what a run!
and its not finished.
thank you /biz, again...
Jaxson Morales
Ethan Johnson
great run so far. take some profits.
Blake Kelly
i'm not selling (((you))) my bags faggot
only faggots take profit from the golden bull alt
Liam Williams
blatant manipulation
in a serious market all these shillers would be in prison
Jordan Turner
Tempting but I'm going to let it ride baby!
Get fucked m8
Brayden Nguyen
im just stating a fact, congratz on gains, couldnt buy because no funds on binance
Ryder Peterson
i kept 140k and took 100% profit on 500k matic. will buy back lower. best day ever today by far.
gl all
Henry Mitchell
Old boomer from reddit detected
Isaac Howard
i just did and left my initial input.. bought at 40
Jonathan Morris
+1.1 BTC so far :^)