What is the actual target price / value of LINK?

I am holding a 35,000 stack that I bought at $1.1 / coin. Literally FOMO'd in at ATH. What do you think this is going to be worth in 2 years?

I know that Jow Forums isn't really the place but my honest question is: when will you sell this?

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$10,000 per token

the world is not enough.

Move 30% to RLC for tomorrow’s pump and dump. Then move back to LINK and make this thread tomorrow.

>1 link = 1 burger

Small percents at milestones. Starting in the double digits, then live frugally enough so i don't have to work while the rest of my stack moons.

Doesn't matter about the price user because of the coffee standard. Whatever the fiat value of a cup of mumbai toilet is that's the value of chainlink. Right now it can't even break a buck and it might never.

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>I know that Jow Forums isn't really the place but my honest question is: when will you sell this?

we are starting to see the pink wojaks when newbies sell their stacks for pajeet-tier profits.

the right time to sell is when you see your middle finger sized green candles to much in a row.

I don't like selling LINK. I just want to know when you guys will think OK, that's enough.

I mean. I feel like i need to accumulate more. Is LINK cheap still?

Someone here have that chart of the price of Link at different market caps/ranks? Apparently I didn't save it

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ok so your target price is over $10? I guess I can feel happy with a 36k stack at $10 / coin selling there. how high do you think it will go?

I will sell a couple of k at $10 to live frugally off indefinitely until we're closer to $100.

do you think it will reach $100? if it would then link is still cheap.

here you go fren

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This. 1k is fud.

Take a 10% loss at $1, then re-buy at 35 cents in late summer. Screencap this.

Target: Moon


So yea realistically speaking in 2 years, say crypto hits a total market cap of 1 trillion, Link is a top ten coin = around $20


delusion alert. BRB, cashing out.

Wow, very disappointing. I was truly hoping $100. According to this chart, only way it hits $100 is if the crypto economy has a 5 trillion dollar mcap and LINK is a top-10 token. Hmm.....

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The last bubble almost hit a trillion, you honestly don't think the next bubble will cause the total mcap to reach close to 5 trillion?

don't fall for this FUD, doesn't mean shit when you consider staking+nodes

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This is pretty likely. Anyone notice how Sergey had a new point to drive home? Usually he stays on topic repeating a few keys points or objectives.
Today when he spoke he had a new concept to drive home, or at least an old concept with a new emphasis: interopertability. Did anyone notice how he kept bringing up "whichever chain wins, we will work on them" was the jist. He is prepping people for the very likely possibility of a chain switch or a dragonslayer moment. BSV WILL win. Everyone knows it. This run up is the desperate escape of individuals, institutions, and exchanges who bet too big on BTC. It will come crashing down and you could definitely pick up LINK for $0.20 during the mayhem.

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I didn't know it almost hit a trillion. Truth is, BTC going to $100,000 [at some point] is easy to imagine. Presumably that would put the total crypto mcap at over 4 trillion. With the added addition of the interconnectivity that middleware provides and the increased business applications, perhaps you're right... it's easier to imagine 5+ trillion mcap.

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Meaning no harm, but what the honest fuck is BSV? I know what the acronym means, but how is it important and why would it get adoption? BTC can just... adapt.

Microsoft is building on BTC, not BSV.

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Buying link at >$1 a pop is OOOF status.

kek that was the best bsv shill I've read in a while, didn't see it coming. nice/10.

BSV is bitcoin.
Who would use a blockchain like BTC? Just because everyone bought it post 2017? Or would they use BSV which has utility with onchain transactions and tons of protocols built ontop of it. All btc has is a theoretical lightning network that looks suspiciously like our current financial setup with virtually no novel utility.

God damn it. 6 months ago I called myself a bitcoin maximalist. Now I want to FOMO into link after watching it climb from 20 cents. Don't have a binance account. Can't convince myself to register before the next hack. I'll wait for another exchange to pick it up like Coinbase or Gemini. By then it will be over 2 dollars a piece.

You guys think it's too late to buy LINK? What will the price do from now until mainnet launch?

checked but uniformed
by 2025 a significant amount of the world's GDP will be on the blockchain
link will be identified as more crucial than any platform protocol and will certainly be a top 5 token (if not higher). Might be a little while but in 6 years from now you can unironically live in a house made of pure gold if you so please

I started buying at .46 and bought up to .67, was able to get a 8k stack. Not much but in a few years it'll be worth something substantial. It's not too late.

I honestly do believe what you say, always have. And I hope you're right. I have an 8k stack now, hoping to get to 10k at least before price is too high. I lost 150 BTC back in the day so I am hoping for a bit of a jump start. Use LINK and some other crypto money to help fund my [USD] business and get back in the game.

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If you're thinking about buying LINK, just assume the price is going to stay just about the same for a week. Then the blog post by Sergey comes out and I'd expect a jump. Then a week later mainnet launches. It's not clear there will be an immediate bump after that, but once Coinbase does custody for LINK and other Partners announce, expect dramatic price increase every year, indefinitely. (in theory)

literally look at this thread, its the final redpill about LINK in general

This is myopic, crypto is going to be the size of the derivative market. Why do you think the CME got in early?

I can't tell if the person that made this thinks it's bullish, bearish, or just realistic

Depends on how strong your will is. If you can hold for years, 1000 Link will be all you'll need.

Looks like a person looking for a 'baseline'. Neither realism nor optimism, just an objective metric to measure performance against.

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Sir user, I know it's extra work for you, but you could you either link me or tell me where to find the info about CME getting on board? Thank you. I will link it back here if you provide.

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