Kek boomers fomoing in at ATH

kek boomers fomoing in at ATH

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consumption of baby brains

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old people look like such goblins

>even the richest Americans drink Cola
Why are you people so disgusting?

For eating baby brains to increase investing performance, does it matter if the babies are intelligent or not? Is there an easy way to tell if they are or not with babies? Asking for a friend

product placement

Oh. I see.
I mean Cola is so bad for your teeth, at least they got the water to rinse it off afterwards.

cannot wait until these old fucks buy my bags at 1000000x what i bought them for

Warren Buffet owns coca cola

His largest stake is in coke idiot. He owns the company at this point. He’s advertising his own product, but that’s probably too complicated of a concept for you to wrap your peanut brain behind.

Warren is gonna represent the dumb asf boomers who is going to get BTFO in upcoming liquidity crisis.

Oh, I see.
Don't be so mad, user.

Poor people cope. If you ever heard any of these old fucks speak you know they actually know what you're doing.

But I'll leave you to invest in Elon Musk and Chainlink and we'll see who makes it

Kek. Warren used to buy low and sell high. He's buying high atm.

cringe boomer

kek amazon amazon can still 100x from today

If that happens I will eat both my dick and my ass on national television

Dont a majority of stocks have a parabolic chart, I firmly believe that we should expect a retrace anywhere between 20 - 50% because all the stocks are at bullshit prices.


Central banks are buying up these stocks. Their liquidity is stretched 80:1 atm. It's only a matter of time before they aren't able to prop up the market without crazy inflation.

what did he mean by this

everyone hates a boomer who foretold the crash with 2 lines.

Funny how Buffet describes investing in stock as "putting more money in now in hopes of getting more later," which is 100% the greater fool theory he accuses bitcoin investors of using.

Jesus christ these guys are literally a couple of walking corpses arnt they. I will 100% kill myself before i come anything close to that.

Yep, these dumb dinosaurs will get BTFO when the market corrects and people refuse to bail them out this time.

To put a question to Buffett, I suppose you have to be a Berkshire shareholder, and a single Berkshire share is worth over $300k. I wonder what the people who submit those questions are like, what life they have had and currently have, what lifestyles they lead. Must be like another planet.

So what's the actual point of owning Berkshire? They're never going to pay a dividend. The only possible justification is that someone else will buy it from you for more, but how can such a sale make sense to the buyer?