Theoretically, if I were American and wanted to create a BITMEX account, how would I go about doing that?
Can I just use Tor and create an account? Do they need personal documents or anything?
Theoretically, if I were American and wanted to create a BITMEX account, how would I go about doing that?
Can I just use Tor and create an account? Do they need personal documents or anything?
Just draw some red candles on your wall with a crayon and throw all your cash in the waste disposal. It's an accurate simulation of the front running bullshit that is Bitmex.
Bitmex is unironically a casino
It's no different to dice at this point
It's dice with a chart
Bitmex founders are geniuses for cashing in on gambling bigger than anyone just like Erik vorehees did before with satoshidice which was over half of all btc txs at one point
its only gambling when you leverage over x3 and long or short against the trend but desu everyone falls for the x100 meme and tries it and get burned
i would never even consider them taking my money cause that dude is a nigger and im not even racist
No it's a bucketshop
I mean, it's a very profitable bucketshop but still
BitmexCasino would be more fitting
i bet every 100x liq fag swore would never go above 5x when regged
I tried shorting with a 1% margin during the bear market. I still got fucked. Bitmex is a fucking casino
Nice try Arthur
Not a single one of you stupid niggers answered me question or was remotely helpful in any way whatsoever. Go post in a LINK thread you retarded faggots.
you just use a fucking vpn but i wouldn't risk it given that you're talking about btc which they could theoretically just turn around and say we're not letting you cash out faggot
so i wouldn't risk it
cause your question was retarded use a vpn and no they literally say on the site you there's no KYC
use vpn or remote desktop to a vps
So in that case what's the best way to trade? Buy high sell low on Binance or something?
also don't go over x5 friend, you'll get fucking destroyed could have gotten away with it below 6k but right now there's $400 pump and dumps in seconds with system overloads so u cant click and sell , be safe x5 im x10 but i got in on breakout at 7200
kek, this is accurate
use okex, bibox, etc.
all those exchanges have leverage on alts. or primexbt but that uses cross margin which might be hard for you to wrap your head around.
binance also has margin coming soon. and finex will have up to 100x isolated margin on altcoins in June 2019 too.
BitMex sweeps for VPN's and automatically bans you. Americans need to fuck off. Go eat a burger.
don't need id but if they bust you - and they do run checks like getting vpn details sometimes - they WILL shut down your account and keep your coins
be VERY careful
don't stick more than 1 BTC on there or you'll get investigated probably
this is retarded.
the "don't go over 5x meme is stupid". You actually want to use as high leverage as possible on percentages of your account so you have max exposure.
i.e. risk 5% of your account on 30x leverage.
this way you still have 95% of your capital that can be deployed elsewhere. cross on primexbt and mex is 100x margin. if you are using isolated margin when you have the option of cross, you are a noob faggot.
>Americans need to fuck off
there's an element of truth in this
on the one hand you have "freedum" and "constitution" and "black jesus" and "based orange man"
on the other hand you don't have any freedom to do what you actually want and kept in check by a legal code so complicated you violate hundreds of laws every day and have circus acts for presidents
Never trust a nigger with your money