Attached: Safu.jpg (580x292, 47K)
ERC20 USDT now even more SAFU
Zachary Evans
Samuel James
It's funny how he has to reassure the pajeets funds are safe every fucking time he tweets.
Landon Russell
Reverse psychology, based as fuck.
Easton Walker
"Just sending coins from the cold wallet to various other exchanges, don't worry no plans to dump. Funds are Safu."
Carson Campbell
fuck CZ for trying to not destabilize the market
Kayden Garcia
>nO neEd tO FuD FuNDs aRE SaFU
Henry Watson
>his entire life is now defined by a catchphrase invented by Jow Forums
Isaiah Baker
does your bank send you notification every time it moves large quantities of money around?
Luis Foster
based chink
Nicholas Taylor
>>his entire life is now defined by a catchphrase invented by Jow Forums
is this true?
Nathan Edwards
I'm I being a retard by thinking SAFU is Shits All Fucked Up?
Julian Phillips
Lurk more newfriends
Benjamin Gutierrez
cz constantly sayin' SAFU is just like all the times trump tells you he's smart and honest.
if you still have coins on binance after this you are retard
Daniel Morris
Wasn't it a typo he made in a tweet and then people meme'd it? pretty sure he "created" the catch phrase himself
Jose Rodriguez
This fully audited fund totally exists and is flush full of money in fresh dollar bills just sitting in a vault doing nothing. Yes sir. Buy more bnb? Of course sir. Right this way. Would you like some tethers with that? On the house sir!
David Mitchell
No, it's just poking fun at his Chinese accent a bit.
Owen Hill
It was a created by Bizonacci, which CZ subsequently took ownership of as he saw the value in embracing the memetic virality.
Jonathan Hughes
Where are you Bizonacci?
Levi Roberts
Funds can easily be stolen by random shitcoin developers, FU
Ryan Baker
How can we get them off? Withdrawals still suspended
Benjamin Flores
Don't be retarded, banks don't make that fully public. any numbnuts can track these large transactions, there are whole twitter accounts dedicated to exposing them.
Cameron Hall
It shows how weak and manipulated the market actually is. Real exchanges don't need to reassure users every five minutes.
Grayson Flores
How do you feel each time CZ says "SAFU"?
Fuking CZ stop double penetrating me, first the hack and withdrawal disable, now the BNB dump, Safu what motherfuker, give me my money Back Chinese nigga
Elijah Adams
>stop fudding guys
>gets hacked
>stop. fudding. guys.
>hacked again
>yall fuckers fudding!! reeeee, pls deposit all coins its safe, i need em!!
Eli Adams
no more funky bizonacci beats.. :( He probably OD'd on lean or something.
Joshua Wright
how so? the "hack" was just coins being phished from retarded users.
Joshua Jenkins
>the "hack" was just coins being phished from retarded users.
>binance btc coldwallet
>retarded users
Oliver Brooks
No it's an acronym numb nuts
Julian Campbell
I'm rolling
Ryder Lopez
Evan Fisher
you mean how weak the hands of the market is.