How many bitcoins do you boys have?

how many bitcoins do you boys have?
(no shitcoiners saying "its worth x BTC!!1")

0.13 BTC reporting in

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1.1 BTC and 40 ETH

5K link 5K rlc

fuck off with your data mining, glow dyke

1.97 btc, 4 ETH

13.178 BTC
837.73 ETH

18.45 BTC

doubling BTC, no time-wasters

0btc everything in altcoins.

my shitcoins were worth 25 btc a few months ago, now they're worth 10 btc

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I’m 33% bitcoin (Sv) 33% bitcoin (bch) and 33% segwit coin (or is it lightning coin or core? I don’t even know anymore, can’t use it because it’s slow, expensive, and unreliable).

>calls BTC unreliable
>BSV literally has 4 block orphan chains

21 million BTC and a few alts, mainly GFYS coin and also some KYS

1.5 BTC
15 BSV
come at me faggots
also got some BCH but not even worth mentioning this shitcoin

I have 5 BCH and 50 DASH.
Imagine buying BTC

they're actually worth 0 btc

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.5 BTC, just started FOMOing in on Thursday
Going to keep buying until I get to 2 BTC or until my gains get wiped out, at which point I’ll sell and hopefully by later at a lower price.

This is about 2% of my investment portfolio. Feel like a cuck for not getting in sooner. Starting to realize I hate working too much for the “get rich slowly” index fund boomer memes.

1 million - i am satoshi nakamoto

none, I'm out for a few days until this temporary correction has ended.

I placed massive bets, for my perspective, on these projects, too

I just come here to pass time

0.35 btc