How can SpaceX fags ever compete

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that's actually ugly

They should paint jeff's face on it for a stunning resemblance.

Bezos showing everyone how things are done.

>there are people who think the moon is a physical ball of rock you can land a space ship on

You flat earthier? Never dug into that.
What is the most compelling evidence of the earth being flat?

>I am smarter than the wealthiest man that has ever lived

Too bad earth is flat

Paint it black.

The absolute madman! Elon never had a chance!

It's flat. Water always finds and maintains it's level, 70% of the earth is water. Also look up the abyssal plain

No I'm not. He's lying to you.

He's not capable of anything other than peddling chink garbage on the internet.

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This is iranian space program tier. cringe.

Totally divorced and black pilled
neat idea. but doesn't matter. it is all a simulation with turtles all the way down.

What is the current thinking on shoes and belts - are we still supposed to coordinate them?

>It's flat
That's a statement, not an argument.


So you can't explain it in your own words? That says a lot.

Hello Elon

Water always finds and maintains it's level. 70% of the earth is water. Water doesn't conform to the exterior of a shape, it doesn't buldge, it remains flat. There's also no proof the south pole exists, and you can't go there without an approved tour group and even then you don't get to go to the south pole, just a ceremonial one. Literally an actual physical pole someone has hammered into the ground.

>>billionaire drop shipper gets into dropshipping mars

The name is a bit unfortunate, isn't it? Will the history books read "Blue Moon landed on the Moon..."?

Where does this go ?

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No, they won't. People will wake up soon, if you tried to land on the moon you would fall through it, if it's even possible to get there.

Congrats user, that's the dumbest shit I've heard all week

he's not the wealthiest man that has ever lived you dumbo

How do you explain the retroreflectors on the moon allowing you personally to do laser ranging experiments if you wanted to?

You ever heard of gravity?

Occam's razor.

Makes more sense that it's flat and you don't have to dig into bullshit like
>muh gravity
>muh horizont
>muh space

This board is degenerated enough to hold people that actually believe this shit. Sad.

The moon reflects light already no? They were doing this in the 50s so it's got nothing to do with reflectors we've put there

Jow Forums has always been a contrarian place you nufag

>NASA, Musk, Bezos, .. all setting their sights on space again
Is this the turning point?
Is this where the white man once again turns his attention towards building a bright future?

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Please explain the horizon, stellar parallax, tides, time zones and day/night cycles globally, recorded circumnavigation of the world, and the temperature difference between polar and equatorial reasons in a flat Earth system, thanks.

Not him but this is the issue with this debate. Most people who are anti-flat Earth don't know what they're talking about either.

For example, you talk about retroreflectors on the moon as if you know what you're talking about ... but to say that people can "personally" do "laser ranging experiments" is ridiculous. Who was done such things "personally"? As far as I'm aware, the only experiences involving the retroreflectors were done by major astronomical institutions, etc.

Being some of the first things we send into space nothing these days has to be pretty. It just has to work.

how does it feel being this retarded ?

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Horizon exists due to perspective, you see this when standing in a long corridor and the ceiling and floor appear to meet at the limit of your vision, its the same with land/sea and the sky. Time zones and temperature difference are easily explained with a smaller local sun. Circumnavigation is done by going in a circle east/west or west/east, this is possible on any shape, north south navigation is only possible on a globe which has never been recorded properly and the only people to do it are military and free masons. Relative positions of stars are harder to explain but are also irrelevant, they are lights in the sky that have no bearing on the shape of the ground beneath your feet, which is flat.

The curvature of the earth is supposedly 8 inch per mile squared, giving structures like the Danyang–Kunshan Grand bridge in China a drop off of over 6000 feet the engineers have to account for. They didn't because it's flat.

Bezos is based. How did he do it?

>finds loophole into paying his ex a penny by dumping it all into space exploration
I'm ok with this especially if spacex feels like they'll have competition, they'll start doing cooler shit

The wealthiest man who ever lived was a black man. How do you feel about that racists?

Yeah but who did he steal it from? How many drugs did he sell?

That was just a feel good story for black people

>smaller local sun
How does the size of the sun impact the heat it emits? The sun isn't active in it's interior, it's exterior is what powers it according to the plasma universe theory, which has unlimited amounts of successful astronomical predictions under it's belt.

It's not the size that matters it's the proximity. But a local sun thats millions of times bigger than the earth wouldn't work.
How do we get cold weather in England and warm weather in Spain if the sun is 93 million miles away? Also why is the equator the hottest place on earth if it's tilting on it's axis? It should be above the equator one side and below the other

Concepts like "away" stop being of consequence when you take into account the fact that what you consider the physical sun doesn't emit heat. It's just a focal point for very large external plasma phenomena

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SpaceX has pretty cool stuff going on too and BO is years behind them as far as boosters go, it will probably take them at least 4 years to get to SpaceX level and I doubt SpaceX will be waiting for them.

Blue Moon project is cool and perfectly timed (if Drumpf doesn't block it because he can't stand Bezos).

Jeff's arguments for the Moon instead of Mars are pretty good and more importantly he's got the money to do it alone even if NASA keep being fags and root for the scammers at Boeing.

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Right, if you believe stars are made from what we are told they are made. There is no proof to back up what you are saying.

Again I will bring you back to the subject we are talking about which is the shape of the earth. Lights in the sky have no effect whatsoever on the shape of the ground beneath your feet, how is it possible we are living on a ball if the ground is flat? If structures are build that are so long would require you to compensate for the curvature then why don't they?


vviiktor says the same thing

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