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makes ya think
Fortunately, it was his dad's money.
All part of the plan. From $1 billion in the hole to somewhere between $3 and $7 billion. Based.
A smart man right there. American #badass Can lose it all and still get on top. GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY
Only wagecucks (see: rent seekers and parasites) would ridicule someone for taking risk with their money and losing it.
nothing new
Sounds like the tears of a jealous, impotent person. He may have lost more money, but that's because he had more money to throw around. "When the playing field changes, you gotta do whatever you gotta do to keep your dick up." Now, he's the president.
And he made a lot more than almost anyone too. Rich people also are good at making a profit appear as a loss for tax reasons. Dumb normies just don't know how money works on a large scale like that and think he has to treat his money the same as they do with their weekly $300 wagebitch paychecks.
Imagine still crying over his victory like a little bitch
So many people in here to support this man. Such snowflakes. Cant hear one bad thing about him wothout getting their feeling hurt. Lol.
>Haha yeah this guy is a billionaire but looky looky he lost some millions right here looks like hes a big dumb dumb poo-head :-)
Why do normies do this?
You mean his daddy's money, he'd be a car salesman at best without the silver spoon. Dude's a retard and he's funded by russia now, his son admitted it.
How can you not have more respect for the guy hearing this? The vast majority of people, myself included, would give up when being hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. It's a huge testament to Trump's fortitude and intelligence that he didn't just fade into history and become forgotten.
Trump is going to win in 2020. Articles like this won't save the left from eating their own.
Let's just hope the losers won't start a civil war, way more crazy people on the left than the right.
Oh man you called us snowflakes. Well trolled maam
They let you.
top JUST
the NYT did not have a problem with it back in the 90's
Stay mad and stay poor. No proof of collusion and he's still richer than you'll ever be.
I bet it's not percent wise just the amount
not taking into consideration how much he invested
Maga fags always cry so hard like this when amyine points out anything wrong with Trump lol
Its okay sweetie i remember when i was young and looked up to politicians too. You'll grow up some day. Maybe have an idea of your own.
Nothing I said was untrue. Wake up buddy, you're being conned.
Fuck me I wish my dad was as rich as daddy Trump lol.
>deflect deflect
Imagine never having to worry about fucking up because you'll still be rich as fuck no matter what lol
Ridiculing someone for taking risk with their money and losing it is the same *logic* as ridiculing a soldier for risking their life and losing a limb. See Stay mad wagie
People replying to me are coping so hard. Fact is you got your feelings hurt because someone said something bad about a dude youve never met. Imagine being that wrapped up in someones life that doesnt know you exist. Makes me think maybe you might not have much of a life of your own lol
Snowflake living vicariously through a fat old rich man. What a life.
Normies at work laugh at me when they find out how much I lost in crypto, but I still never give up trading, losses are a lesson to be learned.
Normies wouldn't even risk it in the first place.
Good on you.
>report on event
Please, stop.
No, they'd spend their paychecks on weed, tattoos and video games. I don't get why losing on an investment is worse than sinking it into 5-minute pleasures.
trying this hard
Exactly. Only subhumans with a slave mentality think this is something shameful.
Absolutely this. Those limp-dicked wagecucks are ignorant af. Brainlets dig those normie memes.
he was bailed out by the rothschilds,now hes paying his debt
1985 was a rough year.
T. I'm old
Those liberal tears are going to taste oh so good when he wins again in 2020
>didnt pay taxes for 8yrs
>people asked how and why
>trump: its because im a genius, and genius' win
>when in reality he was a loser who lost so much money annually he failed to be taxed
no wonder he hid that shit so hard, wew lads....
How to be rich and not pay taxes: "lose money"
Guess who's rich and doesn't pay taxes?
That's right you fucking faggot, Trumps been just fucking your shit up and grabbing your mother by the pussy since the mid 80s
>inane leftist ramblings from a bottom tier smear merchant rag
>leftists eat it up with their deranged and uncritical minds
>leftist comes here and thinks he has some juicy checkmate
>proceeds to get btfo to the point of eviseration with near zero required effort
>leftists think this triggered the thinking men because he needs that to not feel like a complete dumbfuck
sorry faggot, looks like this just isn't your day
if he had put all his inheritance in the boomer stock index in 1985 he would have at least 5 billion today. just let that sink in
Lumpfb's only big flop was going in so hard on Taj Mahal. He really wanted it to succeed and got fucked.
Investable indexes didn't exist then, you stupid faggot
>dow jones didn't exist back then
imagine being THIS dumb
>he thinks you can "buy" the DJIA
>get caught saying dumb bullshit
>immediately doubles down on dumb bullshit
no wonder you like trump
I like how the new york times reported 20+ year old news as if it was a "bombshell" report. Wasn't it public knowledge that Trump went broke and had bankruptcies? I remember being a little kid and hearing about that a very long time before he was president.
The new york times even wrote articles in the 90s about how he went broke and made a come back.
Amazon never makes a profit
Sears will take them to the cleaners no doubt
Not original replier but. You honestly don't realize how dumb you sound? Do you even know what a stock index is?
Yeah, it was known. No matter how you try to spin it, Trump has done well for himself. I don't know why they keep trying this angle of attack. If they want us to believe that Trump, a billionaire, is a joke with money, what does that say about most people? Something like 40% of Americans have a negative networth.
"Billionaire investor Sam Zell dismissed President Donald Trump’s tax records as irrelevant, saying that as a fellow real estate developer in the 1980s and ’90s, he used some of the same deductions to report losses.
“Absolutely, as did every other real estate investor in the United States,” Zell said in an interview on Bloomberg Television from the SALT conference in Las Vegas.
Trump’s tax returns “don’t tell much of a picture” about the success of his business, and following the cash flow would be more relevant, Zell said.
“For a real estate guy to have huge deductions, who owns a lot of brick-and-mortar, is not unusual,” he said."
Im sorry i hurt your feelings really i am.
>Mueller report JUSTED
>Economy BOOMING
>Approval RISING
>China DYING
ehhh uh q-quick we need a new slant Ira Sheklingberg!!
>umm... let's rehash a story about his real estate losses during a RE downturn back in the fucking 80's
Are they going to point out that Donald Trump went out of his way to put a hard cap on the SALT deduction, thus elminating this loophole? You know the phrase "it takes one to know one"? Well he's undoing all of the scummy free lunches as POTUS now.
Imagine looking at a man so succesful, leaving several high tier real estate projects behind around the world, which millions of people will make use of. Imagine a name that will be known centuries from now. And to top it off, this man becomes US president, leaving in the dust several candidatez backed by billions.
Now imagine the level of cope to call this man a loser. That's some disgusting C O P E.
I love you teacher Taleb. Hopefully Jow Forums helps you out with your daily boredom avoidance. May Deadlifts squid ink and Phoenician wine be With you sir.
Leftist projection is so transparent. it's amazing to see a living being (term used loosely) with so little self awareness.
They co opt every single term and phrase making fun of them without coming up with anything themselves. Literal cancer people.
Everyone in this thread is stupid and wrong.
He obviously didn't lose any money at all.
He wrote on his taxes that he lost money so he didn't have to pay any taxes.
You absolute morons.
Learn about business before you post in BIZ.
Jesus Christ.
Can't believe it took this long for someone to point out the Taleb reference. Based and checked.
WHAT THE FUCK? Why is his hair nigger? He's aryan like me, blonde and beautiful, this fucking image has to be shooped 4 MORE YEARS
He also made more Money Than pretty much money than anyone in America
Why would Jews try to make their loyal puppet lose? He's literally their biggest paypig.
Isn't it funny how leftists now hate innocent jews and Israel after they've proven to be our greatest ally? We rationally changed our opinions of them once we saw that they were good guys all along, entirely organically, and left then starts hating them unorganically just to be against us.
But the best part is, it shows that liberals literally want to ruin our allies if they show sanity and support for /ourguy/
Feels good to be winning so much bros.
no he lost the money of investors primarily banks who only gave trump loans based on his shilling of his brand name.
Yeah, ever since the cryptoboom of '17 all the migapede boomers invaded to make cash from "this bitcorn thing"
Nah. 75% of American Jews vote Democrat and the mass establishment media lobby (especially the ultra Jewish NYT) has been railing against him constantly. Ashkenazi American Jews =/= Israeli Nationalist Jews.
Absolute bloody moron and a newfag who don't understand why btc hit 20k
Ah yes, jews in Israel weren't zionists after all now that they love him.
Also how many real estate devs don't report losses through all the tax incentives?
This, and even when the term itself was cringey to begin with, they run it into the ground long after those who originally used it have mostly moved onto something else, the lack of self-awareness is baffling
Cry Cry little libcucks.
Maybe Elizabeth Warren will beat Him in an election in 2020? hahahahahaha
>ultra jewish NYT
I don't care about Jews in Israel, I care about the ones here in the US that actively undermine and subvert the country and its interests. The ones that are heavily leftist.
50% of their writers are Jews. Go to their page right now and click on random articles, every other one will be a Jew. Modern American Jews don't care for Israel, they've gone full globalist.
so let me get this straight.. Jews hate Israel so we need to team up with our greatest ally Israel in order to beat Jews?
Imagine the mental gymnastics you guys must go through to actually believe this
was reading a Howard Stern interview earlier:
>"My theory about Donald, having spent some time with him — don’t forget Donald was at my wedding, and I was at one of his — is that deep down he did not want to be President. It was a publicity stunt.."
a theory I'd share. He accidentally made it to the very top, then sat there, paralyzed in the knowledge, there is (literally) no-one else in charge
We aren't "teaming up" with Israel. And yes, there is a difference between Israeli Jews (who are currently very right wing and nationalistic) and American (Ashkenazi) """Jews"""" (basically just mutts who are all in a big crony nepotistic cult)
It's all right there for you, plain as day faggot. The stats don't lie, 70+% of them vote for Democrats as they have for decades. Notice these media kikes are silent when Omar or Tlaib go on the pulpit and lambast Israel.
He's wanted to be President for decades. Being stunned by actually accomplishing your life's goal isn't the same as not wanting or being up to the task... he's very much been up to the task. He's endured endless bombardment from the media and an unprecedented investigation for no reason, taken the hits and rolled with the punches.
The guy may be a dick and communicate himself poorly but one thing is sure to me, he's a battler and he does put America's interests first. Past Presidents would have absolutely bent to the negative PR. Remember when Bush tried to roll out meager steel tariffs on China and buckled in a matter of a year after the pressure on him for it?
>there is a difference between Israeli jews and ashkenazi Jews
you realize more than half of Israeli Jews are ashkenazi right?
and Evangelical Zionists always vote republican and are the biggest Trump supporters.. wonder why
Just stop lying please. I don't even get the angle.
you literally proved my point. Evangelicals always vote republican. Evangelicals are literal Zionist jew cock suckers. GOP is the party of Zionism
itt: cognitive dissonance
No I didn't you thick fucking faggot. The large majority of Jews vote Democrat (70+%). Your stupid ass shifting goalposts (Look!!!! This subset of Jews doesn't!!!!) doesn't matter.
The subversive, globalist, sell out, greedy kikes in the cities and media are the problem, and they are the ones voting Dem in numbers. I couldn't give less of a lovely little mother fuck about what's happening with Israel when my own country is under direct assault from this group.
haha yeah bro, we need to support Zionism to beat those evil secular Jews! I get it now! Go Zionism!!!
He didn't get all of his inheritance until 1999. He wasn't an only child either.
Rofl, done well for himself? He hasn’t done anything but lose money...his father did very well for himself....trump just happen to win the genetic lottery. Good for him I guess...someone has to win but “did well for himself” is a poor choice of words.
>all the absolute mouthbreathing retards itt and in the news thinking he actually "lost" all that money
wish I could go through life being this blissfully unaware of how the world works
On the """"""business"""""" board of all places
He could have made alot more money if he had simply held instead of blowing it off.