 pickup truck
It’s the only right answer
You can only buy if you made it and it has ultimate utility.

Why the fuck would you buy this? just buy a shitbox corolla or equivalnt for $2k it will run fine for years. There, I saved you $20k+

None of those cars are "made it" cars but they make great first cars also good if you just need a cheap reliable car
They are easily attainable cars
My first car was a v6 camry

Porsche is great, very reliable and I highly recommend them
And they arnt poverty tier cars like everything else in this thread

10/10 piece of trash

Based af
I got a V6 camry

Any home worth living in is in car country

Anything besides a 1994 Toyota Celica is trash and will explode

had an avalon with the 3.5 v6 which is basically an es350 or v6 camry depending on how you look at it. was the nigger titties. sadly totaled at 225k miles.

I have a Jeep Wrangler Unlimited. If I made it I would just upgrade it so it looked sleeker; after market shorter fenders, 3 inch larger tires to fill out wheel well, premium shocks, rust removal and polyurea coating in the undercarriage, heavy duty steel bumpers, reinforced roll cage, turbo charger, performance air filter, heavy duty transmission, premium alarm system w/ tilt detection and gps, and an extra cup holder.

10/10 good car

If I make it far, GTR or Porsche. Otherwise do some kind of swap with an EJ25 or 2JZ.

Do you at least go off roading?
Or is it a mall crawler like most wranglers?
Wrangers for strictly road use are pretty stupid considering they have the worst crash test ratings, love to tip and have awful fuel mileage
Oh but its the smiles per gallon, i forgot those death traps make people smile

Great off roading vehicles though

You could by a tesla and never have to worry about changing oil or getting gas for the same price as that stupid fucking camry you want to buy

You literally dont even need to go to a tesla charging station just any electric charging station will do. Jesus how stupid you are


pffft... slow pieces of shit

i can smoke the fuck out of this in my 1994 EG hatch with a couple of simple mods:

- 10 point cage with Parachute
- 3 piece discontinued JoJo frontend
- spec-R full drag suspension
- Fuel cell with -8 lines from tank to motor
- 1 044 bosch pump
- 1200 rc injectors
- golden eagle sleeved block
- cp 10:1 pistons
- Eagle rods
- arp headstuds
- oem h22 headgasket
- Balance shaft delete
- competition clutch twin disc
- Port and polished head
- skunk2 valve springs and retainers
- Str cam gears
- crower stage 1 cams
- aluminium radiator with slim fan
- gsr transmission with itr lsd.
- qsd h2k intake manifold adapter
- k20 rbc manifold
- qsd throttle body spacer
- blox 70mm throttle body
- 4bar omni map sensor
- 6al msd with coil and cap. 3 step launch control
- hks bov
- Turbonetics t74 t4 twinscroll. turbocharger.
- Custom t4 front facing turbo manifold with 44mm flange
- 44mm tial wastegate
- Custom water to air intercooler set up
- aem eugo wideband w/ gauge
- tuned on chipped p28
- 13 inch volks drag rims
- 2 15 inch volks rear rims
- arp extended wheel studs
- si cluster
- 150 shots of nitrous

im making 348 horsepower to the FRONT WHEELS because thats the only place the power should ever be

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Fucking love them, nice choice. SUZUKI

I’m lookin at the amg glc 43 coupe. I love that style. Either that or the bimmer x4m

Gonna buy a Subaru Outback when I /makeit/

I can't believe so many people go on the internet to talk about their appliance purchase. If you buy a Camry/Corrolla/Accord it means you don't give a fuck about cars and you're boring. STFU nobody cares.


it actually means you've grown the fuck up and got tired of paying ridiculous repair bills for sportier cars or fancy name brands.

i only drive old toyota and old lexus, everything else a shit.

I own this car. Bought it for $19k brand new. Since they’re being discontinued in the states.

Mall crawler status atm. I have gone offroading in it but more as a necessity than a hobby. I do live in Minnesota so I can say that it handles snow covered anything like a boss. I can't afford to break this thing yet so I don't feel comfortable doing any bouldering. The most I would do is some mudding but I don't have friends who do that out here. Plus the tires are stock, I can't afford to fuck those up either. Right now I drive like, 5-10 miles every day to and from a bus stop.

Moral of the story: If I could afford to fuck it up I would. But I can't, so fuck off your soap box. I got it because I like the way it looks, I like that it can handle any terrain I'm likely to deal with, and it rides on snow like a boss. That and you can take the top off.

I want to restore an old Bronco and take it on trips to the beach.

Yeah I agree they look good
Ive never driven them in the snow but Ive had a few sketchy moments on sandy/gravely turns in a 2017 JKU winter edition
I thought I was gonna flip it and completely went off the road

If you think about the useless shit you will buy when you make it you are never going to make it.

Yeah, I think those winter editions come stock with a lift. Lift kits aren't for me. Center of gravity too far off the ground. Might do better with wider tires though.

Old school Lexus... Over all of these.

> thinking japs make good cars

Not gonna make it user. German engineering only, vw for poorfags, audi and bmw for rich fags

Porsche is the ONLY reliable high end car.

Any Lambo, Ferrari, Mercedes, or Aston is gonna have high maintenance costs.

My dad had a 911 from new to 70k miles and did not have a single issue. Just reg oil changes and stuff.

Only 3 brands I would ever own:

German 'quality' has been the great propoganda of the car age since WWII. They're marketed as prestigious and prey on the psyche of humans thinking 'if they're expensive, they must be good'. The german auto industry remains a government-propped up ponzi scheme pushing out garbage vehicles that are expensive, tacky and are not reliable.

Japan after the war underwent a philosophical and cultural revolution regarding quality using the Kaizen philosophy, seen in examples such as the Toyota Way. The manufacturers actually care about the vehicle, and not just money.

my nigga!

>mfw still want LS430 but can't justify replacing my GS300

AUDI quality is no better than VW. They suffer the same defects. Only case where VW is worse is when they are made in Spain or Mexico.
Not saying they are all unreliable, but the German engineering meme is exaggerated. BMW is Turk tier and all have the same bland, boring interior. Driving experience is good but they are made entirely out of brittle plastics.
Mercedes is the exception here, latest gen the quality is top notch bar the A/CLA class. Panel gaps are impressive and are generally trouble free. They have still become throw away appliances. Apparent by all the tech that will be irrelevant in 5 years and finance/leasing/serving plans designed around trading the car in end of term.

Most people see past the badge facade. If you're going to get a new car in 5 years anyway, why not get something that has identical feature set and costs half the price. You appear moronic driving a base model C class or 3 series.
If you're going to get a car to show off wealth you buy a true sports car or something that is complete fuck you money like a Bentley, Rolls, S class.

Literally wouldn't want anything other than pic related other than maybe the model X so that I can drive my 5 future kids to school with my future wife.

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Curently drive a ford focus and would most likely just upgrade to a newer civic. Whatever I drive all I care about is that if something should break the parts are all standard off-the-shelf in any north American garage.

Anons, I need help here. I can never tell when something is wrong with my car. When a car passes you going 45+, should you feel your car move? I think my struts might be going. I know I have a small crack in my steering column (or some other related part). car runs fine, but I can't tell if the effort I am putting into keeping it 'straight' is due to driving anxiety or a mechanical problem. In a new town and havent found a trustworthy mechanic yet.

tfw used 5 yr old car is about the same price

Not going to say anything about German cars but I can vow for Japanese cars being highly reliable. I work in the supply chain management and remember some Toyota guys from Japan getting pissed that one of the local Toyota factories here in Canada didn't use the specific metal alloy for one of the pieces they asked for since it wasn't as durable. They really care about this shit a lot.

Anyone else have aspirations of truck ownership? It is the ultimate made it vehicle. Sedans are for commuting to your wageslavery position. Trucks are for bringing whatever you want wherever whenever u feel like it. Plus they are safe and have good visibility

Can anyone here give me a benefit that a Camry has that a nice f150 doesn’t have?

Suzukis have terrible resale value

Just bought new Mazda 3.
Did I do good?
t. Europoor

NEW MAZDA 3??? if you arent buying a mazda mx5 get the fuck out of there

>Oh but its the smiles per gallon
I have a 79 lincoln continental and this is absolutely why i drive it, ive never heard this phrase but its accurate

>also car what will Jow Forums be buying when they make it?
Why even drive when you will be always high on something?
Taxi is the truly patrician choice.
F40 as investment, drive it a few times a year in a race track to keep it running.
Cheap Radical SR3 for pure weekend madness (when fully sober).

Would much rather a comfy AF used Audi A4 as a daily traveler.

Bought a 1yr old cadillac ats 2.0T in 2014 for 27k and the only thing thats shit out on me is the infotainment center. Dealership got gm to fix it for just the shipping cost. Drives like a stud and has good gas mileage. 9/10 would recommend.

Post more pics

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Those aren't a couple, nor are they simple mods lol




Whoosh idiot.

The best cars are

>honda civic ex for compact
>mazda 6 or camry for midsize
>avalon for full size/luxury

Passat highline

Not too much of anything. Perfectly balanced.

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i bought one of these about 6 months ago. fun, cheap, cheap to run, practical for my needs.

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Camry will last you a lifetime

some people like to leave the house


I bought a pre-owned BMW 3 series touring after the 2017 bull run. Naturally aspirated straight-six engines are made in heaven

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the ability to turn

model 3 offers better value

Euro indie shop manager here. This guy took the redpill. German cars are the biggest scam in the automotive world.

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I will buy a fleet of 700 cars.

partner buys new at the time 2005 Suzuki swift for 21k
tell her to buy two r32 gtr's for 15k in japan
she calls me a fucking idiot
2019 the Suzuki swift wouldn't get 5k when the gtr is 85k

>live in Minnesota
>Mall crawler status

You're a fucking bitch. Fuck Minnesomalia

Not gonna lie, they same really fun especially on trips.

i bought my 06 camry for $3k. shit is bulletproof

this. the weight difference is negligible because of safety cucking

>if i made it i would destroy my car

if you owned a wrench you would understand why toyotas are better

what about your futures wife's son?

looks like a grouper

Doesn't offer as many/as good of features though and doesn't look as nice

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Bought my first "good" car a year back after driving a suzuki rodeo into the ground. She's bone stock and I love it.

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Honestly probably a Hilux or Navara

Is it really rattley?

Resale price: $3000

>an used
That's what pre-owned means, ESL-kun.

Not a real Evo

Agree but I'm not a big car guy so no building it. That'd be a shame on an older evo

gas cars are going to be illegal in the next 10 years

get with the times old man


Eh, build quality sucks. I’ve had fog light, window regulator, lcd screen already replaced under warranty, but power train is solid. I’d honestly stick with a Japanese product. My next purschase will be a Lexus.

It's all I want bros. That or a mint MR2

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es 350 for a subtle flex