Why does this guy trigger so many people?

Why does this guy trigger so many people?

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Cause nobody wants to slave away for 4 fucking hours every single week

No idea who he is. What's the book about?

he's the guy tai lopez wishes he could be

because he's selling something they desperately want but don't think they can have

Is his advice "write a book about how to escape 9-5 and then sell it to a lot of people"?

Well, I'm pretty sure Jow Forums doesn't actually do any reading so I looked into what the book is about myself.


The writer is a conman who is teaching people to sell air. No different to the founder of Chainlink. People are so poor and desperate in this day and age that they'll basically pay you for hope, which is why this book and scam tokens like LINK, get bought.

That's basically it. He tricked the masses into thinking he's an expert and made a shit ton of money.

Because of the boomer myth that the only way to achieve financial stability is to slave away for Mr. Noseberg 60 hours a week. Maybe 4 hours is too little but you can easily delegate shit and crunch worktime into smaller blocks without a problem. The average office worker spends 20 hours a week looking busy to their bosses that are pretending to be hardasses in front of management or in pointless meetings to pad out the workweek.

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>unable to express his point without obsessing on the 'biz meme' meme again, this time even in a completely off-topic fashion
What's wrong user? Show me where the shirtman touched you

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outsource everything to pajeets
no joke thats the whole fucking book

>scam tokens like LINK

Mainnet is 30th, we are not fudding anymore m8. Check the Discord.

He made his initial money by selling an Alex Jones tier supplement called Brainquicken... then he wrote this book.

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he's a wannabe marketing guru masquerading as a genius scientist and economist to sell books and shit like this

Look at it this way user

Most people don't like possums. Possums eat thousands of ticks per unit in their effective range. Many people however, love having dogs, which often carry disease laden ticks into their own homes.

Most people can't take an hour to read an article on bitcoin or onboard themselves through a simple means, coinbase for example. Most people will again, be buying crypto at the top and will get dumped on - they never learn.

Most people think working 40 hours a week, with no fair vacation, maternal, paternal, or sick leave policy is normal. They actually derive their value to society from believing this is okay and meaningful, to the point that it absolves them of the guilt they should experience for being out of shape and sacrificing a majority of their free time to frivolous consumption in the form of mass media and entertainment.

Most people keep the majority of their wealth in a bank, they willfully allow their hours of their lives to be collectively transmuted into interest that funds the perpetual mass spell being cast to keep them where they belong, in comfortable, placated, illusive bliss.

Most people are hopeless user. That's the dig of being seen as an outsider, outcast, antisocial, quiet, loser, autist, etc. These labels are designed to keep them in fear of being anything but useful to the system that owns their soul and cannibalizes their children through invisible forces.

Because he's a fraud selling an impossible dream to lazy normies. He acts like he is a succesful entrepreneur but he only got famous and started making money because of that shitty book.

He's the ultimate snake oil salesman.

This, unfortunately the shackles of the poor are mostly mental (and are ingrained from very young), and 90% of people will never break those chains. So, many lash out at this because such a stark change would seriously harm their ego.


It is actually sad because most of us who become aware of the nature of this reality will have family and friends who are completely ensnared by the spell. We can only live by example and if you have children, protect their psyche as though your life and the fate of the world depended on it(because it fucking does)

Everyone in my immediate family is like this, chasing new cars, debt, junk food, etc. My dad has nearly $100K in debt even though he has a decent job that pays 30/hr.

If I so much as say the word "investment" he rolls his eyes and pretends to listen. In his eyes, any type of investment is the same as gambling. He's even said it to my face that I'm just gambling my money which is pretty hilarious considering I've gained thousands of dollars while he blows it all watching movies he doesn't even enjoy.

He got rich off his supplement company. Then he wrote 4 Hour Workweek, then he had numerous successful TV shows, now he has one of the biggest podcasts in the world. I don't even know what else he's done, but he is generally successful at whatever he does. The fuck have you done?

This mentality is the boomer installed brain-cancer, the "only path to wealth" is slaving away at some miserable corporate job for decades before you "deserve" to make money.

Itsv the same as when Movie Stars or Singers say follow your dreams. Following his advice is utter nonsense

1 million people could do exact samec thing and only one, out of pure chance will be successful....it's the age old problem of treating the exception as the rule