no one is even attempting to sell at this point...
but it feels strange...
kind of like how the ocean recedes before a massive tsunami...
no one is even attempting to sell at this point...
but it feels strange...
kind of like how the ocean recedes before a massive tsunami...
Yes, you should have bought more.
No, you wont be making it.
Yes, you should kill yourself bobo.
This is the biggest exit pump of them all. Zero reasons to buy anything at all.
It’s all about the he said she said boboshit.
Lol looks like Someone Losed the cheapo btc
>Trusting depth charts during massive whale manipulation
All whales holding, they have the order to pump and keep priced up but they are running out of BTC, to burn
This is minipulated bull trap I will not by until btc is below 2k
I think you better quit sellin' that shit
or you'll be liquidated with a pink slip
LOL, all the bobos ran away from the bear hunt. BTC is slicing through price levels like a hot knife through butter.
> whales holding
> running out of BTC
Is this the fabled bear brain?
What’s a bobo?
Now offically trading above weekly 100SMA. Thought it would correct from here but it just keeps going.
>But who is buyer????
They are nightmare creatures that hibernate during good times and only come out to rape your daughters during a bear market.
Jesus Christ! Why are we letting this happen? Why aren’t we stopping it??
We are all buyers.
institutional money finally flowing in nigguh
>institutional money finally flowing in nigguh
I really wish I could believe this. But, seriously. Who's buying?
Weak hands
China and Nigeria.
Binance and Bitfinex pumping BTC with tether.
BitMEX XBTUSD funding rates have been mostly negative with increasing intensity which means the move is being done by spot.
probably iran after this clownfaced jew told them how to get around sanctions
So if I fucking murder CZ I become a millionaire... interesting.
this. hoping for sub $7 myself
Well, at any rate, I'm happy. Despite all the naysaying from family and friends I accumulated a 50 BTC stack through the bear market. Who's laughing now? I really need this thing to go back to 20k at least though. A million dollarinos would set me just about right.
Its a an onslaught when they wake up so it takes a while to fight them off. In the end we slaughter them but enough survive to go in hiding to multiply again.
Interestingly pro.coinbase and bitfinex spread has dropped to ~$10 from ~$340.
7K and bears are still in denial, wow, brings a tear to my eye.
don't tell anyone in real life about that 50
secure it well use a hardware multisig with multiple scenarios covered to prevent loss
if we hit euphoria and are at ~150k and the news is saying 1 million sell like 25%-50% if you can't stomach a drop of 150k to 15k
Fuck, lol. It's been years since I've heard that.
also about not telling people
if they're in your multisig plan they can know but you have to trust them
when I started spending some money on friends and family they were super appreciative of even the small things until they found out I had a lot more and they're wage slaving everyday and it made things weird
Thanks user. Will definitely keep my mouth shut and I've been reading up on setting up an old air gapped laptop to hold the wallet. If I have it right, create the wallet and generate the private key on the air gapped device with disabled microphone, wifi, speakers, etc. then create and sign any transaction on that device then using a thumb drive or something, move the signed transaction to a networked device to actually broadcast it to the blockchain. That way the private key never appears on any device that is ever connected to a network. I'm researching and working on it as we speak.
I can definitely appreciate this perspective. I have a buddy that went from nothing to bringing in 100k a month on affiliate marketing and deep down inside I have to admit it did change things a little. I was envious. As shameful as that is I never let on but I really would like to avoid a situation like that from my own family.
Ok. This shit isnt funny anymore. CORRECT now. i only managed a small investment with another ~5k being tied up until monday. FUCK. bitcoin pls, moon all you want but not until i buy :'(((
>personal cope aside, this is a bubble if ive ever seen one. no one is even putting up sell resistance anymore. its gonna pop. juicy
>If I have it right, create the wallet and generate the private key on the air gapped device with disabled microphone, wifi, speakers, etc. then create and sign any transaction on that device then using a thumb drive or something, move the signed transaction to a networked device to actually broadcast it to the blockchain. That way the private key never appears on any device that is ever connected to a network.
Yes, this is the only correct and 100% foolproof way to do it. Hardware wallets of any sort are an absolute meme. If you're ultra-paranoid just download an Ubuntu ISO onto a usb stick and boot into the installer, air gap the machine, and generate your keys. You can save the private key on a veracrypt volume and then just put a few copies of that wherever. Just make sure you never forget any of your passwords, and that they're long enough to be uncrackable.
Bought in at 5,400...fuck all. Gonna b a long night. Got sum blow tho
whatever method you choose do a lot of research and tests
I think open source hardware wallets like trezor are trustworthy but I'm not an expert so do a lot of research and tests to get it right
wtf does that mean??
I'm waiting for 1k or even lower
based anti isis fighting sanctions circumventors
Awesome. Glad to hear I'm on the right track
Will do, man. Thanks again for the suggestions
that's anti-semitic
Forgot to mention, you can pass the "toram" option to the Ubuntu installer boot menu so that the entire OS boots completely into RAM and your disk's aren't even mounted, so that there is no possibility of your precious private key ever coming into contact with your hard disks