Guys i figured it out we're going up because people are getting rid of all their tether before it completely implodes

guys i figured it out we're going up because people are getting rid of all their tether before it completely implodes

Attached: monkas.png (735x720, 313K)

Relax faggots. CZ is going to rollback BTC and fix everything.

wait then btc would really go up

good. tether needs to implode as quickly as possible. this is bullish af.

nope, otherwise the USTD-USDC would be failing

No... Tether fud is nothing but smoke in your face.
We're going up because institutional investors are buying. Fidelity most likely went live with their platform for institutional investors and "family offices" and have been slowly accumulating.

Attached: 1543091894079.png (660x666, 235K)

it'll go up until tether gets outed, then everything will crash

The Wall Street Christmas bonuses came late.

this is chinese new year red pockets motherfucker

happens every year. newfags.

USDT ratio goes up, the ratio with other stable coins will go down, retards will think this is bullish

>Chewbacco just dieded



delete this, for real

Attached: 1557205001777.jpg (480x480, 35K)

Well you are wrong
Next stop 7300 in July

Tether is still at parity with USD you brainlet.

Wen trickle down alt rally? Im asking for my pool guy.

it's going up because the half normies are fomoing in at the top

now we'll need a capitulation before we can really start the bull run

i mean that big people like CZ and others are slowly siphoning off their tether into btc because they know it's gonna get fucked

Proof? Their cold wallet with ~$600 million in it would indicate otherwise.

no proof it just seems to make sense. they obviously wouldn't use a public address

So you're saying that they're going to throw over half a billion dollars down the toilet for the fuck of it?

Why not lel

Meh you know what, 10 years in and were not really feeling it. Shut it down.

wow convincing. Literally selling all my crypto now, thank user

Does anybody actually make anything any more other than slaves? Is it all just usury? This whole crypto thing honestly just feels like cannibalism, like an organism eating itself.

Explain your logic as to why Bitcoin would crash, if any? Tether being a fraud puts tremendous upward pressure on Bitcoin.

That wallet used to contain 740M Tether before it was broken apart and shifted through thousands of wallets.

dumb frogposter

essentially if others knew that tether was going to lose its peg, they would buy up all the btc they could before it faltered, then once the actual news came out (that a massive exchange is insolvent) the entire market would crash. tether itself was #7 in overall market cap so the loss of something that people believed to be 'stable' would instill fear

Roll your mother if you want roll.

This is literal retard tier logic.

explain why?

Because the people who were "in the know" enough to sell all their tether for BTC would not be dumb enough to think that Tether's failure had anything to do with the reliability or security of Bitcoin or blockchain tech in general. Tether/Bitfinex is already priced in.

fair enough, i can see it. to be clear, i think we're at disbelief right now

Attached: 1555556633125.png (764x628, 500K)

if it were truly priced in, then tether would be $0.74 but its not.

Why? The news that they're 74% backed is actually bullish because it's more than most people thought, and more than the 0% that retards like bitfinex'd have been saying for years.

There is no fear of not being able to cash your Tether out unless more than 74% of the entire market cap tried to cash out at once, similar to banks. That's almost certainly not going to happen.

oh shit better sell quickly and then blame not you at some later date when you lose five dollars
in between, be sure to post about how having a job is gay, kids are overrated, and your grandparents are evil.

wait a bit

>That's almost certainly not going to happen.
JFC we got a winner here!

(((equivalents))) lol

Just buy back at a loss my dude, the market isn't going back down any time soon. Don't become like Bitfinexed and those buttcoin losers and miss out on the next golden bullrun because you're so far up your ass about how much smarter you are than the market. You're literally embodying r/cryptocurrency right now.

>74% backed is actually bullish because it's more than most people thought,
Its advertised as 1:1. This is fraud and signifies huge price manipulation. Idk what that will amount to in price action if tether goes tits up, but a lot of volume on exchanges will be wiped out and other stable coins will come under even harsher scrutiny.

Oh and one thing to add to that, it could cause some individuals and organizations to liquidate btc holdings to pay fines. That would crash the price.

>similar to banks
Its not a bank! i.e the gov would not borrow to save it! Are you trolling people or are you just dumb?

I said similar, not the same. Are you illiterate?

Are you?


Sure soley looking to price action of the last months, its bullish. I was very bullish until...external factors negated all of it. Again good luck. Even if you get wiped out, you'll have the good fortune to but 1k btc, which is cool.

You are slow as fuck, but ey, at least you still have some brain. Congrats.