Feeling like a brainlet

No matter if it pumps or dumps
no matter if gains or loss
I'm paranoid and scared shitless 24/7
Can't sleep
Can't think of anything else
Can't stop looking at charts
I've had exactly 6 conversations of ''hi how are you?'' in the past 4 years with my friends.
I've no motivation for anything but crypto
What's wrong with me?

Attached: feelsbadman-43225852[1].png (500x731, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I've no motivation for anything but crypto
>What's wrong with me?
I don't see the problem. I have been just as obsessed as you over the past year and for my trouble I've so far turned 0.6 BTC into 50 BTC and if this bullrun finally kicks off, it'll have all been worth it when I ride off into the sunset as a multimillionaire.
You aren't the only one obsessing over this shit so just keep going a little while longer. We're gonna make it.

I’m the same OP, I’m sure I could have doubled or tripled my LINK stack by now but it’s just not in me to risk missing the singularity.

do you really think anyone believes you made 80x gains during the bear market...

>do you really think anyone believes you made 80x gains during the bear market...
Nobody ever does and it scares me a little cuz I might have just gotten extremely lucky and very few people get extremely lucky twice which makes me think I probably ought to sell. Thanks for reminding me and cranking my anxiety back up.

luckiest user on biz
most people did not make 80x in the bull market

what trades did you make?

At least put 5 BTC into LINK if you want to keep your wealth.

damn this larp has gone on for long enough

I made thousands and thousands but my first lucky break was RKC on Cryptopia back in January right when the bear market started. It had been dipping 70 80% up and down like clockwork for a week so I just threw a buy in way at the bottom and I got it. Right after I got it a pump started so instead of selling back at the "top", it kept going. When I finally sold I had turned my 0.6 BTC into 3 or 4.
Then I got in when ZCL forked. It pumped like crazy for a while in February and finally popped right after the fork. I didn't buy at first but it made a huge plunge and paused for a bit so I went in a couple of bitcoins. Almost immediately it went back up and I got out at a 2x. An hour or so later, it went all the way down to like 120,000 sats and I didn't even want to risk it but said fuck it and went in again, scoring another 2x.
On the same day as that a whale dumped ORME 80% with a 35 BTC sell on Cryptopia. Such a small exchange it took 45 minutes for the sell to go through so I got in on that. 5x'd.
When Bancor got hacked in July, I made a few bitcoins off the initial plunge on HitBTC.
Basically that kind of stuff over and over. I seem to be a master at catching the falling knife at just the right time.
>damn this larp has gone on for long enough
Don't worry, when this bull run really gets in full swing I'll sell it all and leave. You'll never have to hear my shit and get depressed again.

This may be off-topic, but does anybody else feel dirty at the amount of money they're making?

I finally bought some Bitcoin this year (DCAed between January and March) and have never experienced my own wealth increase so rapidly. I'm earning more money browsing Reddit than I do at my job but I don't enjoy it. There are people who need this money more than me, and they don't have it because they're buried in poverty and were unable to make the initial investment.

I just feel sort of dirty. I have spent hours researching Bitcoin to chose the right time to get in, but that was sort of just fun and never felt like work. Perhaps I should be happy but I just feel depressed. I've always been taught hard work is what pays but that's clearly false. I feel like I've spent my entire life playing the wrong game.

Edit: It's been less than 15 minutes and I'm already inundated with great replies. Thank you.

I think charity is both the problem and the solution. I volunteer for a charity that helps provide shelter for people after disasters (hurricanes, conflict etc.) and I'm very aware of how far $100 can go to changing a family's life, because of this I feel quite guilty when I make it in 5 minutes doing nothing. It is very true that I haven't made money until I sell, but once I sell I think I'll take half the profit for myself and split the other half between close friends and charity.

For illustrative purposes, here's that RKC chart. Note the buy and sell candle. Also note the few candles before it where it was dipping hard. I happen to buy the dip that subsequently mooned. Just luck I guess.

Attached: 1553905810740.png (1745x1296, 232K)

And for even more extra credit, I recently caught the drop to literal zero of EOS on Exmo. It was when Bithumb (I think that was the exchange) got hacked and the hackers sent the first round of EOS to Exmo and just market sold 4 times in a row. I didn't catch the first dump but I threw an all in order around the bottom for the second round and got it. Then sold the top and put an order in for the next one then got that. I 65x'd my Exmo stack that day cuz the hackers, like I said, literally drove the price to zero.
A large part of what makes my system work is be on every exchange you can cuz something is always happening somewhere and to get in you gotta have coins on the exchange. Even shitty little ones like Exmo.

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Your bots catching these brutal wicks, senpai?

>You aren't the only one obsessing over this shit so just keep going a little while longer. We're gonna make it.
Thing is I've already made enough and can live a simple life.
Maybe get a house with a farm & garden, no neighbours, thousands of books and live off grid for the rest of life?
Sometimes I feel bad about it too, but hey don't forget that we're the ones that had the balls for it. We're do ones that did research.
If I decide to give away, my first thought would be visiting poor countries and do some good there - instead of giving it to a ''charity program'' that keeps 40%, sometimes up to 80% of the donations.

I sometimes think of selling everything I own and just go travelling & wandering in any place the wind blows.
I am not interested in different cultures, sight seeing, meeting people, finding love and such.

What more is there to this world?

>Your bots catching these brutal wicks, senpai?
The bots do catch a lot of them but I always have the scanners throw up a chart so I can manually work the trade as needed. I'd say the bot has made about 30% of my stack but manually trading situations that are just too good to leave up to chance are done by hand.
Bots are great when I'm asleep but when I'm awake I'm watching everything. 15 hour days for months at a time pay off

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You have your own custom scanner -- is there a crypto scanner you recommend that is "off the shelve"? You recommend crypto base scanner? (cryptobasescanner.com/)

You recommended Al Brooks in the thread awhile back, I got 3 of his books! Thank you for the recommendation.

>Thing is I've already made enough and can live a simple life.
>Maybe get a house with a farm & garden, no neighbours, thousands of books and live off grid for the rest of life?
My suggestion is always if you're in profit and you're ready to sell then do it. I guarantee you when I get to my number I'm getting the fuck out of here and they can burn it down after that. For me it's 3 million. I want 100 acres in Montana with a container box house, an ATV, solar panels, and satellite internet. I'll buy whatever I need from time to time off the interest of the rest of the money.

>You have your own custom scanner -- is there a crypto scanner you recommend that is "off the shelve"? You recommend crypto base scanner? (cryptobasescanner.com/)
Oh hey! Well, it's like I said in the last thread regarding cryptobasescanner, I know the developer and I know he siphons ideas off his users and he will take your trades before you and sell you his bags. Just a heads up. My personal suggestion is: cryptomarketscanner.com/
It's free and works quite well. Good for finding dumps and pumps and has some good configurability. I used that scanner in the beginning but ended up writing my own. I'm glad you're digging Al Brooks. Dude is a God

>I know the developer and I know he siphons ideas off his users and he will take your trades before you and sell you his bags.

Oh wow. He sounds like a NASTY FUCKING JEW.

Anyways, thank you for your recommendation, going through Al Brook's books is difficult but I'm sure it's worth the effort.

> Writing such a big larp just to advertise a product on two accounts.

Try again next time fuckface. Send 0.0006 BTC to any address on a wallet and tell me the address you send it to. The address you send it from must have 50 BTC.

If not, get the fuck off this board with your shitty larping.

As a side note, it’s funny how these larps always add up to a nice round number. In this case 50.

2017? I’d believe you.
2018? Fuck off.

Awesome man, good luck.
>Try again next time fuckface. Send 0.0006 BTC to any address on a wallet and tell me the address you send it to. The address you send it from must have 50 BTC.
Yeah, lemme just take all the coins I trade with and pull them off the exchanges to a wallet so I can prove something for some reason. Naw man. Pic related is the amount of screenies I could fit on the square from a few of the exchanges I'm on. The other 15 or so have similar numbers. Not even sure why I go through the trouble since I've been hearing "LARP LARP LARP" since my stack was in the 20's and I talked about it on here.

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>since my stack was in the 20's and I talked about it on here.
did you post your blockfolio or something back then? I remember you.

Yep, that was me! Been stacking the whole time. That would be one hell of an elaborate LARP haha!

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Thanks for providing that. I believe you. I asked because 90% of this board is a larp but I trust you. So essentially, you just wait for big dumps and try to buy the bottom. That is mostly a matter of luck to be honest. You just won the lottery. The original examples you gave we’re all luck based and you’d never be in this situation if it weren’t for those scenarios. You should be glad you’re in this position.

How old are you by the way, and why are you so nice? Sorry I’m just used to assholes on this board.

Here's a more recent one. I uninstalled the app after that since it's too distracting to keep up with the numbers day to day. It fucks with my buying and selling strategy. I get too short term focused.
Hey no problem man and I know I'm lucky as hell. Hopefully I keep on being lucky through this next bull run. If it keeps going I might just stop trading and try to ride it to my goal. Honestly I wasn't expecting this thing to really run for another year or so but who knows. And I'm in my 40s haha. That's probably what's wrong with me. I'm just happy to be here.

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> In my 40s.

That explains why you’re so nice. Anyways, do you have some sort of throwaway email? I also run a scanner bot although it scans for volume spikes not just price spikes and wanted to discuss things in detail. I’ve grown my stack from this as well although most of my growth case from just trading. Let me know if you’re interested and we can maybe help each other out.

Most of my growth came*

wow it really is you, I was interested back then already. I do believe you now.

Any chance you could share some more details on how to do what you do? can I replicate any of your strategies without coding skills? how does the screener thing work?

you are unironically probably the most successful trader on biz, so congratulations well done!

Yeah hmu at [email protected]

>do you have some sort of throwaway email? I also run a scanner bot although it scans for volume spikes not just price spikes and wanted to discuss things in detail.
Yeah definitely. I have something I'm working on for predicting pumps. There are some volume patterns I've noticed in the 24 hours leading up to one and especially the actual hour right before a good pump that is looking like I might be onto something. I'm particularly focused on the ratio of buy volume vs. sell volume and how it has intermittent increasing spikes before the pump so I'd definitely be down for collaborating. [email protected]
Any chance you could share some more details on how to do what you do? can I replicate any of your strategies without coding skills? how does the screener thing work?
Admittedly the volatility has kind of dampened since the early days of the bear market but if volume starts picking up we might see it again. When I first started (pic related) I did everything manually and had good results so that's definitely doable. There's a couple of things in particular to look for and I'd say the easiest manual trading right now is pullbacks. Go to cryptomarketscanner.com/ and tune the settings for a 10% pump within 30 minutes on 100BTC volume. When you find a coin that is pumping, watch it as it goes up. Use the 3 minute chart. Almost invariably a big pump will hit its apex then pullback about half way and go for another quick pump. You want to buy that 50% pullback and sell when it goes back up 10 or 20%. You have probably a 80-90 percent success rate with this. Nothing has really pumped lately since BTC has been on a tear so I'm using the IOTA chart where it pumped a little from a few days ago. It illustrates the point. Look through some charts for this pattern and use the scanner to do the hunting for you. I have used this to make quite a bit of coin from time to time. Takes some practice so start small but you'll get the hang of it

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The psychology behind that second pump is pretty simple. A pump and dump by its very nature is fueled by the dumb money volume the pump group brings in by spamming the pump on message boards, Jow Forums, Telegram groups, etc. So that dumb money gets in, the price pumps then inevitably the ring leaders dump. So the latecomers see what was once a huge profit start going down the drain. This is where the psychology kicks in. When it hits about halfway down and the losses are mounting, the price starts to like a great deal. They think, shit it was 100 sats a minute ago and now it's 50. That's a steal!! So they start buying back in force. You are trying to get in on this. It's a pattern as old as trading and if you know the psychology behind it, it becomes easy to exploit without getting dumped on yourself.

this is great, thanks a lot user!
and how do you manage to find/notice the big dumps like here for example do you just follow the markets 12 hours a day or was this via your scanner as well?

what exchanges do you recommend using? it seems there has been an explosion of shit/scam exchanges with fake volume lately and I can't tell anymore which of the small exchanges are legit

>and how do you manage to find/notice the big dumps like here for example (You)
>do you just follow the markets 12 hours a day or was this via your scanner as well?
That was indeed my scanner and it's the main reason I had to write my own is I couldn't find anything for scanning Exmo and a lot of other exchanges. But yeah, scanner goes off, it looks good, I buy. That kind of stuff pops up on the more popular exchanges as well though and there are scanners available for those.
>what exchanges do you recommend using? it seems there has been an explosion of shit/scam exchanges with fake volume lately and I can't tell anymore which of the small exchanges are legit
You can do this on just about every exchange out there with the only exception the complete con exchanges that take your deposit. Don't let the fake volume or the scamminess bother you too much since as long as you can get your coins back out you're fine. I trade on Yobit, c-cex, Bibox, Livecoin, exx.com, tradeogre, coinexchange, coinex, kucoin, you name it and haven't had any problems. The fake volume doesn't matter to me as that's just the exchange trading with itself to con projects into paying higher listing fees. As long as there's at least some real volume, even if it's only 5%, I'm in and I can make money.
Fake volume is an issue but it's a separate issue from the question of whether you can make money on an exchange which is all that really matters. Imagine you are on exx.com/tradeCoding/btp_btc I mean, it just doesn't get any faker than that. Fake fake fake. But there are a few real traders and if one of them makes a mistake I'm there. I will buy and then I will resell those coins at profit. I do it all day long.

thanks for all info
I will be trying this for sure, I used to full time watch markets in 2017 but have been completely out for over a year so I feel like I have no idea what I am doing again lol

you said you are in your 40s, how did you have an opportunity to full time trade? did you quit your job

>you said you are in your 40s, how did you have an opportunity to full time trade? did you quit your job
Yeah man. I worked as the "IT Director" for a wholesale distributor you have probably heard of. Only problem was they had me doing literally everything from maintaining the web portal, designing and writing the Android tablet apps the sales people used, streamlining workflows and logistics for the warehouse, fighting the occasional fire when employees would fuck something up, creating and running the affiliate program for the website, maintaining and extending legacy code. On and on and on and on. I worked there for years and finally got sick of it. The last day I just got up from my desk and walked out. Took my severance and decided to take a year off. Got bored and started making affiliate sites for eBay Partner Network and Amazon, made some good money with that, automated it, then got into bitcoin.
For another fun read on my other hobby, here's a thread I OP'd in March of 2017 detailing my affiliate marketing activities. warosu.org/biz/thread/1835678
There's damn good money in affiliate marketing if you're looking for something else to get into. I just got bored with it and went into crypto. I still keep my old sites though for the reliable mailbox money it brings in.

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>Only problem was they had me doing literally everything
so even the IT director has to work as a slave, damn. Quitting was most likely the best decision you ever made, just imagine having 50 BTC when it goes back to ATH
nice, affiliate marketing is something I am interested in too, just thought it was over saturated by now. Will check out your thread

I feel like shit missing the bottom on btc but hopefully I can get some trading system working from the advice you gave me.

you're a low IQ beta male, you're feeling exactly like a low IQ beta male should

Awesome man. Good luck. Crypto has a long way to go and I don't see any reason why you can't still make it. When I got in, bitcoin was at like 4200 or something back in 2017. Then it went to 20k and crashed the fuck down to below my starting point over a year later. Didn't mean shit. Don't beat yourself up about where you buy. If you go hard starting now, by next year it won't matter where you began.

same here
this. the price of crypto gains is losing sleep and grey hairs, it's something I've been willing to trade off so long as there's still a chance I can make something in crypto

sell. walk away until people say it's over again. seriously. if you have 6-7 figures you'll never forgive yourself if you don't get out now. put it into a 10% gainer.
