Daily reminder Paul Le Roux is Satoshi

Daily reminder Paul Le Roux is Satoshi

Attached: neettoshi.jpg (236x418, 22K)

>not even tomorrow yet

I don’t think so

this is not normal

seek help.

then why is he wearing an ETH sweater?

He has a giant head and awkward stance just like Vitalik. I swear these guys have to be genetically modified super geniuses or something

Rhodesians can wear what they want.

>best Satoshi in based attire

The real SN is either dead or was captured.

Attached: blockstreamvsbsv.jpg (1270x700, 379K)

Yep Paul was captured. Establishment is backing creg to bn SN because this guy is a racist criminal who had ppl killed

>this guy is a racist criminal who had ppl killed
don't mean, he's a bad person tho. Not really. Besides, if that wenker Cregs the alternative timeline Satoshi, we must search our hearts and find forgiveness

I had never heard of this guy until last night and I got physically sick reading about all of the coincidences. It's definitely him. The other suspects melt away in their feasibility once you read about this guy. 99.9999% of people smart enough to make bitcoin would never have had the balls or situation to actually release it. With this guy, it's believable he would want to release it.

Le Roux will kill Craig from prison
The hit has already been put into motion and cannot be stopped
Multiple payments have already been made

Craig is Satoshi. Paul only worked with Craig until Craig realized how much of a criminal he is. Bitcoin was designed to catch criminals not promote them. Glad he’s in jail and will now rot until death.

Craig will be assassinated before 2019 ends
there is no escape from this guy

i've read 2 books about this guy since I first heard about him a year or so ago. He was mentioned in the news because one of his hitmen (Joseph Hunter) was sentenced for murder.

Until last night though, I never even considered the possibility that he had any connection to Bitcoin, but seeing all the evidence now, i'm also totally convinced.


The "anyone but Craig" narratives are getting hilariously pathetic, to the point where they will rather root for a literal criminal psychopath with 6 confirmed hits by hired assassins to be satoshi, rather than Christian pastor and cybersecurity expert with 17 university degrees Craig Wright.

Attached: 1557725192927.jpg (707x566, 43K)

>I am ZIMBABWEAN. I left Zimbabwe in 1984, and have since lived in several countries including the U.S & U.K. The disadvantages of Australia: Internet access is far to expensive, pornography laws in Australia are backward, banks report on everything you do
>banks report on everything you do

t. Paul La Roux, Usenet 1990s

OP from yesterday's thread here ... on one hand I'm proud my meme has legs but on the other hand I think you're all retards for believing this.

Never change, Jow Forums. :-)

> bitcoin is invented by a cartel boss serial murderer to launder money
ironically normies have been right about bitcoin

I think it's a legitimate possibility.

Nice try Craig

hes a Christian Pastor with 17 degress, donchakno

They have no idea what they're talking about. These are the same people that thought Nick Szabo was Satoshi because they skimmed his blog.

Daily reminder Craig is australian police

He works with the NSA too. He's military intel plus popo, and he is here to put the entire crypto cartel and federal reserve jews out of business.

Attached: CSW_businesscard_nsa.png (716x1158, 987K)

Btw that's also why he get so much hate. Anyone saying Craig is a fraud is guaranteed to be a criminal or a paid minion of a criminal. There's no third option.

No, they're just suffering from CDS. Greg Maxwell is DEFINITELY a pawn though.