Name one use case that crypto has outside of being western union 2.0. And no...

Name one use case that crypto has outside of being western union 2.0. And no. Money laundering and gambling law circumvention doesn't count.

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Bitcoin is global money and isn't backed by debt. Ethereum is unstoppable code. If you don't see the point of that then you deserve to be left behind

smart contracts.

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When LINK's mainnet is out crypto will finally have real world use.

>clogged by cryptokitties

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its protection against central banks/jews

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A currency that can be held by one custodian- you- as long as you can remember your seed phrase. No need to trust the banks

Increase your gas price then pajeet.

>Money laundering and gambling law circumvention doesn't count
Why not?

you do realize that PoW is destined for centralization right? Bigger blocks will lead to data centers being used. No one will be able to store multi TB block chains. PoS might be better but still doesn't seem like smart contracts are being used for anything. they are old news now. time just keeps ticking on and none of this shit is being adopted.

Smart contracts (unironically not a meme, the tech is just not there yet), a hedge against the financial market/store of value (much like gold), the only money that isn't dictated by a government/company.

wow fucking brilliant, you should tell Vitalik this so he can scale ethereum

>the internet will never scale
>can barely send email
>can barely send a picture
>can barely load a webpage
>can barely download a song
>can barely stream video
>can barely stream 4k to a smartphone
Never bet against disruptive technology dude

MSM spamming Trump trade war against China the past few days

Web Monetization. It could completely eliminate the need for ads on the internet.

What's the use case of a smart contract though?

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Smart contracts is still a somewhat new invention. There are many people who want to use them, but they can't because the underlying platforms aren't sophisticated enough yet.


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Scamming greater fools

Read this if you care enough . But literally most any task that is carried out nowadays by data transferers, admins etc can take the form of a smart contract.

OP is right. If it is such a disruptive tech, one would imagine there would be more threads on Jow Forums to discuss this. However, every blockchain thread that gets posted gets eviscerated.


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"Name one use case that the sun has outside of being responsible for all light of the planet. And no. Giving warmth to animals, and food to plants doesn't count."

Dude you are living under a rock if you don't think of current financial system is going to be replaced with crypto. The next frontier of streaming is money. Imagine your paycheck coming in realtime and your utility bills, etc flowing out during use. This will revolutionize money and can't be done with the current system

crypto is a scam, but this time im selling when i 30x
fuck holding

>gets eviscerated.
by who?
In any case, disruptive tech will ALWAYS get downplayed and dismissed, until it's too late and it changes our lives significantly. Only the few will able to see its value in early stages.


it's only been out like 3 years. how much more time is needed? another 10 years? can't you see this shit is dead?

oh you are right. i don't disagree. but the gov wont let their power be taken away that easily. you will be using federal reserve crypto not bitcoin or eth etc.

read The only people who can currently make use of smart contracts are literal whales. Smart contracts in current have only decreased the cost of trust maybe 100x, not 100 millionx. This is like saying cell phones were useless 3 years after creation because a minute cost 20 dollars and they were too bulky. Adoption always takes time, and especially in this case because it challenges the established financial and world order (talking about crypto in general).

time is something we are all running very short on.

Not sure what you're referring to but literally not an argument. Smart contracts are just one part of the automation revolution. By saying smart contracts are dead, you're saying automation is dead and never coming.

it's all coming. just not in the way you are thinking.

care to explain then?


>by who

go make a thread on Jow Forums about the actual tech

Problem with that is by the time our bureaucratic and incompetent government cares enough about crypto, the established coins/tokens etc will be so far ahead that government won't even be in a position to create something of their own. In any case they won't have much real power to do anything beyond their own borders, crypto is global, it has no country or government. Governments banning it would do almost nothing (see: any time governments have tried to ban new tech).

>Can’t spell “on”

Ooooooo woah woah sweet child of miiiineeeee.

The control the internet locally. The will send troops to sever the undersea cables and shut down the sats with a push of button. china is already doing it. they just let bitcoin go through the firewall because it fucks with the USD and they hate America with a passion. Otherwise it would be blocked there as well. You people seem to think the internet is some magically decentralized mesh network. lol. It aint...

World economy

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The appeal of a smart contract is that you know what code is being run. You can't say the same for all the servers the websites you visit are hosted on.

crypto is a payment system, not a currency. you can do the exact same things with a stablecoin instead of shitcoin n1120

>and shut down the sats with a push of button.
who will? america? we don't live in the 90s unipolar world of american dominance. the govt wouldn't even consider doing something like that now. They wouldn't risk starting WW3 or a civil uprising over bitcoin.

And in any case that's why we have the 2A. Let them try and take our sats or our guns.

In what way is it different? It’s literally apples to apples.

You could create dapps. Dapps are unironically the future of tech

in the end they wont have to. larger blocks will require centralized data centers to store the chain. once it's all in one place. a bomb will accidentally fall out of a bomber flying directly over the data center.

this is not even an argument at this point. you just sound like a nocoiner now.


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>What's the use case of a smart contract though?

This isn't even FUD, this is just ignorance. READ SOMETHING. FUCK

Gold 2.0

Storing your wealth in unseizable unfreezable accounts is HUGE business, just check out the Panama papers.

Bitcoin just needs more time to gain credibility as a store-of-value, and once it does, the big money trying to hide from the big bad gov will come flowing in.