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the real jihad edition

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First desu

Press L to Lol at LCI


Also gold shorts got absolutely fucked

I'll buy calls at euro close, I think



All that red.

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lol LCI isnt even profitable you guys are screwed
have you even considered if there is a reason why +80% of float is short?"


dreaming of a deutsche bank-bailout fueled Populist uprising desu

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RIP my semiconductor stocks

don't get overconfident, things won't go your way forever
don't mean that in a derisive way, it's just a fact

>I want to be known as an identity but don't want to use a tripcode because I don't want people to judge me for it

Shill me some cheapies folks

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LCI is such a gay dumpster fire of a company. I can't believe people think it will hit 20 or 30 dollars when it's going to get shorted to shit before it goes bankrupt.

wonder if the PPT / the colossal amount of share buybacks will save this fucking crap today

So what, time to buy some puts?

This. How is a company that doesn't even make profit and is in a shit ton of debt supposed to not go bankrupt?

Oh yeah get fucked

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Screams from the haters, got a nice ring to it. I guess every superhero need his theme music.

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Burgers give zero fuck about the trade war they're buying everything in sight!

>so what, time to buy some puts after SPY has already dropped over $10 the past 5 trading days
Sasuga, Jow Forums-kun. Short low sell high kek

My spidey senses are tingling

lol nice fear mongering news triggering algos
spy is going to 295 end of week, FAKE NEWS wont stop my gains

only thing that is green is bitcorn. trumpf is trying to crash world economy with no survivors the best he can :)

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Have you even looked at the company? There are a significant chunk of shares borrowed that dont exist. They have to cover eventually.

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the eternal crab always wins in the end

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Yup. Even said last week I dont wanna be a tripfag.

I thought LPTX was supposed to moon today what the hell

Not if LCI goes bankrupt lol

Keep buying

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Kek Deutsche Bank just dumped 68k of their shares of LCI. This shit is going to crash and burn.

>TWTR puts went to $0.01 at open
>RH updates price two minutes later
Almost had a heart attack bros

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It's reversing.

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meme of the week

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please help I've lost so much money on my NAK position

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Sold my 10 dollar calls that expire this friday and picked up 11 dollar SQQQ calls that expire 6/21. I think we'll probably see a small rebound but trump will take this as a challenge and make things worse. I don't think we'll see a deal in all honesty. I've already said it a bunch of times here but this entire thing surpasses the trade deal and has much more to do with trump actually putting the chinks in their place. Like, is it really that shocking that NK started testing missiles as soon as the chinks said they weren't going to show up to the meet? Its them trying to up show trump and if they tank the economy and ruin the stock market he won't have anything to claim as a victory anymore.

LCI is going back to $3 before it goes to $1

One more after this desu

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aaaaaaaaaaand we are back!

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Last desu desu. Compare to others in same sector

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Sucks for the people who longed LCI like that LCIfag told them to do.

hahahaha yeah we are gonna make it!

i heard a 4x will be easy but a 5x will take time

But I'm still going down

I did make a few hundred off of LCI and i thank LCIguy for that but how this guy ever thinks hes going above 13 let alone fucking 30 is insane to me.

he probably sold all his shares on friday and left everyone holding bags. Its big5 all over again

bought some F today to start building my div portfolio, all I have to do now is wait for my next paychecka and dump more money on dovvy stocks that dip?

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trade wars are E.Z.

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Me too desu. Bought in at 7, sold at 9, waited for it to go down again as more people short it. Buying now desu. Might go down more but profits are fine for me.

Gappity gap

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If you stole the pic I stole and remade from other goy can I still call memepolice on you for some stolen (you)s?

He ironically went missing when that shit crashed too. Always do the opposite of what that guy says.

I've got $1000 to blow, should I buy in today or wait until after the government announces the 25% retaliatory tarriff on all the remaining Chinese imports?

My $5 puts might actually get me a 4-bagger, but a 5-bagger on those puts might take some time.

>LCI share holders at the minute

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Hes not missing. He was posting all last week and over the weekend too. You guys dont pay attention. This is like those guys shorting the housing market in 08. It's not a crisis or anything like that, but the opportunity is incredible

I'm waiting. we still have another 2 weeks of red.

percentage or cash wise?

>buying in just before another economic depression

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In this market with the FUD it’s getting, $6 isn’t safe
Wait for low 5s and see if it finds any bit of support

>the housing market wasn't a crisis
>no big deal major banks and institutions went under
Kek do you have any idea how retarded you sound?

>its another LCI hits 3 before getting delisted thread

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It hurts so good.

Desu desu, once it gets low enough, short sellers gonna cover then BOOOM! Explosion! Itll be in the news and stuff too desu. Right now theres just too many, squeezing the stock price. Unique opportunity

Where the hell is the plunge protection team???


just a funny pic i found on r/funny. have fun man

To me, TSLA is approaching cheapie range
I’ll be patient though
Not gonna rush this one

>cant read desu
Can you into English? I compared this opportunity to shorting mortgage bonds in 08. I said this company isnt going to cause a crisis, but the opportunity is the same where nobody is expecting this. Go back and try again

aapl -5.2% and amzn -3.3% warren"contra indicator" buffet bought the absolute top again

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I-i was just joking before please stop selling this isn't funny

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The company is going under you retard.

To the person who told me gpro was going to 5 while defending LCI look at gpro then look at LCI

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LCI needs to hit 0.20 before it can hit 120

circuit breaker is happening today faggots.

It's ogre

This isn't it. Wait until the end of the month when we don't have a deal. That'll be the real blood

Ror! They have over 200m cash, $5.22 cash per share. Just cash!

LCI is kill

i heard that it can 5x slowly once it has done 4x quick

>housing market is stable - (you) 08
Look at its financials. Tell me why you think it's going under


We need more pink wojak posting to end this bloodshed

I’m at work on my phone I can’t be the one to do it

Someone summon the rat

where my spiderbros at

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They have been talking in circles about a "deal" since the beginning of 2018, and China is fine waiting for the 2020 elections to negotiate with someone who isn't Trump. Markets be damned.

Ror! What part of undervalued do you not understand?

I'm enjoying this too much.
One day I will become too cocky and fail dramatically.
But today is not the day.

Are Buffet and Cramer now the same meme?

LCI needs to get delisted before it can ipo at 300 dollars per share

Because they don't even make profit, they have a ton of debt, and are definitely guilty of price fixing. Deutsche sold 68k of their shares and the float is 80% shorts. I'm sorry you are too retarded to see what is going on here and that this company is on the verge of bankruptcy.