Unironically how do I get over my moral imperative to help people and not fuck them over so that I may become a...

Unironically how do I get over my moral imperative to help people and not fuck them over so that I may become a cutthroat capitalist? My brain won't let me do it. I can't fuck people over in the name of profit.

Attached: large_WOWS_leodicapriofist.jpg (980x551, 158K)

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kys. ure worthless

I know. One day...

You are helping people, your family, or future wife and kids, these worthless npcs deserve to be separated from their money

come towards the light, OP

Attached: 800px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg (800x1013, 315K)

>Hidden hand
What did he mean by this /biz?

This is a meme propagated by literal Soviet and Chicom demoralization propagandists.

To be successful as a capitalist you have to be someone who is able to make many people happy or invest in a product or service that benefits the lives of others

It’s in nobodies nature to fuck over their own kind (unless you are a nigger subhuman). The reason why (((capitalist))) seem to be able to do it so easily is because they are actually not fucking over their own, they are fucking over us.

Never fuck over your own people, only fuck over your enemies. Learn how to out Jew the Jew.

>help people
by being respectful of other peoples' privacy and independence
by not using guilt as leverage
by advocating for your customers

>I can't fuck people over in the name of profit.

This. Trannypol's capitalism fud is fucking pathetic as always.

>it's bad that a CEO's salary is $100 per employee per year
>it's good that the government takes $10,000 from that same employee (+7% of whatever that employee's wage is more from the company he works for in the form of payroll taxes) because "muh roads"

Attached: le ara face.gif (640x360, 439K)