Wtf is going on oh god

I sold all my crypto today at 7900 out of fear. I was so tired of seeing losses when I saw such a big gain I took the profit. Did I fuck up Jow Forums? Is king shitcoin BTC really going back to 20,000? It sure looks like price manipulation. What is all this bullshit about USDT pumping the price? Is there manipulation going on?

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itll be alright

it's not alright if I sold to early nigger I need to know if this shit is being manipulated or if this is organic growth and I just fucked myself

>Did I fuck up Jow Forums?

Nah man. You took the profit.

there will be more pumps and dumps to come.

You made the right call, I wouldn't trust this "bull run" for much longer. Sure it'll probably keep pumping past 10k in the short term, and you can angrily sit there and look at all the potential money you lost out on, or you can enjoy your gains and live to play another day. BTC will correct again soon to well below 7.9k, so you can always buy back in then.

Panic buy at 11k faggot.

>well below 7.9k
you don't understand what's happening do you...

We're going to test 6-7k whether you like it or not.

god knows how long this can go on for.
you can prepare. all the instruments are just a few clicks away ˜˜˜

I don't think you understand anything pajeet. what's causing the pump? normies rushing in? I sure as fuck aint seeing Katy Perry posting her "crypto claws" yet. The only thing pumping this right now is whales/usdt/exchanges manipulating the price.

Why do people keep saying USDT is pumping the price? Any evidence whales are pumping crypto?

>Winklevoss buying his Starbucks today with Ethereum
>Fidelity and eTrade offering bitcoin soon
>eBay accepting crypto soon
>Coming off an 85% down bear market
>Halvening next year so bitcoin starts pumping like clockwork
user, it's organic

occam's razor.

ebay will never accept crypto. They only recently started allowing anything but paypal (which they own) for payments on their platform. Even then it's apple pay or some shit. How are they going to offer "buyer protection" if someone pays for their Anime Wallscrolls with BTC? How they getting the buyers money back when the seller ends up never sending a thing?

can someone post the web em

I don't know how new you are, but Jow Forums is one of the dumbest boards. 99% anons here are talking out of their asses. If you take an advice from a mouthbreathing retard that doesn't even understand Occam's razor, you deserve to get hacked and lose all your bitcorns.

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obviously it's through a payment processor, like every other mainstream site that takes btc

so a giant nothing burger again. beautiful. hey what about all the other millions of stores that now accept bitcoin*. You know, the stores that accept my "crypto card" that lets me directly spend my BTC via a VISA credit card.

Its very clearly comming from tether.

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damn user how much did you lose in the stock market today


>ebay will never accept crypto
I guess we'll see then

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not a dime user.
this to me does not imply they'll be accepting crypto. at best they'll be selling crypto in much the same way they sell gift cards. at worst they'll be doing their own ebay bux/coin. no different than a gift card really.

That's not what real people mean when they say "virtual currency" you absolute mongoloid.

easy three step market strategy high
2.sell high higher

Ethereum is King Shitcoin

You guys are so fucking dumb. None of that honky shit matters. All that matters is that eBay has a booth at Consensys where they're teasing about crypto. That's all it takes to bump the price. What they end up doing is immaterial to the effect on the price today. Buy the rumor, tards.

was meant for you too, peabrain

Seeing as now the price is sub 7800 I guess I did the right thing. See you all at 5k!

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Yea thats another pump and dump we not going to be 10k tomorrow

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seeing as how you're buying the news (booth at consensys), and not the rumor it seems you're too stupid to follow even your own advice. time to buy was at 3k faggot.

just wanted to say I agree with you lad. This isn't what BTC was made for and its really a big nothing burger. We will all get rich off speculation but its sad that satoshis vision will not be accomplished at this rate.

Dummy, the news is whatever they end up doing