We're STILL laughing

One of the things that sickens me the most about cryptocurrencies is the greed and Deception that goes into it .

For instance if I honestly told you about my life's dream to float around in the Mediterranean on a yacht with Multiple hookers, snorting lines of blow , drinking champagne while enjoying caviar from the onboard private chef , not a SINGLE one of you fuckers would willingly hand over your life savings or those of your family members to help ME achieve my dream ..

However if I promised you some bullshit magic coins that you can't even see plop, bags of your money all up in my lap .

Coiners are horrible greedy human beings.

Attached: 1526713138726.png (1842x1289, 388K)

>However if I promised you some bullshit magic coins that you can't even see plop, bags of your money all up in my lap .
The irony is that if you really thought for even a second that you yourself could actually pull that off, you'd be all over it like flies on shit

>The irony is that if you really thought for even a second that you yourself could actually pull that off, you'd be all over it like flies on shit

No way. If butters got in, made some money, and got out around say ~2 years ago when the blatant fraud and scams became obvious to everyone with half a brain ... then that is one thing ....

But anyone who has stayed in the crypto or got into crypto since then knows (or bloody well should know) what they are involved in: a giant, dirty, disgusting scam that is going to end badly for the vast majority of people involved in it.

Extreme greed and desperation can do rotten things to people and allow them to cast aside whatever morals and common sense they had.

Ya and corporations aint greedy
Governments aint greedy
Jews aint greedy
You aint greedy
Only coiners are greedy

Woke af bro, where can I subscribe for more such hard hitting insights?


Greed and deception are pretty much the only two things about creeptocurrency aren't they? Oh wait there's also stupidity

I mean, Who wouldn't want to live the life of John McAfee?

Attached: 1557639574678.jpg (1000x500, 35K)

I actually kind of appreciate when anons like this drift in, even if just baiting. It reminds me of why I don't use the normalfag internet at all anymore. It's like I'm back on Facebook or the Youtube comments section for a moment. Delivering warmed over platitudes with maximum self-righteousness and feigned outrage is the fucking national sport of the internet, I swear to god


Theres this ponzi scheme, the biggest ponzi scheme
Its called US dollars and its one of the many fiat ponzi schemes
People are so greedy that they kill each other for these US dollars and other fiat ponzis
They rob banks for these ponzi notes
They sex traffick people and children for these ponzi notes
Think of the children!!
People slave away their whole life to get these ponzi notes
Sick nasty greedy fucks
The government forces you to pay taxes using ONLY these ponzi notes, even in the United States where it says in the US constitution that the only lawful money is GOLD and SILVER, you still must pay taxes with ponzi notes
Extreme greed and desperation can do rotten things to people and allow them to cast aside whatever morals and common sense they had and continue to participate in the largest ponzi scheme in the history of the earth.

I meant pyramid scheme
I apologize, I got all worked up just thinking about it

Laughing since 2011. Classic.

That's the thing about an anonymous board isn't it? You don't get GBP for virtue signalling, "Oh I'm so moral, I'm so good for being anti-racist [or whatever the next bad thing is]."

What point are you trying to make?

That DLT is somehow fraudulent technology?

Or are you just trying to act holier then thou and put people down for attempting to make money in finacial markets?
I hate to tell you this but maybe you should direct your anger at JPmorgan or Wells Fargo if you hate true capitalist greed. You’re missing the forest for the trees getting your panties in a bunch over people putting their money into this market.

>>Everyone else is greedy. I am moral and good

It's not only the virtue signaling, OP gave me flashbacks of the hordes of boomers who don't know much about a topic and don't need to, because what they have is good old fashioned common sense and they're going to explain the topic they don't understand at length and with maximum posturing

Is that it. You come here from the plebbit echo chamber and for the first time have to face a few simple arguments and don't like it. Are people in the world greedy? Yes. This is hardly a revelation. Are there scams in crypto? Yes. Does this mean LL of crypto is a greedy scam. There are legitimate use cases and working technology in lots of coins. If you are concerned people have been greedy, I suggest you go look at the behaviour of the baby boomers for the past 60 or so years. Are the price rises getting to you, is that why you made this thread fag?

After trying to wrap my head around what this guy was getting at I think I figured it out. Just read OP first line
>One of the things that sickens me the most about cryptocurrencies is the greed and Deception that goes into it .

He doesn’t really give a flying fuck about the supposed “greed” or “deception”. He’s most likley hurt that he lost a lot of money in this market falling for some get rich quick scheme and is extremely butthurt about it and is unable to adequately own up to his own mistakes so instead he puts on this facade of a moral high ground in an attempt to slander the people behind it and shift blame elsewhere. It’s a complete inability to own up to his own mistakes in life, therefore it must be the greed of this market that separates his poor innocence from his money.

This is the only conclusion that makes any logical sense.

I am disgusted. I thought I could help you all but obviously Jow Forums is indeed the den of liars and thieves my friends on reddit told me it was.

Goodbye now. I leave you to your "coins" and the miserable web of iniquity you have woven around yourselves.

And I'll be laughing..

>oh no a poor person is laughing at me what do

dont forget this on your way out bro

Attached: 1552202653700.jpg (970x545, 75K)

It didn't use to be like that.

Attached: blockthestream.png (1200x800, 270K)

well articulated, nigger