XRP will never moon again. It's over. Devs cashing out, 0 hype, alts are dead and even litecoin has more volume. A chink scamfork has more volume than XRP.
You can wait 1 2 or even 10 years but its just never going to happen again.
XRP will never moon again. It's over. Devs cashing out, 0 hype, alts are dead and even litecoin has more volume. A chink scamfork has more volume than XRP.
You can wait 1 2 or even 10 years but its just never going to happen again.
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You are 100% correct
Very true indeed
Warn the others
R-ripple will tripple..
I have about 12,000 of these xrp motherfuckers. This scam better moon one last time
The koreans make this xrplode in 18 hours. Buckle up
All large cap alts about to moon hard
Haters QQ and then kys
bagholders cope
Nice pink id
Bagholders comfy af ;)
I guess XRP should add some privacy features, then it'll compete with XMR and moon and lambo!!!
XRP shouldn't be even in top 5.
Shit is as worthless as TRX.
Ripple has some nice privacy features. But /biz doesnt know about it because they dont do theirresearch
Wow nice
Do you mind to share it with us?
Same id you noob. Dont worry. Ripple is about to XRPLODE in price.
Biz is still jerking off to Sergey, they wont get the memo til it's time to fomo
Listen noob faggot, Ripple was doing more than 50% its volume in Korea and one point and the price was completely manipulated to push it from $0.25 to $3.50 in a matter of weeks.
Screenshot of what was happening in December. XRP prices were $0.55-$0.80 higher at times in Korea.
I remember this because I have a Korean friend who kept on arbitraging this scam. This happened until Ripple themselves dumped 1 Billion XRP on the gooks which tanked the price forever and gooks barely buy anymore because they realize they were scammed by Ripple
Wow you have a Korean friend. Nice blog post. No one gives a fuck what you think.
I know, this is actually a common fact. The Koreans even went as far to create a saying translating to "Ripple tricked us", at least 1 of the suicides are related to XRP.
The Ripple Jews are merciless, and care not for gook lifes. Then again neither do I.
there is no such thing as dumping when it comes to XRP, it is called liquidity building. Learn the lingo, otherwise you'll never make it
They dumped 1b on gooks. Theres no hiding or denying anymore at this point.
again and slowly, it is not dumping, it is liquidity building. They only need to build liquidity for XRP 58 billion more and then something will happen. I'm not going to tell you what.
This is pretty big cope. It will be at like 4 more years before that will happen.
Good luck holding that long and seeing XRP retrace to 0.005 usd
more like 10 or 20
it tripled no less than 4 times in 2017
only greedy retards would expect more, the coin is literally vaporware with no use case
In the mean time all you shitcoin fags are missing the real btc bull run. Congrats you will officially never make it if you don't know what to do now.
I love how from June to December 2017 my Bitcoin went X 5 while XRP dropped from $0.30 to $0.20. Then when I noticed the tide changing, I scooped up XRP at $0.25 in December with a few Bitcoin and made off like a bandit, then dumped the hell out that shit. The XRP moonboys talk about outpeformance when I actually made a lot more money then them.