XRP will never moon again. It's over. Devs cashing out, 0 hype, alts are dead and even litecoin has more volume...

XRP will never moon again. It's over. Devs cashing out, 0 hype, alts are dead and even litecoin has more volume. A chink scamfork has more volume than XRP.

You can wait 1 2 or even 10 years but its just never going to happen again.

Attached: 1520200167326.png (403x220, 98K)

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You are 100% correct

Very true indeed

Warn the others

R-ripple will tripple..

Attached: 1557393322728.jpg (720x560, 19K)

I have about 12,000 of these xrp motherfuckers. This scam better moon one last time

The koreans make this xrplode in 18 hours. Buckle up

All large cap alts about to moon hard

Haters QQ and then kys

bagholders cope

Nice pink id