Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE3.png (300x300, 24K)

>1 contract

the state of this no coiner

cmon bulls post those PnLs

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE4.png (300x300, 20K)

>1 contract


Attached: 3k.png (80x56, 2K)

100000 contracts

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE5.png (300x300, 23K)

>1 contract


Attached: 1555007631808.jpg (470x753, 63K)

>he doesnt swing trade

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-09-17-30-51~2.png (1435x463, 166K)


Attached: cope.png (2051x689, 182K)

Good job buddy.
What was the leverage

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stop being a gimp

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE7.png (300x300, 17K)

curerntly 3.5x

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE8.png (300x300, 23K)

>Inspect element
>1 contract

what does "Cross" mean?
i never understood that

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE9.png (102x95, 12K)

Am I the only fag who's holding???

Attached: Screenshot_20190511-153120_Blockfolio.jpg (920x492, 68K)

2022 hodl

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE10.png (103x91, 12K)

>Trades on BitMex
>Doesn't know cross

so mansplain it to me now
i make a killing doing 3 to 5 times
what's cross?

>classic Archimedes trampoline
>accusing others of coping

Attached: 645654654.png (409x409, 240K)

Alright fag, since you ask so nicely. Cross is unisolated, so you stake your entire balance on a trade. So in practical terms this means that putting 5% of balance on cross is the same as going all-in on 5x leverage. Only now you still have margin left to take positions on other instruments. With Cross-leverage you stake your entire balance as margin. So 5% of balance = 5x leverage, 10% of balance = 10x leverage.

So lets say I want to go 1x leveraged long on Bitcoin. With Cross leverage I can stake 1% of my balance and still have plenty margin left to take position on other instruments as opposed to going litteraly all-in on 1x isolated in which case I wouldn't have any margin left unless I increase the isolated leverage to 2x-3x-4x-5x-6x......

Should lock the profit in u faggot.

Who /options/ here?

Attached: may17call2.png (1225x66, 14K)

oyeah forgot to say that cross leverage is 100x unisolated to make it all pretty.

i'll play around with it on testnet
i'm a bit of a brainlet desu
thanks tho

Cross is 100x leverage. So whatever percentual amount of your balance you stake *100 is your leverage. So if you have 1 XBT and put 0,01 XBT on cross then you'd be leveraged 1x. But you still have 99% of your margin in your account to stake on other instruments (less the price goes against you)

nice larps

AHHH i get it - i think
so you set how much u wanna trade
so if i put my 30000 contracts down and set 100000 it'll compute the gearing
and use all my wallet i got sat doing nothing

going UP

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE11.png (300x300, 22K)

holy fucking shit on stick
i'm making so much money

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE13.png (102x90, 12K)

Iron hands

I don't follow you. But the gist is that cross is 100x leverage.

Cmon wheres all the bitmex bulls?

I remember a few months ago when we were shorting there were at least 10 of us.

Attached: JUSTWOAHMYDUDE15.png (110x114, 15K)

Est superbia et ante ruinam

Hoc quousque ad accidit?

i 100x'd for 300k contracts at 3700

Hurry before it's too late.


Hope you listened you dumb nigger.