Beyond Meat - good investment?

I'm trying to decide whether to invest in this company, what do you think?

Attached: BeyondMeat_Burger_02_Web_1024x1024.jpg (520x520, 281K)

over 95% of hedge funds fail to pick stocks that can beat the SPY market index
you think you're smarter than them?

Have you ever actually eaten any of their burgers? I can’t imagine a plant based burger ever not tasting like shit

investing in the market index is boring

no but they're sold at whole foods and burger king now, so it can't be that bad. If the taste is indistinguishable from real beef, I see a massive potential here

>explosive diarea

You should at least try one before making the decision to invest. Just because it's sold at major franchises doesn't necessarily mean it tastes good.

Eat one. If it tastes like meat to you, buy in

They're not sold at burger kind u mong. Impossible brand burgers r not beyond meat. Impossible is phenomenal, beyond is meh

Long term yes, but you can beat it short term and when you don't have a lot of money, that can be a big dealio

Personally I'd go with Impossible Foods over Beyond Meat. Either way alt-meats have a lot of potential. The margins on ground beef are extremely thin. If some company can get an alt-burger that's even a little big cheaper than beef patties, the beef industry won't be able to compete on price.

I was very interested in this company. They have a good product and the market has potential. That said, fuck paying almost 3x the ipo price when they have only 88mil in revenue. That’s not a 4billion dollar company.

have you seen what theyre loaded with? absolute dog shit garbage. veg oils, onions bean protein, the fucking whole 9-yards. no thanks. id rather not put money into creating more onions cucks.

This. I was trying to remember what the negatives were on this. Thanks for reminding me. I saw that Neil Cauvto episode where they had people on to taste test and the list of ingredients is the drawback. Endless garbage to create literally imitation beef

it tastes like meat loaf but like really cheap one
it actually tastes like meat but still far from a good burget meat

a food company that makes veggir burgers? are you f'n serious user? jesus fuck

it's not just veggie burgers, it's veggie burgers that are supposed to taste real. no need to kill cows if you can manufacture fake cow meat. also, imagine the possibilities of them creating a new type of "meat" that nobody has ever tasted before.

thanks for that honest opinion

>imagine the possibilities of them creating a new type of "meat" that nobody has ever tasted before.
We DO need more ultra-processed food.

8 year vegetarian here
I tried them a few days ago thanks to you guys shilling them
They taste like shit. Greasy like vegetable oil and barely any taste. Okay, they are edible, but nowhere near the hype.
Linda McCartney burgers that have been around years are much better. Taste better and the fat is more meaty. Quorn is better too although without much fattiness, but i like that
In summary it's entirely marketing, then again, maybe that's enough

>Beyond Burger costs $3.75 per patty
Not gonna make it.

Oh fuck i thought those were the same company

Also, impossible foods is still private at this point