>never pumped
>on binance
>7mil market cap
>partnered with coinbase and binance
Are you fucking serious, this blows the fuck out of any moon mission of 2019. FTM is the only comparable one and this shits on that
What are you waiting for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Major Fart on Fart reporting in.
We're gonna make it.
You see link Marines think they are stinky. But they don't know the real Hustle. They are just Pretenders. They don't have the mental fortitude to make it like we doo.
Switch ranks while you still can.
Shut the fuck up already with this shit
I do hope so fren
for deposit not suspend
>shills matic and ftm
Congrats you got memed.
if it went via binance launchpad its a scam project to dump on investors
Based Jow Forums early on 1000xs as usual
If this is FTM all over again yoou should be market buying the fuck out of Matic right now you god damn retard.
thought pajeets moved to reddit..
Biz is a pajeet image board. Embrace it or get the fuck out.
100% this kind sir
This isnt gonna do shit.
I think people believes the opposite
I know this is not gonna do shit but i bought a bag, just to play while I watch link pump. Who knows
Name a better buy with Matic's marketcap? There is nothing. This has the biggest exchanges invested in it (Pro tip: Coinbase's tokens start unlocking in October) and the tech is superb. Don't let biz's paronoia of a brown man ruin this for you.
I threw some pocket change into it but im expecting to lose it all. Im already down by a bit.
This is 100x max. Stop being a pajeet.
Pretty much this. With binance and coinbase support, this should not be at a 7 million market cap. Those two things alone should make it compareable to similar layer 2 coins. Should be an easy 2x-3x in order for it to be comparable.
Mc is really 35m as only 1/5 of supply is released. When the fuck do they release the rest?
I’m waiting for binance to allow deposits again like the rest of us. So fucking annoying. Next week matic gunna have a huge week.
I saw a chart yesterday but didn't save it. They release slowly over time starting in October. So circ supply will remain steady for about 6 months, plenty of time to pamp
Yup, and even then Coinbase will start receiving it's tokens around that time. Not a bad idea to hold there since main net will be live and Matic would be qualified to list.
So comfy
Never been so okay with having all my funds stuck on an exchange.
That bitch is ugly
Imagine not being all in on this Pajeet blue chipper.
>do some basic research on matic
>every developer shits on streets
oh no
My fellow Pajeet fanboys should watch this vid. Matic is going right on my ledger for long term holding.
This was a good listen. Nice to know there's actual substance here.
What are some other use cases for the token?
I can see 1000x honestly. By the time on Coinbase we'll be well into the golden bull and Coinbase listings will mean something again.
>the tech is superb
>sirs, please to believe me, my tech is supreme like bobs and vagana.
fuck outta here with this trash
you desperate neets are so pathetic and delusional
Brown is the new green. Fuck you
KYS for hating money
Tell me what's so delusional?
He's just mad no one gives 2 shits about LINK anymore
Chinky Linkys are truly the bloody asshole of biz.