Americans have to be drug tested during work

>americans have to be drug tested during work

How the fuck do accountancy and legal services work over there if you can't drug yourself 24/7?

Attached: americuntt1.jpg (768x1024, 234K)

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how much link for a girl like that?

about 180 link at current prices

You pay a friend to loan you your pee

They don't test for prescription drugs. Adderal, oxy/codeine, and liquors are given a blind eye mostly.

I honestly feel like giving up at this point and getting some job driving forklifts at a dump and shooting up with black tar heroin.

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You don't understand. Drug tests are only for low peons and shit jobs. Lawyers and accountants can drink in the office and snort all the stripper blow they want as long as the job gets done.

You don't have the right to your body. It's because Healthcare is so expensive and they won't pay for it if you use drugs. Or if you don't, but they like to arbitrarily ban everything. Guns, drugs, driving, food, selling, buying, everything here is illegal or strictly regulated. Wish I lived somewhere like north Korea sometimes. Land of the free my ass. L

I don't know about that but if it's accounting and legal they wont hire you with out enough cocaine in you

Funny enough, NK is the only country in the world where drugs are completely decriminalized.

You might be literally starving to death while your wife is getting gangraped in a labor camp by manlet gookinese guards but at least you can chase the dragon without anyone giving a shit.

it's actually an idiot test since they usually announce it beforehand, just pay a middle schooler to piss for you

From my knowledge they only do major drug tests for hiring. If you're operating machinery or something they'll test you but if it's a legal/accountant firm job you'd be safe to do most drugs after you're hired, I think.

This, we (white collar) dont get drug tested because management and partners do drugs too

>tfw forklift driver
>tfw someone OD's every week

If you can't pass a drug test with fake piss or dilution then your IQ is to low for any job

Based and post-industrial western massachusetts-pilled

I get drug tested randomly but I get a week off and a free pass my first fail

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>How the fuck do accountancy and legal services work

None of the Big4 accounting/consulting companies test for drugs. Very few law firms. I know this first-hand you dipshit.

Anyone has any drug testing tips? Is using fake pee illegal?

Look up the Certo method if you poorfag

Use fake pee, it works for ordinary drug tests.

How the fuck else are you gonna work 22 hour days amirite?

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It's decriminalized in countries like Mexico and Portugal too, but yes North Korea is the only country where all narcotics are LEGAL.

It is to minimize risk so the lords of capital can maximize their investments. Wagies are just numbers. All that drug free bullshit is just that.

I live in the US and have never been drug tested once. Not for my first jobs, or my professional career. Never been drug tested.

No it isn't. Portugal is literally the promised land. No tax on crypto gains either.

As much as I think druggies are disgusting degenerates that should all hang themselves... it's clear that the drug war has been a dismal failure. No matter what you do, you simply cannot intervene in the power of supply and demand. I think we could invest in programs to help the demand portion... but stopping supply is next to impossible.

>chalk up "if only we could be more like Portugal!" as phrases I thought I'd never say

>funeral is just a bunch of dead bodies plastic wrapped together on a pallet that gets lowered into the grave with a forklift

You lie or get a fake cock

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Law firms don’t drug test.

LOL drug tests for accountants? Where the fuck are you getting this shit? Even the crappy temp accounting jobs I've worked never drug tested. I supervise a finance dept now and literally nobody at my company is drug tested, half the fucking company would be gone if they did.

I was tested positive for adderal and all they wanted was the phone number of the pharmacy you got it from so they can confirm. So if you have a prescription, you're good.

>daddy issues
all packed into one

the gas station that i work at is so shit that when i failed my drug test for weed my manager just ripped up the report because he couldn't get any new hires and they would have to shut down if i got fired. the absolute state of this store

They only really test you if they want to fire you for some reason. Not that that's good either.

>just straight up giving them your drug dealer's number
"Yeah, he good on that. I confirm he bought da adderall."