- General of Matic: Sandeep Nailwal
- Lieutenant General: 50 Million Matic
- Major General: 25 million Matic
- Brigadier General: 10 million Matic
- Colonel: 5 million Matic
- Lieutenant Colonel: 2.5 million Matic
- Major: 1 million Matic
- Captain: 750k Matic
- First Lieutenant: 500k Matic
- Second Lieutenant: 300k Matic
- Sergeant Major: 150k Matic
- Master Sergeant: 75k Matic
- Sergeant First Class: 50k Matic
- Staff Sergeant: 25k Matic
- Sergeant: 15k Matic
- Corporal: 10k Matic
- Specialist: 1k-5k Matic
- Private: 1-999 Matic
Let’s fucking go already
Sergeant Major reporting in! SO MUCH GREEN IN THIS THREAD AHHHHHH
Guess I'm a Colonel. Letz go bois.
Sergeant Major here! Brought my autoMatic weapon sir!
Captain White Faggot Pajeet reporting
Private Sanjay Gupta checking in. Ready for this moon mission.
Major jagdeep reporting for duty sir
IndianBRAAAAAPMarine reporting in
Staff Sergeant Rimesh reporting in
Recruit here. The token is pointless, right? It's not going to be used for transactions, just staking, right?
Token Overview & Use Cases
The MATIC token has three key use cases:
- Participating in the Proof of Stake consensus: Matic sidechains enforce consensus using a Proof of Stake (PoS) layer in which network participants stake Matic tokens in order to participate as validators.
- Paying for the transaction fees in the network:The transaction fees on Matic sidechains are paid in MATIC tokens. The more users onboard to use the apps on Matic Network, the more the transaction volume and hence the transaction fees.
- Having taken inspiration from Livepeer and its"protocol funding the ecosystem"model, Matic intends to enable a separate staking mechanism for supporting the ecosystem projects. This will help create a fund out of the "block rewards" that can help support developers working on features and dApps needed by the network to get a part of block rewards. This mechanism is funded by reserving a percentage of the transaction fees in-protocol to support the projects building for enhancing Matic Ecosystem.
>The transaction fees on Matic sidechains are paid in MATIC tokens.
The founder said himself that transactions fees will most likely be paid with stable coins like USDC. Did you even watch the interview?
I copy pasted that from the official Telegram. Not my own words. It's from one of the admins.
Hmm, all the fantom shills ate gone and now there are multiple matic posts.....hmmmm
If this is FTM 2.0 you should be doing everything in your power to go all in. This is honestly the bottom. Hasn't even pumped one time
Colonel Rajesh btw
OMG is pumping!
Lieutenant Raj Patel reporting for duty. Bags are loaded.
Corporal nitesh from ledesh here holding 11k for the next 5 years
Private Pajeet reporting in will I be a millionaire eoy?
Yes. Many rupees
it'll be 44 sats when you wake up in the morning. i hope you enjoy getting pajeet'd.
thank you kind sir!
Thank you friend
Thank you for the kind words
i tried to warn you. enjoy those cement bags.
Cement is not. It can build us a nice shack in the slum. Thank you again.
i will give you props for a well orchestrated discord raid on /biz though. got a lot of desperate bagholders with your efforts.
I'll just throw in $5k just for fun, let's see where this loo takes us hahah
Pajeet Marine reporting in
Private Minesh POW. May CZ release my BTC so I can obtain promotion.
80% Actual pajeet Discord shills
19% retards that fall for it
1% calling them out on it
No real bizlet would even ironically take pride in being a streetshitter
man this is gonna turn into one funny meme if it breaks into top 100 haha
you can only do so much for neets who have lost nearly everything in the altcoin crash. they're desperate and easy targets for these kinds of scams.
Is it a scam because it's a team of indians?
bizlets are delusional cucks
streetshitters are stealing your women, jobs and gains.
It's honestly some of the most exciting tech of the year with Coinbase and Binance backing it. Ignore those two dumbfucks.
it's a scam because the token has no value or usability. it's a staking coin and won't be used in transactions, as was admitted by the founder himself. it's a garbage coin used to sucker fools like you into becoming bagholders to fund the curries street shitting
I know, too bad some people can't see past skin color
binance listed it, that doesn't mean they're backing it. and coinbase is advising them because the tech is decent. but the token is worthless.
I dont even want to laugh at the retards that fall for this shit, its like the Crypto Version of "sirs this is Microsoft service support"
Please name a token or coin that is actually useful. I expect an answer by the time I get back from the shitting river.
noticed how the volume just miraculously picked up during the discord raid? /biztards buying in while pajeets pump it and then dump it on them.
btc, eth, ltc, zrx, you know, coins that you can actually use in the real world. not some curry coin that serves absolutely no purpose. did you watch the interview dipshit?
That's a popular misconception. We pajeets hold.
MATIC sidechains are POS. The coin is needed for miners to get reward and secure the network.
What are you not understanding?
no shit. i already said they're staking tokens. big deal.
So what are you even talking about? Do you not understand POS consensus?
yes you do. right up to the point that you can sell for enough profit to go buy your shit covered beetles for lunch
Sergeant First Class Mohammed reporting for duty sir!
There's nothing cringier than a Jow Forums tard using the word "pajeet" as some sort of insult towards Indians. Trust me, I don't think the world of Indians, but calling them insensitively racist names is the mark of a sad individual.
The Pajeet Marines are turning it into a positive. Matic is truly a special project.
i hope you guys are ready to get dumped on, cuz it's coming
We leddit now?
Major Poopooindaloo reporting in!
congratulations, you fail at irony. They're praising the project and using the term tongue-in-cheek.
Coin has done nothing but dump, never pumped.
>Get ready to be dumped on
it's literally dumping as we speak. pajeet is taking your money and you don't seem to care. whatever. i warned you.
just sold 10kk
thanks sirs
youre not gonna make it
Major Fart On Fart reporting in.
I just switched from the Link Marines to be in your ranks.
True story.
Let's do this boiiiiiis.
Major Pajeet-al-sahid reporting in
hello everybody
Linkmarine General here.
white skinned jainist by conversion.
you are not gonna make it
you should buy chainlink
the racism fud really has worked
Convert to the law of mahavira and buy chainlink dont be retarded candala sudra sudrani
Lieutenant Colonel here. Let's go dears
The weight gain wasn't from Mcdonald's. It was curry. Stinky Linky's have forgotten Sergey is a fat fuck in the Silicon Valley. Fast food isn't really a thing there, but Indian food is.
Sergey is one of us.
Brigadier General Harold Kumar reporting in. As soon as we complete this moon mission the naan is on me.
Proud to have you comrades
Fuck you.
You clearly have no idea what pos is. Matic can also be used in the side chain transaction. Kill your self.
Vitalik is gonna fucking love Matic once he finds out about it.
Dinesh the drain cleaner at your service, if you please sirs where to buy. this is a most wonderful opputaty
How many Matic's to join the Drain Cleaning Special Task Force?
100 million+
Corporal Rakesh reporting sirs.
Specialist Rajesh in it to win it
Snow Bunny Hunter Manesh Patel checking in
the key difference is this token helps ethereum rather than competing with it. every single "ETH killer" including FTM will go to zero eventually. the platform war is over and ethereum won.
This. There may be a few additional winners once the dust of the platform wars is settled, but the Eth ecosystem is just too far ahead. It's not all about tps.
What a chad
Jana Gana Mana Adhinaayak Jaya Hey,
Bhaarat Bhaagya Vidhaataa
Panjaab Sindhu Gujarat Maraatha,
Draavid Utkal Banga
Vindhya Himaachal Yamuna Ganga,
Uchchhal Jaladhi Taranga
Tav Shubh Naamey Jaagey,
Tav Shubh Aashish Maange
Gaahey Tav Jayagaathaa
Jana Gana Mangal Daayak,
Jaya Hey Bhaarat Bhaagya Vidhaataa
Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey, Jaya Hey,
Jaya Jaya Jaya
Matic is only availible on Binance, right?
Yes. Gonna moon so hard once deposits can be made again
Any other excahnges I can grab a bag at?
Captain Daniel Smith
I married in.
Tokok has it listed, some anons already bought it there, seems ok.
But don't leave your token there, send them to your wallet.
Lt. General Chadesh reporting for active duty. The moon already feels our brown excellence ruminating from the earth.
Lord Vishnu reporting in. Just buyed 2000,0000,00,000:00 Matics
that is BS, there is enough volume being traded on various coins atm and if it was going to pump it would have already pumped by now
Bully whales
Volume is there, but some faggot keeps dumping to suppress
God it's fucking 2019. Why is everything still about color?
Pajeet faggot scam coin
cz knows this piece of shit isn't worth anything so his bot army is dumping all over you lemmings
We're pumping pajeet marines!
Keep coping faggot. Coinbase and Binance are in heavy. This is gonna get all the exchange pumps and multiple main net pumps