How much money do you spend on women and sex? Wives, girlfriends, prostitutes, porn, dates, online dating subscriptions?

How much money do you spend on women and sex? Wives, girlfriends, prostitutes, porn, dates, online dating subscriptions?

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Not one damn cent Dave Ramsey.
>inb4 work 180 hours a week to buy a house, child, and a wife that shouldn't have to work. He is pure boomer tier

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My wife wastes thousands each year. If there's a bad decision with money she will make it. I lose a good $300 every year just because she can't be arsed to pay her credit card on time every month. FML honestly fren.

>lose a good $300 every year just because she can't be arsed to pay her credit card on time every month. FML honestly fren.

Costing you even more when you account what it does to your credit rating and interest rate for loans / insurance.

Due to above and other dumbassery, her credit car interest rate is about 22%. Ah to be an independent liberated women with a man cleaning up all your metaphorical shit.

How long have you been married? Do you have kids? What will happen if you get divorced?

put that shit on autopay

Before kids probably $200/wk. Now about $300/mo but she gets to stay home with the kids now.

She doesn't fuck off with money because we both manage/budget it actively every week. If either of us does something stupid we decide together how it's going to hurt by rebudgeting.

Honestly transparency has helped a ton. We've basically had a prenup/divorce agreement ready to go and kept updated for the last six years too, so easy split if it isn't working out. Minimal codependence, although kids complicates that.


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I'm 25 years old and I've never gone on a date or held hands with a girl, let alone anything beyond that. So $0.

0. Women are given every advantage in education and white collar workplace over men in 2019, combined with raging feminism and media war against white men. IF they cant parlay the systems coordinated mass push for womens advancement into paying for my big cock they can get saggy titas and die without the glory

My wife is Ukrainian and high maintenance but she doesn’t take money she asks so I keep it in check

Bitch could spend 10,000$ a day if unleashes. Gotta keep the pimp hand strong

fleshlights are like $50 on sale

$40 initial investment, unlimited ROI

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2 kids, no plans for divorce because I consider it a commitment I'm honor bound to. That and its better for kids to have both parents in the house.

This, giving women children is a death sentence for their future

Yeah this.

Watching my brother squander all his money on pleasing his GF makes me want it even less. He makes more than me but has practically no savings because they go out to eat all the time and she buys hundreds of dollars of cosmetics a month. He also has credit card debt, I've never had one in my life(I am a Ramseyite lel). Meanwhile I sit comfy with 5 figures in both savings and crypto, not that its anything amazing but I'm only 22.

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most of my money.

but my gf pays my bills for now

>He also has credit card debt, I've never had one in my life(I am a Ramseyite lel).

Ramsey is an idiot that had no self control.
As long as you can control yourself, if you use a debit card you are exposing yourself much more than using a credit card. You are also missing out on jewing the retailer (don't do it it to smaller ones) and instead being jewed by them baking in the CC fees into all transactions.

If you have self control get a CC in a bit, build up the credit. Makes it even easier to be cheap somewhat as skip small purchases as it can be a bigger pain than cash

user if you ever decide to take a wife, treat it like you were picking a business partner.

5 figures is not savings

You need credit history in order to get approved for any loans. And yes, despite what Ramsay tells you, loans can be good. His Debt snowball theory is inherently flawed and will end up costing you more money via interest than if you paid off your highest interest loan first. You're doing well and don't let anyone make you feel like you have to give them anything.


set that shit up on auto payments somehow
or better yet, take away her fucking card

>not having a sugar mama to pay all the bills
just be fit and search for lonely rich cougars

We pay for each other, so nothing more than i would spend by myself, well more if you cont that we go out instead of me sitting online

I buy my girlfriend Taco Bell about once every two weeks and I buy her a drink from the gas station like every other day
>paying for sex
Absolute cringe and beta move

Women are horribly expensive....i tend to stay away from them now. Only bad experience